Dear Stranger?

Esme Lively

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Dear Haku,
How's it been stranger? Long time I haven't heard from you? Rumors says your in that BB Academy. Hope its doing well there, Hogwarts fine. Almost to the point of graduating, woot for me! Least I would be out of New Zealand and count on moving up north.
Take Care!
xoxo Meme​
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Sorry its lame :)
Haku woke early that morning, wanting to go for a jog, it was raining outside as he drew back the curtains and he groaned. "I guess running is out of the question." he sighed to himself as he pulled on jeans and a T-shirt. He decided a visit to the owlery would be good, so he trekked up and grinned when he had a note waiting for him. He chuckled when he saw the handwriting and remembered Esme. He read through it and decided to write back right away.

Dear Esme.

Yeah, im at Beauxbatons, and im actually doing pretty good at the moment. Im at the top of my classes, and apparently there are quite a few girls chasing after me. Hahahahah. My sense of humor is still terrible, as you can see. How are you? Its been a while. I miss you.


Haku gave it to the owl and watched it fly off.

(Is not lame. Haha)
Esme got a response back, Haku struck her strangly as the quiet type. Yet he was becoming a ladies man? Esme found that amusing and felt the need to reply back. When she written the letter she sent it out with the school's regular owls.

Dear Haku,
Ladies man? Is that right? Haha would pay all the money in the world just to see that. I've been well, a lot has happen. I was recently adopted to a new family, it sort of strange but I don't mind it. Its a lot better than staying with Helena, she's okay with it. After my brief probation with the Ministry, Helena was glad to get rid of her only child. Pfft, anyways. Other than that same old same old when it comes to school. I'm planning something for vacation! Hope I can you see than.
xoxo Meme​
<COLOR color="#9300C4">

Haku awoke during the middle of the night, hearing a tapping at his window, he sighed as he saw his owl. "You couldnt have waited till morning to give me this, could you?" he asked sarcastically as he took the letter and climbed back into bed. He grinned softly to himself, and pulled out his quill and parchment.
Dear Esme

Haha, you know ive always been the charmer. How many times did we have flings? Oh wait, im not supposed to bring that up, am i? Haha. Im glad your with a new family, and i know it will all work out. You always knew what you were doing, and tell me if anything happens. If they treat you badly, tell me, and ill bust you out of there. You know i will. Im hoping to see you too, it will be good, if we can keep our hands to ourselves... Who am i kidding, we never could before. Hahaha

With love,
A letter came while Esme was busy eating breakfast. She was pouring juice in someones bowl of cereal, than had to sit back because an owl plot a letter right in front of Esme. Damn owls! Esme had been this close to fixing someone breakfast up, but she went red in the face when she read Haku letter. O.M.G. Did he really just say that? Esme remembered a few times acting silly with Haku but it had been out of innocent. Esme replied back laughing at those memories. Haku must've really been thinking about her if he brought that up.

Dear Haku,
Your dead. Ha! Seriously I died reading this, ha can't believe you would mention all of that stuff. Even if its true, still! Your so dead. Kidding. But thanks for wanting to help me. I know I can count on you to help me. Even if it meant paying up with a kiss. Ha, that's if you get it from me. Still your epic for making ma laugh today. You seriously need a girlfriend but than again if you get one I may steal you away!
Love always,
Meme xoxo

Haku was down at lunc when the letter arrived for him. He went somewhat red in the face reading it, and grinned as he heard his friend giggling over his shoulder, obviously reading the letter too. Haku ignored him and concentrated on writing back.

Dear Esme.

I dont think i will be getting a girlfriend anytime soon. Most of the girls here arent my type, but the, if your gonna steal me away i just might have to get one. Hahahah. Well id love to see how im 'dead' exactly, when i wont see you for ages and you were never able to beat me in any of our little fights anyways. Hahaha, and ive been working out, so bring it on. Teehee. You can always count on me, for anything... Remember that. And do me a favour, because im so epic, enclose a picture of you with that gorgeous smile i remember in yor next letter.

P.S Id love to have you 'pay up' with a kiss. I might just have to come pring you for that alone.

With Love,
<I><COLOR color="#37AAE0">[/font]
Esme was designing one of her plain shoes with laces and buttons, when she heard a tap coming from the east window. Her roommates weren't around to handle the situation, so Esme went over to let an earless owl fly in. "Oh I wonder if its from Laylah" she thought about her stepmom, but when read her name she thought of Haku again. Of course! She jump down onto her four poster bed and read the little while biting her nails. She was getting nervous about Haku words but she love to flirt. It made it fun when guys thought differently than boys. Again! It was harmless and games. Nothing that Helena hadn't done when she was younger, but Esme was a lot careful and wise than her mom. Maybe a little to wise for anyone to notice.

