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  1. Isadora Novak

    Closed A Little Shop

    Isadora was sad. She felt like she had missed the train to Hogwarts, like she should be there with Margo and Cameron, like there had been a big mistake. But no, they had graduated. They all had, and now... now they had to do something else. Isadora had gone home to her parents only once and had...
  2. Isadora Novak

    Closed A Brief Interruption, a Slight Malfunction

    Isadora couldn't quite believe this was her final yule ball ever. She had poured herself a drink and took in the great hall. So many of the dancing kids looked quite young to her now, was she really getting old? She wasn't ready to be an adult yet. She sighed, took a deep sip of her drink, then...
  3. Isadora Novak

    Closed Would You Have Me?

    Isadora had been very angry at Cameron for a very long time. She was good at keeping grudges. But now, months after their fight, even her fire was running out. She no longer felt rage when she looked at him, just a distant sadness. She wanted to go back to being friends, for Margo's sake as well...
  4. Isadora Novak

    Closed Breaking Down

    Set after this thread Isadora had tried to lock away her feelings about Cameron after the feast. She didn't want to be seen crying by her roommates, or really anyone in Gryffindor. The next day, she sought out Margo. She was the only person Isadora needed right now, the only one who might...
  5. Isadora Novak

    Closed My Winless Fight

    Set right after the start of year feast The start of year feast had been fine, it hadn't been bad at all. Still, Isadora felt antsy and frustrated. She had enjoyed talking to her classmates again, but it felt different and she was mad about it. She had also noticed Cameron looking at her from...
  6. Isadora Novak

    Open I Play It Back

    Open after Marijke posts with Kiara Settling back at Hogwarts had been less easy than Isadora had expected. She felt right at home again, but everything had changed just slightly. It seemed like everyone around her had gotten a prefect badge over break, and Isadora felt just slightly distant...
  7. Isadora Novak

    Closed All the Beautiful Times

    Being back in New Zealand was weird. Nice, but weird. Isadora kept putting on clothes that were too thick for the weather, and she had found some of her mother’s Hungarian accent slipping into her own words, though she was pretty sure she had gotten rid of that already. She hated being like her...
  8. Isadora Novak

    Closed The Very Worst News

    Isadora felt completely numb. She felt vaguely like she should be crying, but no tears had come. Instead, a sort of haze had settled over her, making everything seem muted and distant ever since she read the letter her parents had sent her. It had been a normal letter, but it had informed...
  9. Isadora Novak

    Closed Aim and Throw

    Isadora never properly cleaned out her trunk or schoolbag, it wasn't something that really mattered to her, and she could usually think of more fun ways to spend her time. But that did mean that in the bottom of her bag were a bunch of old papers from the last two school years she no longer...
  10. Isadora Novak

    Closed Dangerous but Fun

    It was easy to see why the cliffs were out of bounds for students, as they were very dangerous, but Isadora couldn't help herself, this spot at the top of the cliffs was one of her favorite parts of the Hogwarts grounds. She had been here a few times before, but not usually by herself. She...
  11. Isadora Novak

    Closed Consequences of Exaggeration

    Isadora was not in a good mood. She hadn't exactly looked forward to the break, but she had at least expected she would get to sleep in. Unfortunately, her mother had different ideas. Ever since Isadora had come home with the story of how she had befriended Axel Zhefarovich the second, her...
  12. Isadora Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving And... Done!

    Isadora's final rose was the only one left in her basket, and it was for some Ravenclaw boy she didn't really know. She decided to try her luck at the Ravenclaw table around dinner time, approaching the table and starting to ask around. "Hello? Anyone named Weston here?" @Weston Stirling
  13. Isadora Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving Rose for a Yearbook Guy

    Isadora didn't really know the next person on her list well, but figured out from talking to some people he was on the yearbook. She went looking for him, asking a few more people to point in the right direction. Finally, she headed over to the guy. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Are you...
  14. Isadora Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendly Rose for a Friend

    Isadora was happy about her next delivery, Kiara was a friend of hers she hadn't seen enough lately. She caught up with the girl near the History of Magic classroom, grinning as she tapped her shoulder. "Rose for you!" She said happily. @Kiara Thompson
  15. Isadora Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving Who Knew Professors Had Friends?

    Isadora had been a bit surprised to see that her next recipient was a professor. Who knew they also sent and received roses? Isadora made her way to the Professor's common room. She wasn't entirely sure if she was allowed in here, but she guessed she might as well try. She looked around...
  16. Isadora Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving Near the Snake Den

    Isadora's next rose was for someone she wasn't too excited to talk to. It was one of Natalia's roommates, and Isadora bet her sister had been talking badly to her to all her roommates for the past four years. Isadora found someone near the Slytherin common room and asked them to call for Lucie...
  17. Isadora Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving Head Rose for Head Boy

    Isadora had signed up for the roses on a bit of a whim, it seemed like something fun to do. She wasn't a part of the Wild Patch Club, as that was Natalia's territory. But rose delivery seemed fair game. Isadora was carrying the basket of roses and looked at the list. As a first year, she didn't...
  18. Isadora Novak

    Old School Week Ouch, Gravity

    Isadora was climbing a tree, mostly to see how high she could get. But her foot slipped and she fell out of the tree, landing on the soft grass below with a loud curse. It was a good thing her mother wasn't here to hear it, she would have sent her to her room for sure. She sat up, rubbing her back.
  19. Isadora Novak

    Isadora Renáta Novak

    Name: Isadora Renáta Novak Birthdate: 16/3/2044 Blood status: Pure Blood Zodiac sign: Pisces Sexuality: Bisexual Country: New Zealand, her family is originally from Hungary School: Hogwarts NZ House: Gryffindor Clubs: Heta Omega Wand: Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom...
  20. Isadora Novak

    Closed Hit and Miss

    Isadora had found an old, small, green ball outside on the grounds and taken it with her. Apparently, it was called a tennis ball and used for some sort of muggle sport, but to Isadora it seemed perfect for throwing and catching. So that was what she had been doing all afternoon in the common...