Closed Turning over a new leaf

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Demi Zephyr

Make me your villain ɪɴqᴜᴇꜱᴛɪɢᴀᴛᴏʀ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Straight 18 Inch Flexible Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
09/2050 (13)
Demi knew she’d been stuck more or less since she’d come here. It was only two months into her first year she’d had a problem with William and Eurydice, followed quickly by falling out with a number of other students in her class. Lilith was angry enough at her that her own cat had left her presents when she was away, Eoghan had practically begged her to back off and Tori had punched her twice. If it wasn’t her friendship with Lumos, Demi wouldn’t have anyone, but even now he was spending so much time with Jonah who seemed uncomfortable and fidgety whenever she was around too, that she had only really had a chance to talk to him during classes.

It wasn’t often that she sought council in her siblings, nor her parents for that matter, but given she literally had what felt like no one left in the school to talk to and Echo was at least aware of the threats of pulling her out of school, what other choice did she have when the Slytherin had offered her a chance to chat? It had been more helpful than Demi would have at first believed, and not only because her little sister decided to give her a make over. Fresh outfits and some spare make up, her sisters fashion was a strength that Demi hadn’t possessed for herself. Dressed in a dark red floor length dress, she’d decide to attend the Valentines Dance if not only to step outside her usual social circle, and start fresh with those that would find her presence welcoming. Helping herself to a glass of something sparkling, the brunette walked towards the edge of the decorated great hall, hair swaying down to her waist.
Cauis tended to be on and off about these events. Sometimes he went, sometimes he didn't. He was really kind of finnicky in his moods. It was just one of the after affects of being a rich kid, he thought, and not one he really minded. He didn't really dress up too much, instead just slipping into a nice turtle neck, slacks, and a light jacket. He avoided the pictures and instead just wandered about the hall, looking for someone to talk. He paused when he saw a familiar face and sauntered over with an easy grin. "Hey," He greeted. "Demi, wasn't it?" He asked, thinking that was her name but unsure if he was right.
Demi hadn't been concentrating on anyone or anything in particular. No that was a lie, she was focused on herself. After everything that happened over the last few months Demi wanted to make sure that none of her classmates were looking at her as though she was just going to run and hide her face. She had just as much right to be here than anyone else and she wasn't going to let their judgements scare her away. She hadn't realised a student was approaching her until she heard her name. "Caius," she replied, a smile appearing on her face as she recognized the boy she'd met last year. She didn't often get the chance to talk to older students, even her sister's friends didn't talk to her, but she remembered the Hufflepuff who'd been helpful to her when she was lost during one of her first nights in the castle. "Yes," Demi nodded, standing a little taller and looking from the blonde back out across the hall. "Are you here for the company?" She was referring to his friends, but realised how it sounded once the words had left her lips. "I mean, you don't exactly look like you're dressed to dance with your date," she clarified.
Cauis chuckled. "I was just passing through, no dates, no plans," He told her. "What about you? Waiting for anyone?" He questioned, looking to see if there were any other students approaching. Not seeing anyone, he turned and offered out his hand. "If you're not, do you want to dance?"
Demi shook her head. She decided she wasn't going to stand around and be William's back up option. If he couldn't choose between her or Eurydice then she wasn't going to wait around for him to decide. Honestly she was starting to feel sorry for Eury, not that the Hufflepuff seemed to mind being settled for. "No one at all," she did hope that Lumos was having a good time with Jonah, but she'd ask him about that later. "I.. would love to." The Ravenclaw took his hand in hers, trying to stand a little taller still and put out of her mind any of the dumb students from her own year. "Tell me, how life in this place by the time your a fourth year?" she asked, following after the Hufflepuff. "Is it worth pursing things, or should I get out while I still can," she jokingly whispered the second half of the sentence, although it wasn't as though that wasn't completely not an option. Her parent's threat to pull her and her siblings out was still very much on the table.
Cauis chuckled, leading her into a dance and guiding her to the music. He was a good dancer, and he tried to make it easy for her. "Oh, it's not so bad," He replied. "You fall into the same routines, same circles. You try to shake it up, but as with any school experience it's the people that really make it," He smiled. "What about you, how are you finding things? It's your second year now, isn't it?"
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