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  1. Theodore Shepherd

    Closed Testing Boundaries

    Teo was bound to go exploring- especially when he was told he shouldn't wander places. Deciding not to hit the forest quite yet, he'd gone to the cliffs instead, surprised to see them but also thinking it made the most sense ever. Had no one ever fallen from them? Was it kept hidden like some...
  2. Theodore Shepherd

    Closed Kicking the Ball Around

    Teo was startled when he heard a voice, tripping and falling to the ground, hard. He looked up from where he'd landed, unperturbed. He smiled. "Yeah, absolutely!" He countered, jumping off. He brushed off his knees before offering out his hand. "Teo Shepherd. What's your name?" He asked, his...
  3. Theodore Shepherd

    Closed Kicking the Ball Around

    Teo was nothing if not a bundle of nerves. He was giong crazy in the castle, so he grabbed his rugby ball and headed outside. He found a nice set of trees near the lake and marked his goalpost by draping his jacket over a low hanging branch. Pleased with his find, he started running around, just...
  4. Theodore Shepherd

    Sorting Ceremony Y47

    Teo was beyond ready for this- though the waiting was enough it just might kill him. He was aggravated already, bouncing from foot to foot and sucking on his teeth as he waited for his name to be called. He knew his sister would be called up first, and that was just beyond unfair. How could they...