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  1. C

    Step one: The little sister

    Claire followed Theo, " Yeah, that looks really nice actually." She smiled. " Your right, you are so much more fun than other people." Claire looked at the dress. " It looks really cool, it would look good on me." She said smiling to him.
  2. C

    Step one: The little sister

    Claire laughed softly to herself. " That's totally cool and super nice of you." She said smiling up at him. " No one's ever really told me that before, so that's why it's kinda hard for me to believe that." She shrugged her shoulders. " A male opinion will be greatly appreciated." Claire smiled...
  3. C

    Step one: The little sister

    Claire sighed, still walking along Theo. " Are you serious?" She asked partially laughing. " I would totally love that." She nodded, smiling up at him. " Wow, I can't believe it." She laughed.
  4. C

    Step one: The little sister

    Claire nearly jumped when she sat the man beside her. But she remembered him from the wedding. " Hi Theo, he is but I guess it's kind of his fault, you know what I mean?" She shrugged. " I'm holing up alright, just surprised I guess." She sighed. " But the cry baby at home isn't making things...
  5. C

    Step one: The little sister

    Claire could not believe what had happened in the following week. She couldn't believe that her brother would ever do that, but she wasn't sure that he did. She wouldn't take sides that early on in this whole mess. Claire was the only one in the living room at the moment, since Jason was...
  6. C

    Love is all around

    Claire shrugged, she didn't like talking about the negatives because she didn't know how to answer back. " Why were you out today?" She asked him, looking around the plaza.
  7. C

    Love is all around

    Claire nodded, everyone had their own opinion and she wasn't going to judge. " It's true that you can't sit down and know yourself." She said. " Don't worry, one day you'll find yourself and it will be amazing." She nodded and smiled at him.
  8. C

    Love is all around

    Claire nodded, and listened to Mark. " The same with me." She added. " It's better to find out, then to never find out." She said. Claire flipped her hair. " For me, it's hard to find my true self, I don't think that you can find your true self unless you want it to be found." Claire said She...
  9. C

    Love is all around

    Claire nodded and listened to Mark. " Same for me." She gave a quick grin. " Found my brother the other day, and now I'm living with him." She nodded and smiled. Claire was really happy to have found her brother, and Caysi.. but felt a bit odd, she would get over it though. " What's up with...
  10. C

    Love is all around

    Claire smiled. " Well, I've been good." She nodded, she didn't want to mention the part of her brother yet, but she would tell him eventually. " How have you been Mark?" She asked him.
  11. C

    Love is all around

    Claire yawned, and got out of bed. Since she was still at her brother's house, she decided that she would go for a little walk around Brightstone. She walked out of the door and was on her way. Claire walked down the busy street and saw a familiar face on a bench. She edged closer and sat down...
  12. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire followed him and nodded, the room did look nice. She put her stuff away, she was a bit tired so she decided that she would take a nap.
  13. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire laughed, she could tell that Caysi and Jason did love eachother. " Sure, that sounds good." She smiled at him.
  14. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire laughed. " Well, if it isn't a bother, then I'd like to stay." She smiled. " I'm not to sure who to believe now." She laughed. Claire was excited to see them both.
  15. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Caysi got out the bowl and the ice cream scooper. She started to pile the ice cream into the bowl. Caysi literally dropped the scooper. " Why, on earth would you bring a stranger into the house?" She asked him. " What if they wanted to mutate you or me, or somehow steal the food in the house."...
  16. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire laughed. " Be sure to outstock the store." She nodded. Claire stood up and carried her bags on her arms.
  17. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire laughed. " Well she does sound nice other than the dragon icecream part." She smiled. " When do I get to meet her?" She asked him.
  18. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire nodded. " Oh dear, when I come, I'll make sure to bring lots." She laughed, Claire made a mental note that she would have to outstock the grocery store of icecream soon. " I will not eat any trust me." She said, now she was a bit scared of pregnant people.
  19. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire smiled. " Oh, I can't wait to see them." She smiled. She guessed that the girl he mentioned was going to be his wife. " Cays is your fiance?" She asked him.
  20. C

    So i really have a sister?

    Claire smiled. " That's super cool." She nodded. " Do I get to meet your wife, and kids?" She asked him.