Closed Strongest couple in all the school

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Felix Layton-King

Advocating for the rest of us ꜱᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴄᴀᴍᴘᴀɪɢɴᴇʀ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
or so he thinks
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
09/2050 (13)
Felix had decided to wear a tshirt for the dance. Sure, perhaps it was traditional to wear a suit, but frankly they weren't as comfortable and besides it wasn't like they were having a prize for best blazer. He wore a tshirt and jeans, as he did most of the time. He'd already told this to Esme when he'd asked her to the dance so that she wouldn't be surprised, and was looking forward to seeing whether she would dress up or following his lead. Given that the first time they'd spoken she'd been attracted to him wearing a ghostly white sheet over his head, he didn't think he needed to try too hard to impress her.

"Comeoncomeoncomeon," Felix was practically pulling his girlfriend toward the Great Hall by one hand. If he could have been running with her then he would have. He was just excited for another event at the school that would mean less time away from lessons. Besides, at things like this there was usually a large amount of drama, and he needed to make sure he had a front row seat.
School dances had been one of Esme’s favourite part of being at Hogwarts and they were even more fun since she and Felix had started dating they were even more enjoyable because she always had someone to go with and Felix made everything more fun. She couldn’t help but giggle at him when he turned up in a t-shirt and jeans, it was unconventional but she liked his laissez-faire approach to things like this, it reminded her that no everything was serious, and it wasn’t that Felix didn’t take things serious, he just had different priorities to other people and she liked that about him.

Esme allowed herself to be pulled along by Felix as they both made their way to the great hall, it was tricky to walk in her shoes but she did her best to keep up. “Why are we in a hurry? The great hall isn’t going anywhere,” She giggled teasing him.
Given that Felix had only ever worn heels once in his life, he didn't really understand that Esme would have a hard time following after him quite as quickly as he was moving. As he looked over his shoulder, he realised he was practically dragging his poor girlfriend down the corridor, so slowed down just a little. Not completely, but enough that he wasn't so far ahead. "Because it's only for tonighhhhttt!" In a few hours it would all be over and it would be back to looking like their dining room. It wasn't long before they reached the hall, and the Gryffindor was gawking at it for almost as long as he'd been gawking at Esme when he'd seen her in her dress for the first time. "Do you want to do anything first or are you ready to dance?" The blonde turned to the girl, a grin written across his face.
Esme wasn’t a big fan of being dragged, but she couldn’t but smile at her boyfriends enthusiasm, he got so excited about things and it was a joy to watch. Esme would often get lost watching him while he was doing something he enjoyed or just talking about something he enjoyed. Felix had a similar look on his face when they entered the hall as he had when he first saw her in her dress, that time it had made her blush, the second time she just smiled at him. “You want to dance?” She beamed at him and nodded. “Lets dance first,”
Felix hadn't let go of Esme's hand since they'd left the common room, and he continued to move through the crowd into the middle of the dance floor. "Course I do," he grinned at her, glad she seemed as keen as he was. When he'd made his first ever proposition to her at the Halloween Feast last year, he'd taken the chance that they would work well together, and as time went on he was even more sure that he'd made the right choice. He had his friends, thankfully, but spending time with Esme was different to spending time with the boys. He'd always felt as though she'd seen straight through him. It was all in the eyes.

The second year paused to turn to Esme, resting his hands around her waist. He didn't really care about whether anyone was watching them, and not only because he'd spent so many years feeling invisible. "See, doesn't this make a change?" Felix flashed another smile, swaying them to the rhythm.
Esme was glad to hear that Felix wanted to dance, she loved dancing and not a lot of boys their age liked doing it, it only made her realise she had picked a good one and had no intention of letting him go any time soon. “Lets go,” She beamed and they moved through the people onto the dancefloor which was sparsely populated as it was still early in the night. Esme blushed when Felix put his hands around her waist and she put her own around his neck, it felt like to be like that with him and they slowly danced along with the music. “It’s nice, the decorations, the music, you, much better than classes,”
As the strongest couple in the school moved to the music, Felix was looking down at Esme who seemed glad to be with him here, as he was her. "Me?" Felix smiled with a small scoff; he wasn't so sure about that but at least she thought so. He wasn't exactly one for being romantic and the only reason he'd said things so lovey-dovey to her recently was because Amory told him to, although. Was that why she thought he was good? Surely not, they'd been together for practically forever and it had never been something to crop up before. So, he let it go. He wasn't going to make a problem out of nothing. "Oh definitely. Much better." Then again, most things were. "I was thinking, we dance, then we say hello to some friends, maybeeee we drop by just when things are getting juice," he grinned, "then we should get some food. And maybe we should take some food back to the common room, you know, just so we don't get hungry when we get back up those stairs."
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