Search results for query: *

  1. A

    Circumstances Insist

    The one flaw in Rory's otherwise brilliant chocolate plan, apart from Aodhan not being allowed in the girl's dormitory (which, it would be weird to have him in there anyway, so that was fine), was that Hayley couldn't come into Gryffindor house with the rest of them. It sucked, and they'd all...
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    Hummin' A Lunar Tune/Cosmic Kid

    Rory was excited to deliver the next rose on her list, and she bounded up the stairs towards the Ravenclaw Tower at a pace that soon had her thighs protesting. But how often would she get to do something like this? A Cheshire grin was already spreading its way across her face, and it only spread...
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    Ride the Line of Balance

    Rory shared some classes with the next guy on her delivery list, and she was kind of curious to actually talk to him. She wondered if he was just as smarmy out of class as he was when he was answering a professor's question, or if he was completely normal. It was completely by chance that she...
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    Know I'm Thinking of You

    Rory had heard stories about the person who she wanted to deliver to next. It was still endlessly funny to her that Hayley had been made a prefect, and she almost envied the fact that her friend got to walk around after dark without getting in trouble when she was doing rounds. Almost. Rory had...
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    Chase the Clouds Away

    Once Rory had delivered her first rose, she knew there was no point leaving the Great Hall just yet. Any smart deliverer knew to make a round of all the tables before heading out to hunt in the rest of the castle. As usual, Rory's method consisted of marching down each of the two outside aisles...
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    It's Your Heart That Holds Your Fate

    There was an ever-growing list of horrifying things that Rory had come to realise during her fifth year at Hogwarts, and the latest thing happened to be that the all of the older students, who she'd ignored for most of her school life, were now just about the only people whose names Rory could...
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    Macron Use on the Board

    This suggestion may be futile due to programming logic beyond my understanding, but I was wondering if it was at all possible to allow macronised letters (specfically vowels) to be used on the board? I gather it's an issue with bbcode itself, but if there were any little black magic ways of...
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    A Drone is All There is to Hear

    The night following the boggart incident (x) (x) Rory was supposed to be in the Hospital Wing for observation overnight, but there was no way she could do that. She had felt the calming drought beginning to wear off and, although she didn't return to her previous hysterical state of beginning...
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    Never Seen You Like This

    Continued from here. Rory had... never been in the hospital wing before. As she lay staring up at the ceiling of the bed she'd been gently pushed onto, she couldn't think why this was. Hadn't it been her mission when she was younger to explore every little place this castle had to offer? It had...
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    Is This Not the Excitement You Desired?

    [adminapproval=30460615]Rory had been feeling the urge lately, the one that always began with a niggling at the back of her skull and then slowly crept its way forward until it soaked itself into every corner of her brain. It wasn't a screaming sort of urge, it never had been. Sometimes she just...
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    Moon Throws Seven Rings

    Not for the first time, Rory wondered why the tables in the Great Hall were so long. She'd been up and around the Slytherin one for a while now, and if this guy didn't show up soon she was going to be severely annoyed. She'd already made a trek down to the dungeons today and she didn't want to...
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    The Stars Crackle in Fire

    Taking stock of her next couple of deliveries, Rory figured she may as well just camp out by the Slytherin table until she had found both of the people she was searching for. It wasn't a particularly pleasing idea without Hayley around to pass the time with. Rory hoped these people would be easy...
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    Just Winners and Losers

    It had only taken three years, but finally the time had come when Rory actually knew one of the people she was supposed to be delivering a rose to. It was an odd notion, not having to yell someone's name at regular intervals as she trekked her way along the castle corridors. Flavio must be on...
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    Bicycle Spokes Spin 'Round

    It had become inevitable that, at some point during the day, Rory would have to stop what felt like a million people to see if they knew one of the people on her list. She had more roses to deliver this year than usual and so she was beginning to feel more restless to get them all done...
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    Catch a Smile

    Having never heard of the person who was next on her list, Rory figured that her best chance of finding them was the tried and true method she'd employed in previous years - randomly calling out in crowded spaces to try and bring the person to her. "Aminia Macksimov! Hello! Are you around? Does...
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    Better Days with a Girl Like You

    After a quick investigation using any nearby students she could con into helping her, Rory ascertained that her next target was an older Hufflepuff girl and she set off for that house's table with a grin. If she didn't manage to find who she was looking for, she could just wrangle her sister...
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    He Rides With Me From Town to Town

    Once Rory had been given all her roses to deliver (and she was done making agonised faces at the increased number of them) she felt ready to start with someone that should be relatively easy - namely, a kid in the year below her. She'd seen him around, in that vague fellow-Gryffindor sense, and...
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    Impulsive, But With Love

    With a couple of spare days left in her mid-year school break, Rory was finding it hard to find things to do around the house that would keep her entertained. She had already burned through most of the activity-based things she'd been given for Christmas - and most of the chocolate - and now she...
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    A Fruitless Endeavour

    Rory stalked back and forth along the corridor, looking for any sign of an entrance to the Hufflepuff Common Room. Her own entrance was a portrait, while Hayley's was just a bare stretch of wall - she really could be looking for anything, but Sophia was remaining really close-lipped about it...
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    That's What You Get

    Jumping down the last few steps of the staircase, Rory landed on the floor of the Entrance Hall with both feet creating a pronounced slap. "But what are we doing guys. This day isn't even halfway over and I'm already getting bored." She turned to look at each of her three friends, giving each of...