Search results for query: *

  1. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed All's Fair

    The issue wasn’t that she wanted to leave, it was more that she felt like she had to. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to explain that to her friends though who all probably felt like she was skipping out on them mostly because she could have said no, and she didn’t. How could she say no...
  2. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed You were good!

    Tori was both glad and sad she’d lost her duel. Mostly she was glad it was over because she felt like it had taken a lot out of her, but she’d certainly learned a lot, definitely enough to take her into next year with something to think about at least and she hoped she could learn somethings in...
  3. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed Ultimate Decisions

    She’d been thinking about it for some time and now that she’d spoken both to Jasper and to Professor Cade about it, she felt like it was the right time to tell her friends. She hadn’t meant to tell Jasper first, she would have prefered to tell all of her friends together, but, sometimes things...
  4. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed Unexpected

    Tori wouldn't admit it to anyone if they asked, but she was kind of excited about the Yule ball this time around. Well, it wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed attending last year with Nox, because she had, but she was specifically excited that he had asked her. He could have asked anyone, and he'd...
  5. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed That Witch

    The Hospital Wing had managed to fix her up really quickly, which she wasn't surprised about at all as it was the beauty of magic, so her hand was only wrapped in a bandage more to held keep it tight and to remind her not to be stupid than it was to actually help heal it. But she was still...
  6. Victoria de Lacey

    Open wicked

    Tori couldn't believe it. Honestly, of all the things for Demi to do, she didn't understand why she hated her. She didn't even care, because this was the reason right here why Tori had never liked Demi from the first moment. It had been a couple of days since she'd found out what she'd done, and...
  7. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed two birds

    "Okay, so who is Nicolas Flamel and what was he famous for?" Tori asked, raising an eyebrow at him. She liked her little study sessions with Eoghan because it got her to actually focus. She hated having to read textbooks and get the answers like this but Eoghan was good at pressuring her to pay...
  8. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed Getting in the Christmas Spirit

    Though Christmas was still over a month away, Tori had plans. She had gifts to get for her friends and she hadn't been able to get what she wanted over the break. Now she had more of an idea and honestly she'd wanted to see what the dynamics were for everything before she considered getting them...
  9. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed one two where are you

    Tori walked into the Great hall, she was waiting for Nox and so she leaned against the wall at the entrance. She didn't really know who he was dressed at so she was trying to keep a look out for him. She hoped if he was wearing a mask he would remind himself to keep an eye out for her since she...
  10. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed into the thick of it

    *For setting and Context, this is the night of sorting. It had been surprisingly simple to convince her roommates to go to the Forbidden Forest with her, Esme and Kiera seemed to be just as interested in finding out what the big idea of it all was as much as she did and she didn't see why they...
  11. Victoria de Lacey

    Open Is Jasper here?

    Tori had to sometimes wonder if the reason she could never pin Jasper down was because he liked the thought of being chased through the castle. He was never where he was supposed to be so she wasn't even sure he had a list of preferred places to frequent. Not like if she was looking for Eoghan...
  12. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed a quiet corner of chaos

    Tori sat at a small table tucked into the nearby window, her quill tapping against the edge of her parchment in an uneven rhythm. A scattered mess of books, notes and half-doodled diagrams spilled across the table, giving the distinct impression of someone overwhelmed. She let out a small groan...
  13. Victoria de Lacey

    Open running hot

    Tori didn't feel very well, though she couldn't pin point exactly what was wrong. It wasn't even really a proper feeling, she just felt sort of strange, not quite right. Her joints didn't feel like they were where they were supposed to be, they weren't jointing properly. Her skin felt slightly...
  14. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed you're my favourite

    Tori tugged her mum out into the hall, waiting desperately for Rory to come and find them. She was so excited that he was graduating, and a little bit sad. She was so glad she'd had him for her first year, but she wished she would have him for the rest of her years at Hogwarts too. She could...
  15. Victoria de Lacey

    An answer to a question

    Tori had been thinking about it for a while, but she hadn't really know quite how to ask the question. Maybe she was alone in this, but she still wasn't sure she quite understood how, or even why Astronomy was considered to be a form of magic, or even if it was? Why were they learning about the...
  16. Victoria de Lacey

    Open aftershocks

    All she'd wanted to do was to study, but apparently she couldn't even do that right. She hated textbooks, she didn't want to have to use them for studying too, but apparently a game with truth or dare wasn't the right way to go about it either. She grumbled as she slipped her bag off of her back...
  17. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed truth or dare?

    Tori drops onto the circle of pillows she's laid out in the lounge, tapping her notebook with her pencil. "Okay, I'm going to pick truth and one of you has to ask me a question," she points around the room and raises an eyebrow for which brave soul is going to do it. She tosses her wand up in...
  18. Victoria de Lacey

    Closed unbelievable

    Tori walked past a boy shouting into the sun, bit weird, but okay.
  19. Victoria de Lacey

    Character Interview with Victoria de Lacey

    Important information! A/N: Interview conducted 11th November, 2063 Victoria de Lacey is currently a Second Year Gryffindor She is 12 years old personal what is your real, birth name? what name do you use? “Uhm. My birth name, my real one is the same as the name I've always had which is...
  20. Victoria de Lacey

    and he mentioned you by name

    Tori was curious about a lot of things, but none moreso than what the woman she was about to see might know about her dad. He never spoke a lot about what school was like for him, though she remembers the one time she heard him talk about it, he'd mentioned her current professor by name - she...