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  1. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Brotherly Bonding

    Amodeus was having a good day. He was curled up in a corner of the student lounge, a complex coloring book in front of him and his favorite coloring pens spread out in a rainbow over the table. He hummed happily to himself, working on a multi-faceted stained glass piece, he'd been working on it...
  2. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Are You Really Surprised?

    Amodeus wasn't sure how he kept getting into these messes. Well, maybe he was a little aware of why. Balance issues and climbing trees was usually a bad idea. He'd just wanted to see if there were any old bird nests in the branches, maybe some lost, pretty feathers. He sighed. It had been a good...
  3. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Lost

    Amodeus wasn't usually supposed to go out alone. But he was fourteen now! Surely he should be allowed out by himself. He'd gotten his allowance, a nice sweater, and headed out to explore. The only problem was that now he was lost. He'd wondered for about an hour and he wasn't sure where he was...
  4. Amodeus Jones

    Time For a Wedding

    So! Nooot sure I’ll be “gone” but I may be fairly preoccupied for the next week or so. Traveling from Colorado up to Montana to visit for my baby sisters wedding. Should be fun! As always available on discord so no one can really miss me 😋 will post where I can!
  5. Amodeus Jones

    Closed New Friends

    Amodeus loved going to the park- even if he didn't always have friends with him. It was a beautiful day out, and he was sitting by himself under a tree, sitting perfectly still, just looking up and watching the sunlight dancing through the leaves. It was enough to keep his attention- though that...
  6. Amodeus Jones


    So! I have some news. I just started work at this hotel early december. It started out great. But it's slowly gotten worse and worse and after switching to the morning shifts its gotten so bad I just can't handle it here anymore. The boss is super toxic and abusive and so I'm on my last few...
  7. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Downtime

    Amodeus was bored, and decided that meant he wanted to spend time with Lucy. He hadn't seen her nearly enough lately. But that presented a new problem- he didn't know where she was. It was sometimes harder than he thought it should be to find his friends in this massive castle. So he decided on...
  8. Amodeus Jones

    Closed New Developments

    -set in week three- The semester had been going by quickly, but time was never really a thing for Amodeus. He just lived in the day, trying to enjoy his life and everything going on in it. He was never one to worry- it just wasn't in his nature. Still, he could tell when other people were...
  9. Amodeus Jones

    Plot Idea!

    I've had a brilliant thought: Her name, Mystic Rain, her vibes: What she needs: A gaggle of children! Teenagers! Adults! Any lost and lonely soul (perhaps a few she picks up that aren't necessarily happy to have been adopted by this weird, vibrant woman). And lots of them- a big house...
  10. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Obvious Signs

    Amodeus always felt better after a trip to the Hospital Wing, if not a bit silly. He'd just been released after having fallen down the stairs again, and was walking out into the hall, his mind already a million miles away. There was just always so much to look at in a castle this big. Some...
  11. Amodeus Jones

    Closed A Regular Thing

    Amodeus was sitting in the hospital wing- again. He'd forgotten to tie his shoes, had been watching a bird that had gotten into the castle, and had tripped down half a flight of stairs. His nose was bleeding, his lip was busted, and he felt a bit bruised, but it wasn't all that bad really. He...
  12. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Knighted

    Amodeus was excited to be spending more time with Lucy. She was a really cool girl, and he was eager to continue with their game. He hurried down to the arts room, and seeing he was the first one there, he gathered up all of the supplies they needed. Still not seeing Lucy anywhere, Amodeus...
  13. Amodeus Jones

    Open It's a Tea Party!

    ((Open after Maria posts with Marley)) Amodeus loved spending time with Marley, especially when it gave him an opportunity to bring Caramel and have him play with his sister. He was in the student lounge now with Marley, their tea party all set up and their cats playing toether. He was sitting...
  14. Amodeus Jones

    Amodeus Jones

    Amodeus Jones Birthday: September 23, 2048 Astrological Sign: Libra Hair Color/Length: Sandy blond, Jaw length Eyes: Blue Face: Soft Square Clothing Style: Amodeus likes anything comfortable or soft to the touch Favorites: Food: Spagetti Dessert: Ice Cream Animals: Cats Drink...
  15. Amodeus Jones

    Closed When Three Becomes Four

    Amodeus was settling into school easily. He had Marley, of course, and now he had Teddy, too! He was lucky to have two of the best friends to ever exist. Amodeus was hanging out with Teddy now in the courtyard, happily sitting on the front steps and blowing bubbles. Marley was supposed to join...
  16. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Making Friends

    Amodeus skipped down to the Great Hall. Teddy was still asleep, but that was alright, he would be down eventually. Amodeus wasn't going to make Teddy get up just because he was. He sat at the table, forgetting he was still in his pajamas. His mouth watered at all the food. He made a soft 'ooh'...
  17. Amodeus Jones

    Closed Window Watching

    Of everywhere he found, Amodeus liked the student lounge especially. It was comfy, all his friends could be there, and it had the best views from the windows. After breakfast, he skipped up to the student lounge, humming happily. He smiled as he walked in, before moving over to the window. He...
  18. Amodeus Jones

    Open Exploring

    Amodeus couldn't be more excited to be here at the school, and during his exploring he found a new room. It was absolutely amazing! There were instruments and easels and paints everywhere! He was running through the room, giggling and picking up all the different things to look them over. This...
  19. Amodeus Jones

    My Turn! (Edited)

    Hey guys! I'm looking for some plot things. Ofc I'm open to anything but here's what I'm looking to do more with. Holly Cromwell: Holly is somewhat new, 31. She's a single mom recently moved to New York and fresh out of a bad relationship, trying to make a better life for herself and her unborn...
  20. Amodeus Jones

    Closed When Two Turns into Three

    Amodeus was having a great time, loving exploring the castle and meeting all sorts of new people. He even had another best friend already! He hummed happily as he moved through the castle. His eyes lit up as he found a new room, one that looked super comfortable! He skipped in, falling into a...