Love is all around

Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Mark walked around brightstone. I was alot more quiet now that the holiday was over. He could atually hear himself thinking. He sighed and walked over to and bench and sat down and stuck his head in his hands. He was so tired of life at the moment. It seemed that they was nothing left worth fighting for and he couldnt understand all of this. He needed something good at the moment and he needed it soon
Claire yawned, and got out of bed. Since she was still at her brother's house, she decided that she would go for a little walk around Brightstone. She walked out of the door and was on her way. Claire walked down the busy street and saw a familiar face on a bench. She edged closer and sat down beside him. " Hey, Mark." She smiled towards him.
Claire smiled. " Well, I've been good." She nodded, she didn't want to mention the part of her brother yet, but she would tell him eventually. " How have you been Mark?" She asked him.
Mark listened to her speak, a smile stretching across his face when she said that she was fine. He nodded when he asked her the same uesstion. " Yeah im fine i suppose. Same old stuff is happening around me. Family problems as always." He laughed. There always seemed to be something troubling in his life now and he needed to speak about it but not yet, he would just bottle it up for now
Claire nodded and listened to Mark. " Same for me." She gave a quick grin. " Found my brother the other day, and now I'm living with him." She nodded and smiled. Claire was really happy to have found her brother, and Caysi.. but felt a bit odd, she would get over it though. " What's up with you?" She asked smiling at him.
Mark realized how similar her background was compared to his own. The fact that she never knew she had a brother and now she has met with him recently. Mark wasnt living with Justin yet but he did really like him and was starting to see him as family now and he would like to get to know him more now. He shook his head. " I dont really want to talk about it. Its basically i have been lied to my whole life and now im just starting to find out the truth about myself and my family."
Claire nodded, and listened to Mark. " The same with me." She added. " It's better to find out, then to never find out." She said. Claire flipped her hair. " For me, it's hard to find my true self, I don't think that you can find your true self unless you want it to be found." Claire said She shrugged. " But I could be all wrong."
" I believe that you carnt just sit down and want to know your self. I think its something you do over time with out thinking about it. Something that you learn through the decisions that you make and what you do. With me im just a boy that seems to make everything around him go wrong. Its very annoying you know." He laughed. Mark had noticed that thins were always going wrong around him now and it was leaving its own mark on him each and every time. Soon he would be a stranger even to himself.
Claire nodded, everyone had their own opinion and she wasn't going to judge. " It's true that you can't sit down and know yourself." She said. " Don't worry, one day you'll find yourself and it will be amazing." She nodded and smiled at him.
Mark shook his head in disbelief. " No i doubt that it will be amazing to be honest. I think it depends upon who you are as how amazing it will be." Mark didnt think that he would be amazing as why would he be, his life was always going wrong and he always had to deal with it which meant bottling it up inside.
Claire shrugged, she didn't like talking about the negatives because she didn't know how to answer back. " Why were you out today?" She asked him, looking around the plaza.

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