Step one: The little sister

Theo Smith

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Theo was walking through the Harbour, a place he disliked greatly. He was here for a specific reason though, he was here to find Jasons little sister. After the events of their wedding he was getting some pay back. Not for himself but because Caysi was a good friend of Ana's so this would have put Ana in some stress and Theo could not let that slide. He was going to hit Jason where it hurt. He knew that physical wounds would heal after a few weeks but the mental one take a lot longer and they are the most painful. He had a general idea of what this girl looked like an sat on a bench to keep a look out for her.
Claire could not believe what had happened in the following week. She couldn't believe that her brother would ever do that, but she wasn't sure that he did. She wouldn't take sides that early on in this whole mess. Claire was the only one in the living room at the moment, since Jason was upstairs being a cry baby. Claire decided that she would go to the Harbor for a bit. Claire swiftly walked to the kitchen to leave a note for Jason, to say where she was going to go, but he probably wouldn't go downstairs, but just incase. Claire arrived at the Harbor walking around the Harbor looking for a card or anything to give to both Caysi and to Jason.
Theo had only been sat down for a few minutes when he spotted her. He recognized her rom the wedding and she looked a lot like Jason anyway. He stood up and rehersed lines in his head as he walked over to her. He decided to put on the act of being like an average person with feelings. When he reached her he stood by her side hoping that she would recognize him as well. " Hi Claire. Im sorry about your brother, he must be heart broken." He looked down at her with a fake comforting smile that was masterly hidden behind his eyes and face. " How are you holding up. It canrt be easy for you."
Claire nearly jumped when she sat the man beside her. But she remembered him from the wedding. " Hi Theo, he is but I guess it's kind of his fault, you know what I mean?" She shrugged. " I'm holing up alright, just surprised I guess." She sighed. " But the cry baby at home isn't making things any better." She laughed.
Theo smiled to himself when she recognized him. That made things a lot more easier for him.He laughed when she laughed, he assumed what she said was meant for this reaction so he humoured her. He needed to think of a way to get to her. If he got to her then he got to Jason and would make him pay for what he did to Caysi. " So i think that after all a little girl like you has been out through deserves a long and expensive shopping trip. Dont you." He said smiling as he looked down at her. She was only young which meant that getting to her heart would be so easy with all of her teenage hormones flying around. It would be like taking candy from a baby to Theo and that didnt bother him at all.
Claire sighed, still walking along Theo. " Are you serious?" She asked partially laughing. " I would totally love that." She nodded, smiling up at him. " Wow, I can't believe it." She laughed.
Theo smiled again, to himself and too Claire. This was going way better than he had anticipated. She was just throwing herself under his feet. He gave a little shrugged. " Of course im serious, every girl needs some shopping and now you have a male opinion to help as well. What carnt you believe." He said playing dumb. The more lovable he appeared to her the better his chances of making her fall for him. Of course he would never ever think of her in that way because it was disgusting to, but it would make Jason jealous so he would just make her like him
Claire laughed softly to herself. " That's totally cool and super nice of you." She said smiling up at him. " No one's ever really told me that before, so that's why it's kinda hard for me to believe that." She shrugged her shoulders. " A male opinion will be greatly appreciated." Claire smiled. Claire was sort of attracted to Theo, he seemed unlike anything or anyone she had ever met before. He was at least one guy that didn't want something from her, or so she hoped.
Theo smiled again to himself and to Caysi. " Oh dont worry Claire bear i am like no one you have ever met. Im so much more fun." Well he knew it was fun for him but not so fun for anyone else, she would soon figure this out in her own way. He turned into a shop that was close to him then picked out a random dress ( the one taylor swift is in.) " Thats nice right?" He said looking over to her with a fake smile, not that anyone apart from him would ever know but still. Theo wasnt to good when it came to teenage shopping. He shopped for Ana but that was more grown up, he bought her things that he wanted her to wear. He pondered on that thought for a second
Claire followed Theo, " Yeah, that looks really nice actually." She smiled. " Your right, you are so much more fun than other people." Claire looked at the dress. " It looks really cool, it would look good on me." She said smiling to him.
Theo smiled when she liked the dress. At least he knew that he had a good sense of fashion with young teenage girls. Too bad Ana was pregnant with Noah. Oh well he would prefer a boy anyway. It could grow up to be just like him. " Im glad you like it and i think a pretty girl like you, anything would look good on you." He gave her the impression of flirting when he wasnt in fact doing that but teenagers these days feel for all sorts or cr@p like that

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