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  1. Theia Carnahan

    Theia Bridget Carnahan

    THEIA BRIDGET CARNAHAN BASIC INFO; I don't give a damn about my reputation, you're living in the past, it's a new generation a girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do, and I don't give a damn THEIA Possibly derived from Greek θεά (thea) meaning "goddess". In Greek...
  2. Theia Carnahan

    🌹 Rose Giving Back to the Basics

    Theia was halfway through a mouthful of cereal when a boy approached her, asking if she was Theia and revealing he had a rose for her. Not expecting to be delivered any roses that year, Theia in surprise raised her eyebrows for a moment, pausing her chewing before coming to her senses and...
  3. Theia Carnahan

    Y39 Costume Contest

    Theia Carnahan as Joan Jett
  4. Theia Carnahan

    Graphics Request

    I love it! Thanks so much :D
  5. Theia Carnahan

    Graphics Request

    Character's Name: Theia Carnahan Banner Type: Whatever you think is best! *Banner Size: 500x200 Images on banner: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (1, 3, 7, and 8 are my faves if that helps!) *Background Image: whatever works! Text on banner: Theia Carnahan *Fonts on banner: Up to you! *Colour Scheme...
  6. Theia Carnahan

    Speed Dating! (Operation: Get Noel a Date)

    Signing Theia up for the laughs of her being awkward =)) Noel Waldgrave Solomon Tofilau Ryan Fisk Lysander Summers Linden Cullen Shale Night Finn Madison Poppy Perkins Adorah Zumwalt Michael Newton Jenna Jusantrea Christina Holmgaard Aisa Hunter Padme Hume Leia Hume Theia Carnahan Noel...
  7. Theia Carnahan

    Open Spin the Bottle Y38

    Theia sat down next to Sawyer when the game began, trying her best to keep to herself. However she couldn’t help but scrunch her nose slightly as the game unfolded, unable to keep her mind from all the germs that were being spread around, and might be spread to her if the bottle spun in her...
  8. Theia Carnahan

    Open Spin the Bottle Y38

    Theia was torn between the decision to attend the game of spin the bottle she heard her classmates talking about, or to avoid the game completely. The idea of kissing anyone, let alone someone in her own year that she hardly knew, or even someone a year younger was repulsive at best. But for...
  9. Theia Carnahan

    🌹 Rose Giving Familiar Yellow

    Theia accepted the note as it was handed to her before looking over the words. It was Sawyer, exactly who she expected, and she couldn’t help but smile slightly at her brother’s reminder to eat chocolate and try to enjoy herself even if it meant pining after people from afar. She shook her head...
  10. Theia Carnahan

    🌹 Rose Giving Familiar Yellow

    Theia hadn’t expected anything to happen for her on Valentine’s day. She was antisocial and secluded herself from such things, and even if she could admit there was a part of her that felt jealous seeing other people receive roses she didn’t expect to be one of those people. Thus she sat on a...
  11. Theia Carnahan

    Roleplay Roulette!

    Posting this for my own reference :r St Mungo's RP
  12. Theia Carnahan

    Closed An Odd Bunch

    The last place Theia wanted to spend her holidays was St Mungo’s. It stressed her out enough to think about doctors and illnesses, and anyone being sick in general, let alone actually going to the hospital and being around the heaviness of it all in person. She was fine, and even though she was...
  13. Theia Carnahan

    Open Christmas paradise

    Theia picked up a cookie from her plate and bit into it, chewing for a moment, and then looking back to the girl as she responded. Theia covered her mouth as she spoke, not wanting to be rude and chew with her mouth full. “Blair, got it.” She responded, trying to memorize the name in her mind so...
  14. Theia Carnahan

    Open Christmas paradise

    Theia didn’t expect it, but she was growing more fond of attending the Yule Ball with each passing year. She remembered feeling disgusted by the other students’ excitement of it in her first and second years, then feeling uncomfortable, but slightly exhilarated over the fact she had a blind date...
  15. Theia Carnahan

    Graphics Request

    Character's Name: Theia Carnahan Banner Type: Whatever suits. *Banner Size: 500x200 Images on banner: One, Two, Three, Four. *Background Image: Whatever works for you! Text on banner: Theia Carnahan *Fonts on banner: Up to you! *Colour Scheme: Whatever you think suits the pics, I would like a...
  16. Theia Carnahan

    Open If She Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will

    It was difficult for Theia to get excited over anything, let alone Halloween, the holiday that was simultaneously her favorite yet most chaotic holiday of the year. But that year, she had to admit she was excited to attend the Halloween feast and put together a costume. Her memories of Halloween...
  17. Theia Carnahan

    Open Y38 Costume Contest

    Theia Carnahan as Cruella de Vil with @Sawyer Carnahan
  18. Theia Carnahan

    Rate the avi

    10/10 I love it!! I think it suits his personality and his eyebrows are always iconic :D
  19. Theia Carnahan

    Closed Just the Ropes

    As usual for the past few years, Theia felt conflicted over spending Christmas with her family. It was a time to return home from school and spend quality time with her siblings who she loved and felt so protective over, but it was also a reminder of the fact their mother was no longer with...
  20. Theia Carnahan

    Closed Meet Me in the Hallway

    Theia almost jumped when someone spoke to her, but she soon composed herself and crossed her arms at the boy’s question, looking him up and down and gathering he was Issac Jacobs. Theia had tried to look Issac up in the school yearbook and had to admit it bothered her he did not recognize her...