Seventh Years: Lesson Four

Angel was excited for today’s lesson to get started, ready to really get into some practical work with his seventh years for once. Sure, there was a little risk involved, at least for the students, but they should all be perfectly competent by this point anyway, hopefully. At the very least he could go say hi to Josephine should anyone need a trip to the Hospital Wing. Angel waved the class in impatiently as the students began to arrive, launching into the lesson as soon as everyone was accounted for.

Hey guys, we’ve got something real exciting for you today, follow me,” Angel said, cutting to the chase and leading the class to the area he’d set up outside, hopefully away from where any younger students could get to. “Hopefully, you all remember covering snargaluffs last year, because today we’re going to be harvesting them. Nothing like a little bit of mortal peril to make sure it really sticks,” he said, rubbing his hands together as the students gathered with him near the two stumps out on the lawns.

Angel knew this wouldn’t be an easy task, but he hoped the class would enjoy this more than some simple revision work or studying. “Now there are two of them, so do watch your back. Might pay to have a partner if you want, but lone rangering it up is fine too. I’ve got some supplies here if one gets you, and I’ll be watching if you get into any real trouble, promise.” Angel gave them what might have been an encouraging thumbs up before motioning for the class to line up, ready to begin harvesting. “Alright, get ready, once you get your snargaluff pod, you’re free to go,” he said, clapping his hands so the first students could begin.

RP your student harvesting their snargaluff pod. If you need a reminder, Snargaluff resemble a tree stump with thorny vines that will attack when approached. They produce green pods about the size of a grapefruit.

Feel free to have some fun harvesting, it'll be a bit of a challenge but PM me if you intend to have any serious harm or danger befall your student
Herbology was one of Elio’s favourite classes but that didn’t mean he was immune to anything that happened in the Greenhouse. He was silly to think that nothing could go wrong, because he knew things definitely could go wrong, not that he wanted to have to think about that stuff. When they were told to deal with the snargaluff stump, he stepped up to it and glared at it. He didn’t trust it for one moment. He pulled out his wand and had to think on his feet with this. He’d dealt with these before but he wasn’t about to be careless, he wasn’t an idiot. He had to dodge the vines a couple of times, moving back or to the side just to keep himself from being whipped in the face. “Hard way then,” he muttered, flicking the stunning spell at the vines. The rest of them retaliated with a vengeance once one of them was still and he felt like he was playing a game of dodge vine with himself as the target. He sliced through one particularly aggressive tendril with diffindo when it aimed at his face and then ducked under it, giving himself just enough space to lunge. He grabbed the pod and then quickly extricated himself. That was quite the work out, was this how Professor Castillo stayed so fit? It made sense. he didn’t want to do this again as long as he lived, and so he dumped the pod in front of Castillo and saluted him as he walked out.​

OOCOut of Character:

I do mean a proper salute, not like a middle finger or anything, just in case that was the read xD
Roo was glad that she was halfway through the semester. It was getting a little tiring, and the Ravenclaw just couldn't wait for the classes to be over. Whilst she felt content with all of her classes, she just wanted to be out exploring the castle before her time at Hogwarts inevitably ended, and that time was becoming uncomfortably closer. The prefect packed all of her belongings into her backpack and headed to her classes.

Ruto entered the Herbology classroom and took a seat with her classmates. The professor was quick to ask them to follow him to the next plant that he would show them. Roo remembered seeing this plant before in her third lesson last year. This time, they were going to have to harvest the pods and the teen couldn't help but feel a little nervous about this. She really didn't want to have to harm the plant. She decided to pair up with a classmate who was also somewhat nervous about the activity, but together, the pair of them were able to successfully do it with some help from the professor. Relieved, Roo headed back to the castle once dismissed.
Savannah walked into the herbology greenhouse, but she wasn’t sat for long before the professor had them leaving the room. She nodded as the professor told them what they were doing with the snaragluffs, and rolled her eyes a little. She took the time to watch others as they attempted it. Trying to figure out how best to go about it. Her temptation was just to kill the whole plant, but she wasn’t sure the professor would like that. Instead she eventually stepped forward though kept a distance, and cast a precise severing charms and then summoned the piece to her, not needing to get close or anything. With that she watched as others did it until the professor dismissed them.
The seventh year prefect was ready to just leave the school by now, but he still had several weeks left. Cassius Styx got ready in his dorm room and had his bag ready for the day. Cass wondered what Aubrie was up to right now, and hoped that she was thinking of him too. It would have been better if he had just gone out to Beauxbatons, but oh well. Cass looked at his schedule to make sure that he was heading to the right class. He did have several after all. Almost all of them. He dropped some over the years, but he lost interest in most of them. Cass still had some interest in the ones he had currently. That is why he grabbed his things and left the dorm to head to class without wasting time.

Cass entered the greenhouse and settled in. However, it was short lived when Professor Castillo led them out to a dead stump while, hopefully, playing a joke. To his horror, they were, in fact, not joking. They would have to harvest one of those damn pods. Was this professor out of his bloody mind?! It seemed like it, and at first, Cass did not want to do it. However, assuming that no one had been eaten yet, right? Cass remembered how to harvest it, and sure enough, he managed to get out of there without being maimed. His robes could use some repairs from the vines, but whatever. He got the pod. He was done.

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