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  1. Magne Kleos

    Open On the Lookout

    Magne liked dances a whole lot. They were just really really fun to him. He liked being able to just hang out with friends, eat some good snacks and have a good time. It was just always fun. He had put on most of a suit, he didn't really have a full suit, but he was close enough to it. He headed...
  2. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Peachy Clean

    Pink rose for @William Potter-Cade There was one last person on his list and he'd been told the person was at the quidditch pitch. There were a couple of people mingling around. he wasn't sure which this person was. "William Potter-Cade!" he called out a few times hoping he'd be able to catch...
  3. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Streamadelic

    Yellow rose for @Thomas Fitzgerald Magne hadn't had a conversation with the next guy on his list, but he knew him at least. He had come to the fourth floor and was trying to see if he could spot him in the common room whenever the door open. "Thomas Fitzgerald!" he called out.
  4. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Cold Green

    Yellow Rose for @Galaxias Magne wasn't sure how he was supposed to deliver this rose. The person wasn't a kid at the school, and not a professor. He was at the lake with his feet in the water, maybe he was supposed to just toss the rose in. He didn't have his diving equipment so he could go no...
  5. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Roses

    Yellow rose for @June Davenport magne had been told that this person was in the prefect's common room, a place he could not access. He went to it, and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer to be able to find out if the person he was looking for was actually there.
  6. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunrose

    Red rose for @Eurydice Nightray Magne wasn't sure he believe that he'd find anyone in the duelling chamber, but this was where he'd been told he would find this person and there was, when he stepped in exactly one person in the room. "Hey, are you Eurydice?" unknowing slipping a little into...
  7. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Alderheart

    Yellow Rose for @Camille Carter Magne had smiled at the next person he needed to find. He hadn't spoken to Camille in a bit, and was more than willing to find her and give her the rose that she deserved. He found her at the hufflepuff table and ventured eagerly over to her. "Camille! I have...
  8. Magne Kleos

    Open friendly dances

    open after jess posts with tanith Magne loved the dances, he loved the occasions to go out and have some fun, the opportunities to just dance with friends and be able to just have a good time. He liked being able to just have fun. The school for all it's good things could get pretty dry when...
  9. Magne Kleos

    Closed Rats To Rabbits

    Magne had paired up with Tanith, he hadn't spent a lot of time with the other girl, and was happy to pair up with her and just have a go at the spell with her. "I think the abandoned classroom is a good place to do it," he said, at the very least it would ensure they wouldn't lose the rats...
  10. Magne Kleos

    Open Buried Treasure

    Despite now being a third year, and knowing what halloween was about, Magne hadn't really thought ahead to ensure he had a costume for the celebration, but he'd just taken the usual sailor outfit that he wore, added a made eye patch and a fake map and he could pretend to be a pirate looking for...
  11. Magne Kleos

    Open Not Quite A Lake Party

    Magne walked into the great hall, and was very eager for the dance. He liked that the dances were so important to people, that people put in a lot of effort. He had put more in that the year before, wearing, this time an actual suit, though it was a little big for him, and seemed a little old...
  12. Magne Kleos

    Open Sailing Away

    Magne had gone for a rather normal costume, he wanted to participate a little more in the celebrations which the school was having. But it was pretty difficult for him to do so, he hadn't preplanned anything, and perhaps that had been his mistake, but he'd found a stripey top that he could wear...
  13. Magne Kleos

    Open Heard There's A Giant Thing In There

    After his first year at the school, Magne had found out that there was supposedly some massive creature within the lake. He had been keen to figure out how true this was. He'd spoken to his mother who had said it was possible, depending on the size of the lake, and reminded him about magic and...
  14. Magne Kleos

    Closed Can I Join You?

    Magne was enjoying being back at school and reconnecting with all of the friends that he had made. Though there was one he hadn't yet managed to reconnect with. He decided for lunch that he would go find her. He didn't want her to think he didn't want to be friends, so it was important to him to...
  15. Magne Kleos

    Closed The Cold Doesn't Bother Me

    Magne had enjoyed being back with his parents and on the boat, but it had made him miss the water, miss it when he was far from it. Made him miss how good being on the open sea could be. So it was unsurprising that the fact he couldn't be on it while at school, make him miss it so much he went...
  16. Magne Kleos

    Open Ready to Party

    Finding all of the people for the rose giving had been hard, so with it over and the dance underway, Magne was very eager to just have some fun. he didn't want to think about anything other than just having fun. He got to the dance and was trying to decide how to start. he knew he could just go...
  17. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving For a friend with an understanding heart is worth no less than a brother

    Magne had one last rose to give, and he knew this person, after all, she had been one of the organisers of this rose giving. He had been instructed that he'd find her at the arts room, rather than the rose garden, as everyone had their roses which they were handing out. "Marnie?" he called out...
  18. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Let this be added to the tale of those.

    Magne wasn't sure how to pronounce this name much either, but someone had shown him, and he was stumbling over it each time. But he had been guided to the second floor and stopped a boy just before he entered the prefect common room. "Are you Demetrius?" he asked.
  19. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving I have seen worse sights than this.

    Magne was really struggling. It was proving difficult on all fronts for him to do this, and he somewhat wished that Valerius was at his side, though he knew it wasn't worth the other boy's time. He had signed up for this, this was his doing. The ravenclaw was asking everyone he crossed, "Do know...
  20. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving And empty words are evil

    Magne had no idea how to say the next name, neither the first or the surname. He was staring at it and had to point to it on his list to get people to understand it. But he found where he needed to be, outside the gryffindor common room. He glanced at the entrance and was just waiting for...