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  1. Rosie Archer

    Closed At Long Last, My Love

    Rosie had been waiting for this for months. She had loved her time at Hogwarts, but being pregnant and away from the father of her child and therefore her boyfrend had been hard. She loved him deeply and dearly and knew that having him with her in this step in their life journey would be...
  2. Rosie Archer

    Open Last One Alone

    Rosie was feeling better than she had earlier in the day and this was good, she had given most of her co-workers on Accio more time, and was doing a lot of the photography for the dance herself. She didn't have Xinyi and could just do this while the others were able to enjoy their time with...
  3. Rosie Archer

    Closed Should've Been More Careful

    Rosie was a little shell-shocked. She was sitting on a bed in the hospital wing, with her hands resting upon her stomach. She could admit they had been less than careful, that maybe she should've been smarter about it, but she hadn't been, and this was it. She was pregnant. Rosie could admit it...
  4. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendship Yellow!

    Rosie was smiling with ease, in a much better mood for these latter roses. It had been some necessary questions which led them outside to the courtyard, and there she easily spotted the girl they were looking for. "Briony Mettlestone?" she called out, still looking for the girl to confirm it.
  5. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving HM Friendly Yellow Rose

    Going outside had been good, she knew that the fresh air was helping her feel better, and even more so when they got to the gardens. Someone had told her that Margo had been out here, either picking up her own roses or almost finished with them. Rosie smiled as she approached, spotting the girl...
  6. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Rose For A Friend

    Rosie had been very happy that roses would be taking place during her final year of schooling, but she did wish that she was feeling better for it. She'd been up for a while, just being sick. It was odd, she felt a bit more tired than usual but nothing beyond that. She had persuaded Aurora to...
  7. Rosie Archer

    Closed Together Again

    Rosie had missed Xinyi. Being back with him, around him, felt like she could finally breath properly again. He was just the most incredible and beautiful person in her life. She had missed him. She knew there was another semester left where she'd be away from him, but it would be worth it, at...
  8. Rosie Archer

    Open Missing Him

    There was nothing like knowing she was about to see her boyfriend to make her miss him more. It didn't help that this was the yuleball, and that watching all the other couples made her want to spend time with him. To dance with him. But she couldn't, but in so few hours she'd see him again. She...
  9. Rosie Archer

    Open The Sun Rises

    Rosie had work to be getting on with, things which she needed to do. it made the events that she'd have to attend with Xinyi easier. She was eager to see him, and knew she would be able to soon enough. But it made this, being here easier. The teen had come to the great hall, in a slightly more...
  10. Rosie Archer

    Accio! Staffer Needed!

    Hey there! Have you ever wanted to join the Accio! team and help create the amazing yearbook? Well, now is your chance! Accio is looking for new members to join the team. Be warned, Accio is a lot of work and requires a certain degree of patience. It's very rewarding, but it's not for the faint...
  11. Rosie Archer

    Open Prepping for Winter - WPC Event

    It just seemed logical to Rosie to make this the event of the semester, it was beginning to have the signs of winter and what better time than now to get the garden ready for it. To trim what needed trimmed, to insulate what need insulated, and to make that the plants would survive the winter...
  12. Rosie Archer

    Closed Dedicated To You

    Rosie wanted to make this very special for Xinyi, she knew this was his last dance, their last school dance together. She knew that she was going to miss him but didn't want that to ruin their evening together. Afterall, they were bound to have many more occasions to dance in the future and her...
  13. Rosie Archer

    Open Taking A Little Break

    Rosie had been spending a lot of time in the accio room's dark room, her fingers were smudged with the ink and was having some issues with the last picture. So Rosie had decided to take a little break. It certainly helped that the weather was good and that meant she was able to sit outside on...
  14. Rosie Archer

    Closed A Night For You

    Rosie was happy to work a little during the Yuleball, though not the whole time. This was afterall, Xinyi's last school dance and she was more interested in making this a good night for him. She had gotten Aurora to help her with her make-up, since aurora was just a bit better at it than she...
  15. Rosie Archer

    Open Planting Your Favourite Flowers, Herbs or Vegetables - WPC Event

    Rosie Archer had been looking forward to it, and it was just the right time for it. The wild patch had been tidied and there were dozens upon dozens of plants that the club could grow. she had picked out herb, flower and vegetable seeds that all would now grow perfectly under the conditions of...
  16. Rosie Archer

    Y46 Members

    Princess of Plants Kiara Thompson Princess of Flowers Rosie Archer Seventh Years - Silas Broomhead - Margo Fox - Zagreus Kohler Sixth Years - Daria Bright-Root - Elizabeth Rogers Fifth Years - Conan Burke - Zerrin Fergusson - Ruto Vernier-Raison Fourth Years - Georgia Astor - Tori Braden -...
  17. Rosie Archer

    Open Spooky Scary Models

    Rosie didn't mind working at the different school events. It always gave her something to do. halloween though was usually a treasure trove of things to be doing. so thought Rosie was supposed to be taking pictures of things, she had instead settled in the fun house, taking pictures of herself...
  18. Rosie Archer

    Open Herbology Research

    Rosie was not often the one in the library. Or at least, she was not often in the library by herself. Rosie tended to follow her sister there, or go to see her dad. But this was neither thing that day. Rosie walked into the library on a mission, she had seen a plant in the garden that wasn't...
  19. Rosie Archer

    Closed Helping out and Spending Time

    Rosie loved being able to watch the gardens, there was nothing better in her mind than just being able to spend a bit of time just in amongst the flowers and the trees. It was of course coming up to winter so it wasn't the nicest of weather and the garden wasn't at its best but it was still a...
  20. Rosie Archer

    Closed Excited to See You

    Rosie had gone all out for this valentine's day, though it helped that she had found the dress she was wearing over the break. It felt grown up and she was eager to be wearing it. Rosie had been at the hall a while, she had given Xinyi a time to join her, when she'd have done enough work to...