Closed Kicking the Ball Around

Theodore Shepherd

~Teo~ Snarky~ Hyper~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Teo was nothing if not a bundle of nerves. He was giong crazy in the castle, so he grabbed his rugby ball and headed outside. He found a nice set of trees near the lake and marked his goalpost by draping his jacket over a low hanging branch. Pleased with his find, he started running around, just shouting and dodging invisible opponents as he darted across the field with the ball, chattering a commentary to himself that made him look great- even if he was a little clumsy and tripped a lot, staining his already torn up jeans.
Daiki was enjoying school, he found it easy enough to enjoy, especially when he had his best friend back. it just made everything easily. The boy had come outside, it was a nice enough day to merit it, and he knew that Kairi was off doing something else, and he could catch up with her later. He spotted a boy with a rugby ball, and after a moment of watching he approached. "Hey, can I play?" he asked eagerly. He loved rugby, given it was what his father had done.
Teo was startled when he heard a voice, tripping and falling to the ground, hard. He looked up from where he'd landed, unperturbed. He smiled. "Yeah, absolutely!" He countered, jumping off. He brushed off his knees before offering out his hand. "Teo Shepherd. What's your name?" He asked, his smile bright as he bounced in place- literally vibrating with too much energy.
Daiki was smiling brightly as the boy allowed him to do so. He gave a slightly concerned look as the boy had managed to trip. "You okay?" he asked gently before nodding along. "Daiki Saito," he said with a bright smile. He held out his hand to the boy. "It's nice to meet you,"
Teo took the hand offered and shook it vigorously. "I'm great!" He laughed, before bouncing back and kicking the ball a bit clumsily between his feet. "Do you play? The goals over there!" He pointed, before kicking the ball away a bit and chasing after it, turning and kicking it back to his new friend. "Are we on the same team? Or opponents?" He asked loudly, laughing even as he'd already given up the ball.
Daiki laughed lightly at the boy's response, before nodding. "You know you're supposed to toss a rugby ball more than kick it?" he replied after the boy kicked it away and ran after it. before he decided he would play a bit. "We can be on opposite teams, but not play too harshly?" he offered, not wanting to accidentally get hurt or anything.
Teo blinked. "Well, sure, but kicking it is more fun!" He countered. In all honesty he'd forgotten, but Teo had never had the patience to sit and watch games on the television very often. He pouted a little at the suggestion, but went with it. "Alright, for sure!" He agreed, running alongside of Daiki, bouncing with energy.
Daiki gave a little smile. "It's not really made kicking about, it's why it's going all over the place, you need a football," he said with a little smile, but he tossed him the rugby ball and smiled. "You can go first," he said, since the ball was this boy's and not his.
Teo pouted for a second but shrugged it off quickly- he liked sports but he didn't follow any enough to know the actual rules- catching the ball back and tossing it a bit between his hands. He didn't fuss enough to stick to how he'd been playing. He ran a bit, ball in hand, and turned towards Daiki, ball raised. "And back to you!" he yelled, wanting to toss it back and forth and dodge invisible opponents. He threw the ball, appreciating the spin he got on it.
Daiki caught the ball when it was tossed to him and smiled. He liked the familiar feel of the rugby ball, it had been a while since he had played with one. His mother had promptly gotten rid of most of the old reminders of his father. He tossed it back to the boy, getting a good arc on it, and causing it to go relatively far.
Teo ran after the ball. For as hyperactive as he was, he wasn't the most athletic. He did manage to catch the ball, barely, but he fumbled with it and it sent him into another spiralling tumble. After a few rolls, he popped up again, laughing with grass in his hair and a dirt smudge on his cheek. "I got it! Great throw!" He laughed, hopping back up onto his feet. "You're pretty great at this," He complimented, running back closer and throwing the ball to Daiki.
Daiki was pretty worried when Teo fell over again in catching the ball. He frowned at him and then smile as he heard him speak at him. "I used to play," he called back as he dashed to catch the ball which Teo had then tossed for him.
Theo smiled brightly. "Really? Thats soooo cool!" He called, running along with Daiki. "Where did you play?" He asked, stumbling again. He pushed himself back up, laughing and brushing off his jeans, barely missing a beat as he rushed after his new friend.
Daiki gave a little shake of his head. "Not like officially, just casually," he replied as he watched Theo stumble again. "Be careful now, don't want you getting hurt,"
Theo was jumping about casually, not taking Daikis warnings seriously. "Who did you play with? Are you just that good? You're pretty good! You should be professional," He chattered, again more energy than actual logic as he spun around, trying to burn it off.
Daiki kept an easy smile as he kept talking, clearly not understanding what he'd been saying, the thought of being professional made him momentarily pretty sad. but he just gave a little sigh. "Nah, I'll move on to quidditch," he said, opting for a bit of a change of topic, hoping that Theo would be interested in quidditch.
Theo had the attention span of a goldfish, and was easily and quickly distracted. "Oh, Quidditch? That's fun!" He lit up, forgetting the ball and bounding over to Daiki. "I wanna play too! What position do you want? I want to be a beater!" He declared, flexing his non-existent muscles and striking several poses for his new friend.
Daiki gave a little smile, "probably Chaser," he wasn't really planning on going for it, didn't think it was for him, but if he did, he was sure that he'd be a chaser over any other position. Chaser was just the easiest for him. "I think you'd make a good beater with those poses," he complimented easily.
Teo was easily appeased, bouncing in place. "Oooh, chaser is fun! Chasers gotta be fast! Tag, you're it!" He declared, swiping at Daiki's arm (though not actually hitting him) before turning on his heel and dashing away, trying to run as fast as he could without actually tripping himself up (again).
Daiki was a little surprised at being tagged, since they had been doing something else. He watched the boy run off, and then went to catch up with him. Eager to just play along and try to tag him, but being a little nice in letting the boy be faster and not at all that the boy was just faster at running than Daiki was.
Teo kept running, until he tripped up and rolled across the grass. He laughed as he rolled onto his back, his head spinning a bit. He looked up at the sky, laughing and catching his breath, before turning to see where Daiki was. "Maybe we should sit down for a bit," He offered, feeling his energy dipping a little.
Daiki gladly followed the boy into sitting down. He smiled at him. "I'm always happy to take a break," he replied a little out of breath and smiling easily. This boy seemed much more carefree than most people, off in his own world, having fun and having lots of excitement.
Teo was in the middle of a crash and he knew it. He hummed softly as the boy spoke, yawning. "Breaks are good," He murmured, feeling himself starting to doze under the warrmth with the softness of the grass against his skin. "Naps are good too," he yawned, stretching a little but not moving much.
Daiki could sense that the boy was likely about to fall asleep. he chuckled lightly to himself and nodded. "Sleep, I'll keep watch," he encouraged, knowing that there was nothing to keep watch for, but giving the boy permission to just sleep.
Daiki was a good kid. Teo just hummed softly, falling asleep without to much fuss and just laying there for a while. He wasn't sure how long he was asleep but after a while he yawned and sat up. The light was different, but that could be because of a lot of things. Teo stretched, rubbing at his eyes before looking around to see if Daiki was still there.

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