Dear Haku,

Awww poo, not interested in the girls there? And what do you mean it will be ages?! I have vacation coming up and I think a weekend out. Any chance of slipping out of school? I guess not, your to much of a goody shoe to do that. Haha, jokes. And if I can't steal you away from any girl, perhaps I should borrow you? Or have you to myself? Haha, I'm really being sarcastic now. But your still gonna get it when you see me! Take Care.
Meme xoxo
Ps. A pic for a pic, I'm sending you one you send me one to!

Haku was sitting in the school grounds when his owl found him. He eagerly took the letter and opened it. He grinned and blushed softly as he read through, and a thought accured to him. Was he just kidding around here? Being all innocent and flirty, or was there more too this? He hadnt seen Esme in ages, but he had always had that little crush on her but was he now trying to act? He pushed those thoughts from his mind as he pulled his quill and ink from his bag.

i]Dear Esme.

Me, the goody two shoes? Hahaha, ive changed quite a bit. Im not the good boy anymore, haha. But i would love to see you, so yeah, i will meet up with you. Steal me, borrow me, have me... Im yours. Haha. Not sure if im joking or not there. Ummm... Yeah. So how's school? Im sure you have loads of guys after you? Anyone your fancy?

Here you guy. haha, i got ugly, i know.

Love Haku
The picture fell when the owl came, it fell out of the envelope. Landing right onto Esme's lap. She looked at the picture and blush widly at her old friend. Aww isn't he a cutie? She thought innocently. Getting up she went to retrieve his letter that actually fell right in a field of wild hedges. It took her a while to get it but she got the letter and tore it open without a scratch. Ugh, well sort of, she had a pick on one finger but Esme thought it was worth all the trouble. She replied back sending another owl instead of Haku.

Dear Haku,
I couldn't believe that was you in the picture. Boy you got me going mad here, mad and I'm not joking. I will definitely take the potion of having you. Ha, all mines and no one else. School fine, I'm going to the yule ball with a guy. But he's just a friend sort of, and my best friend Lexi. Were gonna hang out but than I have to perform a song, which is great. I can't wait! Its part of a Glee club I'm in, thanks to Lexi. Ha, how's BB? Is there any differences between Hogwarts? Any class you guys take that I'm not aware of? Anyways right back, catch you later.
Love Always,
Xoxo Meme

Haku was sitting at dinner when at owl he didnt recognise flew down and dropped a letter infront of the person next to him. "Esme? I dont know an Esme." the guy said, handing the letter to Haku. Haku grinned as he noticed the handwriting and nodded. It was definately for him... And the fact that he had waited all day to get it bugged him slightly. Was this leading to obsession or something?
Dear Esme.

Why just friends? You were always the flirty type, but i find it hard to believe that your having trouble getting a guy. I was always the one with the trouble getting a date. Hahaha. Funnily enough everytime you helped me get one, it was never with the person i wanted to date most. Oh well. Um no, BB hasnt changed at all really, its still the same old BB. I need a change from my daily routine.... Something to spice up my life. Your doing a performance? Wow, i forgot you could sing. Hahaha, and yeah thats me in the picture. Ugly, huh?

Love Haku
Esme was busy doing more decorating to her spacious dorm. She had it to herself again, since her roommates were all out hanging around, what Esme should be doing but she loved dazzling her room. She sorted her drapes different colors, she was mixing a bright yellow with black when an owl flew in hooting to get her attention. Esme jumped smiling, because she knew who it was immediately. She scattered to get to her feet and ran to retrieve this letter. "Man" she muttered reading Haku letter. She was beginning to feel like she had something serious going on with him. Maybe that's why she was inside instead of hanging out with Lexi. She was beginning to stay more inside just to see if Haku written to her and Esme knew that wasn't good. Esme just couldn't help it. It took her while for her to settle down, she finally was able to reply back when her heart stop racing with excitement. It made her laugh a little as she wrote back.

Dear Haku,
You ugly! No way your nothing compare to those words. Ha, and yes its a friend sort of. I can't explain it but no I'm not dating just because I just broken up with my ex boyfriend not to long ago. He said some really mean things about me Haku-sun! So I just sort of left the drama alone and kept to myself. Plus I'm to wild for any guys here! They can't handle the Meme, haha. Its true I'm a wild child and will never change. Ha, what about you? Taking anyone to the dance? Hope you learn a lot from me? I would use it to get any girl! Ha, well have to go, ditching my besties not cool.
Love always,
Xoxo Meme


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