First Years, Lesson Two


First Years, Lesson Two: Transfiguration and the Ministry of Magic

As he had done the previous week, Professor Edward Pirrip stood outside his classroom greeting the first years as they approached. He greeted each student by name as they arrived, keeping a quiet count in his head as they passed. Once confident that everyone had arrived, Edward followed them into the classroom and closed the door behind him and limping towards the front of the class.

"Welcome back first years! I'm pleased to see you all decided to come back for another lesson." He greeted, flicking his wand towards the blackboard behind him to make a piece of chalk start writing Transfiguration and the Ministry of Magic. "As you probably picked up last week, Transfiguration is not only fascinating and complex, but also one of the most dangerous and powerful branches of magic. And with great power," he paused for effect, "comes a department full of Ministry rules and regulations, along with punishments in place for any misuse of Transfiguration. And yes, the Ministry will find out. They always do."

Edward paused briefly, his expression serious as he covered something important, he did not want the students to think he was joking, "Using this type of magic on another human, or even an animal, with the purpose of harming them or entertaining yourself will lead to severe punishments." He continued, hoping these kids understood this was a serious situation. "There are also laws for using Transfiguration on yourself. People who have mastered Transfiguration to the point of altering their physical selves into an intelligent creature that represents them are known as Animagi. They must be registered with the Ministry of Magic. This registration must include both their Animagus form as well as any special markings that can help identify them." He gave the class a moment to catch up, noticing a few frantic scribblers. With a wave of his wand, the chalk began writing bullet points on the board to help them out.

"But it’s not just about people and animals. Even inanimate objects can be dangerous since most weapons are inanimate objects. There are also some objects that are classed as 'muggle artifacts' - things created by non-magical people or are specific inventions of theirs. Meaning that if we would like something like that, we would have to obtain it the non-magical way. This is the reason flying carpets are outlawed in most countries, but broomsticks are not."

He straightened up when he realised the time and clapped his hands together. "At the end of the day, there are numerous ways to abuse Transfiguration and each of its branches, which we'll be covering more in depth in future lessons. Unfortunately, that's all we really have time for today. If you're interested, you can read up on more about it in the library or come and visit me in my office. Class dismissed!"
Homework: RP attendance! Tag @Professor Edward Pirrip if you would like me to interact with your character! Write out notes from the lesson for extra credit.
Every time he arrived on time to a lesson was honestly a miracle and as Finley walked into the transfiguration lesson he was honestly surprised by himself. He lingered near the back, listening, half-heartedly, to Professor Pirrip talking about the rules and regulations, which seemed a bit silly for a class that wasn’t the first. He wondered if they shouldn’t have gone over this in the first lesson, but then he wasn’t the professor so what did he know really? He wasn’t too keen on Ministry talk though as the only person he knew in the Ministry, and it wasn’t even in the Ministry was the Professors and kind of his dad. Who was a healer. He didn’t plan on breaking any laws though so maybe it was good to know. Not that he was writing any of it down, though he probably should have been. The whole animagus thing was also weird, but he didn’t make any notes on it because it was another thing he didn’t really care about. It was a little cool and turning into an animal would probably be fun, but by his luck he’d probably turn into a goldfish or a snake and he could already talk to those so what would he need to be one for. Soon class wrapped up and he quickly finished up his notes before packing his things before heading out.​
As a class, and as a professor, this was just okay. He didn’t dislike either the professor nor the class, but he wasn’t entirely sure he liked it either. It was just another round of work he had to do to get through the school year, which was fine, but annoying. He was moderately attentive as he took notes, listening to the professor talk about animgus and transformation and stuff was kind of cool, but nothing that really interested Chiro enough to be considered worth listening to too much, just the basics was all he needed really. It was definitely re-enforcing all the things his mum used to say about magic being dangerous and be careful, but he had that lecture already he didn’t really need another one. Once the lesson had concluded, he packed up quickly and headed out of the class, maybe he could find Daisy.​
Now Christa knew magic was a joke, because she couldn’t take it seriously that there would be something like an animagus, or whatever that was supposed to mean. Was she really supposed to believe that there was an entire group of magical people pretending to be animals? That seemed like it was taking her ability to believe in magic in front of her a little too far. She snorted and shook her head, unable to believe anything else out of the professors mouth now that he’d made such a claim. That was the kind of thing that people talked about in books, like werewolves or vampires. What was this, Twilight? If she walks out the door and sees Edward Cullen eating in the Great Hall, she was leaving this school. Now Jacob she wouldn’t mind. Edward was a heavy no.​
Miles was really hoping they would move onto something a little more interesting for the next Transfiguration lesson. Maybe they could learn some new spells or something. But, unfortunately, it just seemed as though they would be having another lecture. The Gryffindor sighed as he slouched back in his seat, already tuning out all the boring rules the Professor was going over. He didn't care about the rules, he just wanted to learn some magic already. It was a pretty boring lecture, and he didn't really end up taking many notes. He was just thankful when it was all over, quickly standing and gathering his things together before leaving the classroom. Maybe things would start getting a little more interesting soon.

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