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  1. August Chase

    Closed What's all the fuss about?

    Keeping him talking is currently his priority, so he nods and listens as Jacob talks about why he'd chosen to be an auror. People had stories, he realised and it was sort of nice that it wasn't always just something to do, though he can't say as he has always come across that particular case...
  2. August Chase

    Closed What's all the fuss about?

    August had to spend an extra moment trying to recover from the short snort he almost gave when Jacob Kingsley whose Dad was from America asked him if either of the Carolina's were close to California. "Yeah, sure, let's go with that," he said, though considering they were on completely different...
  3. August Chase

    Closed What's all the fuss about?

    August did his best not to chuckle at the way his joke went down, glad that he hadn't entirely offended the poor guy, one had to be careful at his age, they did say it was all down hill from there. Still, best not to keep trying to offend him, he had a job to do and he might still be a trainee...
  4. August Chase

    Rate the avi

    the idiots probably being lumos and nox tbh lmao Dakrey! 10/10 dude
  5. August Chase

    Closed What's all the fuss about?

    When asked if he was a healer (though not in so many words apparently), there was a tiny part of August that immediately wanted to play it up that maybe he wasn't a healer, but the point of this job is not to upset the patients, it's to fix them and he couldn't do that if he had a panicking...
  6. August Chase

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate probably
  7. August Chase

    Closed What's all the fuss about?

    One of the first things he'd learned as a trainee healer was to expect the unexpected. Like the fact that even though he was still in his trainee-ship, he would sometimes be expected to work on patients with strange or interesting magical wounds. It made sense, he supposed, since he'd elected to...
  8. August Chase

    St. Mungo's Staff

    August Chase Healer-in-training
  9. 2245f263e32988593cad228ecbfdd9eb-removebg-preview.png


  10. august wand

    august wand
