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  1. Zerrin Fergusson

    Wild Patch Members y48

    💮 King and Queen of Flowers 💮 Zerrin Fergusson Ruto Vernier-Raison 🌻 Seventh Years 🌻 Conan Burke Remy Forrester 🌻 Sixth Years 🌻 Georgia Astor Niall Corvus Ralph Easterling Hinata Edogawa Fraser Fergusson Nevaeh O Ruairc Bailey Walden-Cade 🌻 Fifth Years 🌻 Callie Cardoso Lucy Montague Ten...
  2. Zerrin Fergusson

    Open Making an Appearance

    Zerrin wasn't really sure he even wanted to come to the dance tonight, but he had to tonight. He was the head boy, he couldn't just miss the Yule Ball. It was the biggest event of the year! Sighing, he slipped into a suit before walking down to the ball. He didn't have a date, or a plan, so he...
  3. Zerrin Fergusson

    Closed Full Grown Up Conversations

    Zerrin needed a distraction. He really did. And while he loved his letters to his family, there were just times when he wanted to talk to not family people. And seeing as how his original plan to annoy the heck out of Gregory this year had been derailed with absolutely no warning (he wasn't...
  4. Zerrin Fergusson

    Open Not So Bad

    Zerrin was still recovering from splinching in apparition- he'd been bandaged and wrapped and left to rest. He just hoped Fraser didn't hear about it- he didn't want his brother to worry. Zerrin was sitting in one of the beds, leaning back against the wall and just resting. He'd lost a good bit...
  5. Zerrin Fergusson

    Closed Lost in Thought

    Zerrin was thinking over everything- life in general, his friends, his family. He felt like he had both so much and yet so little, and hoenstly he was feeling a little left out and lonely. He was used to that feeling, it was one he'd had often growing up. He loved his mother, dearly, more than...
  6. Zerrin Fergusson

    Zerrin Fergusson

    Zerrin Fergusson Date of Birth: February 24, 2046 Astrological Sign: Pisces House Astrology Hair Color/Length: Jaw length, Jet black hair Eyes: Grey Face: Strong oval Height: Five foot (1.524 meters) Clothing Style: Zerrin likes to wear comfortable clothes, usually jeans and a t-shirt...
  7. Zerrin Fergusson

    Closed Arts and Crafts

    Zerrin was getting more in touch with his creative side. He was working on scrapbooking more- with his sisters growing so fast, and his life at school, he felt like he needed to take a lot of photos to keep up with it all. He wanted to be able to look back on this, to remember his childhood, to...
  8. Zerrin Fergusson

    🌹 Rose Giving Roomies

    Zerrin was pleased to see the last name on his list. This entire thing had gone great. He moved to the Great Hall, since it was lunch time. He found his roommate easily, stealing the seat next to him. "So, Ezra, you are my last delivery," He smiled at the boy, offering out the yellow rose with...
  9. Zerrin Fergusson

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunny Smiles

    Zerrin was having a great time with his rose deliveries. The yearbook, while being a great idea, hadn't been completely necessary, as he knew most of the names on his list. Like one of the Hufflepuff Chasers. He was lucky, running into Leonardo in the Great Hall on his way back from the...
  10. Zerrin Fergusson

    🌹 Rose Giving Blushing Snakes

    While Zerrin didn't know the next name on his list, that was alright. He'd picked up a copy of the yearbook before doing deliveries, and it had shown him that his next target was a Slytherin in the year above. He'd decided to hit the dungeons first, and it was proving to be a good decision...
  11. Zerrin Fergusson

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunny Badgers

    This list was easier than he'd thought it would be. He recognized the next name on his list as well, an older girl that ran the history club. He went back to the common room, smiling and pleased to see her there. "Hey, excuse me, Aine?" He asked, walking up to her with a friendly smile.
  12. Zerrin Fergusson

    🌹 Rose Giving A Golden Goose

    Well, this was going easier than Zerrin had thought it would. He knew the second name on his list too, and he only had to wonder down the hall. Luck was on his side, especially as he spotted his classmate right away. "Max, hey, wait up!" He called, jogging to catch the boy.
  13. Zerrin Fergusson

    🌹 Rose Giving Among the Clouds

    Zerrin knew the first name on his list, so he'd set off towards the Ravenclaw tower to find him. He smiled softly when he spotted the boy, jogging over. "Hey, Dorian, wait up." He called easily.
  14. Zerrin Fergusson

    Closed Big Brothers

    It was a small break, sure. And his parents were sitting on a bench nearby, chatting and having coffee. But he and Fraser had the girls, and they were busy playing with them. "Such a pretty girl," He cooed, helping Holly to stand in his lap. She had her little hands wrapped around his fingers...
  15. Zerrin Fergusson

    Closed New Styles

    Despite just being back, Zerrin liked to flip through his text books and just get a feel for the classes that year. It was a little boring, sure, but he wanted at least somewhat decent grades. He twirled his pencil idly between his fingers, suppressing a yawn as he flipped the page in his text...
  16. Zerrin Fergusson

    Closed For the First Time

    Zerrin was excited for his first event- he'd been an idiot and missed the Halloween celebration completely- and he'd invited Silas to come with him. Zerrin was bouncing in front of the doors as he waited, fidgeting with his tie. His parents had made sure to get him something nice to wear in case...
  17. Zerrin Fergusson

    Open First Years Party: Meet and Greet

    -open after Quinn posts with Silas- Zerrin was excited for this. He'd gotten his parents to send him plenty of supplies he didn't have. Balloons, streamers, his mothers recipes for biscuits. He'd spent all morning dragging Silas around, baking dozens upon dozens of biscuits, before going to the...
  18. Zerrin Fergusson

    Closed Besties

    Zerrin was on his way to the dorms, thinking a quick nap would do him some good. He'd had a long morning. Granted it had been a good morning, but it was long all the same. He quickly changed his mind, however, when he spotted one of his dorm mates walking down the hall in the other direction...