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  1. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Skipping the Dance

    Zaros was never really one for dances. There were just so many people, and so much noise. He'd decided that instead, he would just spend some time on his own, and after a bit of wandering he found a nice window to curl up in. He was just watching the stars, imagining that he could hear some soft...
  2. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Speechless

    Zaros wasn't the best at these sorts of things. But he'd been doing okay talking to Hazel, he thought, so maybe it was time to try these dances a bit more seriously. He didn't have a date- he'd tried to pluck up the courage to ask Hazel, but even just as friends he wasn't very good at these...
  3. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed On The Fringes

    Zaros had taken to exploring the castle a bit more, feeling lost if he didn't keep moving. He was humming, and after an hour or two in his wandering, he found himself by the forest. Zaros was hesitant, not quite ready to foray into the depths of the trees just yet. He didn't want to circle back...
  4. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pen Pal Program

    Zaros was struggling with trying to make and keep friends at the school- it wasn't that he didn't want to, he was just so awkward. So, after giving it some thought, he'd decided to try something new. He'd gotten his assignment for a pen pal program, and he was a little nervous about the first...
  5. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Uncertain

    Zaros felt out of place. He knew he looked mean, but he couldn't help it that his face was just... offputting. He sighed and walked into the dance, running a hand through his hair. He wasn't sure how to dress up, he was sure he didn't have the right look for the event. He chewed on his lip and...
  6. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Long Walks

    If there was one habit Zaros kept in this new environment, it was long walks by himself. He had a few... sort of friends, he supposed, of people he would speak to, but no one that he had really clicked with. He was hoping to change that, though, even if he wasn't entirely sure how to. For now...
  7. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed In the Sunshine

    Zaros wasn't the best ever at making friends. He'd been trying, but most people seemed to take offense to him somehow when he was trying to make normal conversation. Tired of reaching out for the day, he'd just grabbed a book and headed outside, finding a spot in the courtyard that was shady yet...
  8. Zaros Lodowick

    Zaros Lodowick

    Zaros Lodowick Birthday: November 11, 2049 Astrological Sign: Scorpio Hair Color/Length: Short, pale blond Eyes: Silvery Blue Face: Strong, sharp oval Clothing Style: Zaros likes to look well put together Favorites: Food: Potato Soup Dessert: Angel Food Cake Animals: Sloth Drink: Milk...