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  1. S


    She thought about her answer for a split second. It would be kind of hard to explain that she really didn't have a home to go to, or leave, for that matter. She supposed she could call the place she went to during the summer, "home." "Not really," she said, deciding to be honest, but hide most...
  2. S


    She flushed greatly, tucking her hands into the pockets of her hoodie in an abashed kind of way. She realized the intent of Harriet getting out of there, and it made her very uncomfortable. She wasn't like that anymore. She had control over her magic...although, the other day, when she had made...
  3. S


    "Yeah, yeah. I didn't die or anything. It was just on fire. It didn't burn," Sam said quickly, knowing that probably didn't make a lot of sense. The fire had been magical, no matter how cliche that sounded. "I dunno," she said, pondering about that bus in the top level of the hospital. She...
  4. S


    "I set the cat on fire first," she mumbled in an embaressed kind of way, but still hinting a mischeivous smile at tugging at the corners of her mouth. Not only the cat, but several, actually. They ran around the grounds frightened out of their wits, set on fire. Oddly enough, they didn't burn...
  5. S


    "Yup," she said bluntly. She tried to push the thoughts of her father away from her mind, only talking about and not thinking about his wild, messy brown hair, or the way he had played those Lord of the Rings games with her, he being the Nazgul, while she played Aeowyn, slaying him with her...
  6. S


    "I never knew my Mum," she said quietly. Not sadly, or in any way sympathetic of herself, but just very blunt, very quiet. "She died when I was born. It was just me and my Dad after that."
  7. S


    "I had no idea until I...I got the letter," she stated quietly. "And then I figured out that my Mum had been a witch. It was really bizzare." She walked along quietly beside them, listening idly to their conversation while her mind was actually somewhere far, far away...
  8. S


    "Me too," Sam said, finally making eye contact with the Hufflepuff girl. She looked genuinely surprised. As far as she had known, she hadn't met anyone who was like her in the sense of being oblivious to this magical world at all. Of course, Sam wasn't a Muggleborn (half-blood was more like it)...
  9. S


    "It's definately...different," Sam said as they began walking down the corridor at a leisurely pace. It was true, really. She had been completely unaware of her magical ancestry until she had gotten that visit from the Headmistress of this school nearly two months ago. This whole magical world...
  10. S


    "Erm...okay?" Sam said a little tentatively. She stood up, putting her crumpled piece of paper into her pocket carefully. She didn't make eye contact quite yet. She couldn't quite understand why this girl would want to talk to her at all. People didn't talk to her most of the time. They never...
  11. S


    "Erm...Hi. Yeah. I'm fine," she stated, crumpling up the piece of paper further, not wishing to show them what she had been drawing (which was nothing truly bad, really, but she still didn't want them to see it.) It was true, nothing was wrong. Well, nothing was out of the ordinary, to be quite...
  12. S


    Sam's head jerked up. Her hand instinctively crumpled up the piece of paper that she was drawing upon. She looked up, her hand flying up to her forehead, but it was fine. Her hat was keeping her bangs in perfect place, obscuring her forehead. There, before her, were two girls. One was in her...
  13. S


    Yes, the corridor was unnaturally quiet. It sounded as though no one had been through this area of the castle for quite some time. Of course, that wasn't true. Because someone was sitting in the corridor right then. Sam was simply sitting there, with her eyes closed, her cap pulled over her...
  14. S

    Deep thought...

    Sam finally had the sense to look up and saw that Belle's face was flaming red. She suddenly felt terrible. She was so bad at socializing! She had made an innapropriate comment at the worst time imaginable. Her usually pale face flushed with some slight color. "Well, I'll...leave you to your...
  15. S

    Deep thought...

    She shrugged, unknowing to Belle's uncomfortable nature at the moment, looking away, her bangs swaying over one eye. She didn't bother moving it. It could reveal her forehead - and that was the last thing she wanted. "I dunno, it just seemed like you were waiting for him, or something," she...
  16. S

    Deep thought...

    "Erm...not yet," Sam said, scuffing her foot uncomfortably. The girl was obviously waiting for this boy to come up to the tower. She didn't feel like intruding on whatever they wanted to be alone about. "Um...if you want to be alone, I'll leave," she said a little bluntly.
  17. S

    Deep thought...

    Sam quietly walked in, her head bowed. She had that hat upon her head again. She kept it on as much as possible. It restricted the movement of her side bangs, which was preferable. She didn't notice the other girl quite yet. Instead, she walked behind her quietly, and to a window on the other...
  18. S

    Samantha Stella Thatch

    {B a s i c s} [Name:] Samantha ("Sam") Stella Thatch [School Attended/Attending:] Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. [(If Hogwarts) House:] Gryffindor (Oh, yes. Be jealous. ^^) [Blood Status:] Half-Blood. [A p p e a r a n c e} [Hair (color, length etc.):] Her hair is a dark brown. It's...
  19. S


    New Zealanders: I have two reports due on Friday, as well as a presentation and a test, and, next week (oh joy) I have finals. Eight tests. And I'm just a tad behind on my school work (Note the complete and utter sarcasm). And just to give you an idea of the amount of my workload, I haven't...
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    Opaleye Assault IV

    {ooc: Agreed.