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    I'm not new to HNZ but I don't think it's a good idea to bring back my old characters, so I created Debilitas! Whether you've already met me or not, I used to be The Winterlings along with a few other less interesting characters. For the time being, I only intend to stick to one character...
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    Debilitas Aristide

    Full Name: Debilitas "Bob" Aristide - Birth Date: August 29, 2010 - Current Age: 11 - Basic Appearance: Debilitas is largely deformed. His left eye significantly larger than the other and his irises are larger than they should be, taking up most of his eyes and leaving very little room for the...
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    Debilitas wandered silently down the darkening alleyway, the laces of his untied, oversized boots dragging awkwardly across the dampened pavement. He never been in this particular area before and he had plenty of time to kill. Hell, his dad was coming back today and he didn't really feel like...