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  1. Nalani Kale

    Nalani Sage Baros

    -second post to go here-
  2. Nalani Kale

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate, if similar age
  3. Nalani Kale

    Awaken the Wild

    Nalani was very interested in what Liam had to say, and how his enthusiasm was a relief from the uptight area this seemed to be. It actually made him look sexy. Of course, hearing the name of the child that he would want, if it didn’t scandalize the family, Nalani thought over it for a few...
  4. Nalani Kale

    Awaken the Wild

    While Nalani wasn't really a huge fan of muggle things, she did appreciate their love and the storylines to most. They were fascinating to her. Sadly, she never got into Star Wars or Star Trek. She just did her research to know more about them, before judging for herself. That much she could...
  5. Nalani Kale

    Awaken the Wild

    Despite the fact that Liam said that he was no slave, but an heir, it still sounded the same to her. He was bounded, shackled here. But, at least he seemed sensitive and caring. Nalani couldn't resist smiling at that. It did make her think of all the things she did to her parents. Did they ever...
  6. Nalani Kale

    Nalani Sage Baros

    </SIZE>n a l a n i s a g e b a r o s<i></i> i - l o o k - a t - y o u - a n d - m y - b l o o d - b o i l s - h o t - i - f e e l - m y - t e m p e r a t u r e - r i s e i - w a n t - i t - a l l - g i v e - m e - w h a t - y o u - g o t - t h e r e ' s - h u n g e r - i n - y o u r - e y...
  7. Nalani Kale

    Awaken the Wild

    Excited as they come, Nalani followed the man named Liam up to toward the castle, stopping for a moment to take in the view. Even though it was not huge, Nalani was still in awe with the beauty. Something about castles just lit her soul up. She loved it and wondered if Liam felt the same way...
  8. Nalani Kale

    Awaken the Wild

    Nalani cocked her head slightly to the side, barely making out what the boy was saying. Liam, it was. She placed that in her rather exceptive memory. Though when he said castlel, her eyes shone like stars. She loved visiting old buildings that were like castles! Nalani beamed, excitement ringing...
  9. Nalani Kale

    Awaken the Wild

    Even though Nalani spent a few days in this country, it was still hard to understand the accent. It was one that she could definitely not mimic. She looked the boy up and down, dubbing him as a very handsome lad. Nalani was definitely not disappointed. When asked if she was aware of where she...
  10. Nalani Kale

    Awaken the Wild

    Nalani, the middle child of Keyne and Leilani, loved traveling, especially since her step-mother was mysteriously killed. She was also placed in Ilvermorny instead of Hogwarts New Zealand. She did get the chance to spend some time with her sisters, after her parents made contact again. But...
  11. Nalani Kale

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate, once older