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  1. H


    Haku walked down a street in Europe, trying to find someone who he could talk to. He was bored out of his brain, trying to find something to do. Beauxbatons was quiet these days. And he had nothing to do. He sighed to himself, wondering what he could do. He chuckled as he watched a pebble roll...
  2. H

    Dear Stranger?

    Haku was sitting at dinner when at owl he didnt recognise flew down and dropped a letter infront of the person next to him. "Esme? I dont know an Esme." the guy said, handing the letter to Haku. Haku grinned as he noticed the handwriting and nodded. It was definately for him... And the fact that...
  3. H

    Dear Stranger?

    Haku was sitting in the school grounds when his owl found him. He eagerly took the letter and opened it. He grinned and blushed softly as he read through, and a thought accured to him. Was he just kidding around here? Being all innocent and flirty, or was there more too this? He hadnt seen Esme...
  4. H

    Dear Stranger?

    Haku was down at lunc when the letter arrived for him. He went somewhat red in the face reading it, and grinned as he heard his friend giggling over his shoulder, obviously reading the letter too. Haku ignored him and concentrated on writing back. </COLOR></I> <I><COLOR color="#37AAE0">[/font]
  5. H

    Dear Stranger?

    Haku awoke during the middle of the night, hearing a tapping at his window, he sighed as he saw his owl. "You couldnt have waited till morning to give me this, could you?" he asked sarcastically as he took the letter and climbed back into bed. He grinned softly to himself, and pulled out his...
  6. H

    Dear Stranger?

    Haku woke early that morning, wanting to go for a jog, it was raining outside as he drew back the curtains and he groaned. "I guess running is out of the question." he sighed to himself as he pulled on jeans and a T-shirt. He decided a visit to the owlery would be good, so he trekked up and...
  7. H

    lingering thoughts

    As Haku entered the room, he noticed another girl sitting there. He watched her tear up a piece of parchment she had been writing on, and frowned. 'Why bother writing it if you are just going to tear it up?' he thought to himself as he studied the girl. She was younger than he was, and a hell of...