Willow flew forwad finding herself some good space with hopefully a good angle to shoot from. "over here" she called and was supprised when the quaffle was actually thrown in her direction. She caught it before leaning forward and speeding towards the goals.
Ivy felt pleased that Veronica was cooperating with her and playing like a team instead of holding a grudge against her for something she couldn’t control. She looked at teddy at the hoops as she came in from the side. Hoping to draw him across to her side. Hoping Veronica could tell what she was doing it was something she had learned playing basketball in primary school. Passing the ball around to draw the defender away. “to you“ she called before she passed to another chaser so they could shoot.
((Sorry I haven’t selected an action. My timer hasn’t ran out and I miscalculated the time. but I really need to sleep.))
Ivy realised that whatever was going on her play wasn't clear and again she had to tly after her pass. the chasers really did need some tactic sessions before the next game. She caught the ball and flew towards the hoops hoping for a simple clean set of points. unfortunately it was not to be the case
Aroha spotted something out of the corner of her eye. Something golden. She swerved to go towards it, going into the chase and hoping to catch it before Milo got his hands on it.
Santiago was starting to wonder if he would ever hit another bludger again until finally he made contact. But his aim was off so it went wide and hit one of the chasers instead. @Ivy Cullen
Santiago grinned as he saw another bludger coming right to him. He swung and aimed it at his fellow beater hoping some friendly fire might inspire them both. @Miro Morales-Albertson
Ivy held back wondering if veronica or fraiser were around to take the toss in back. she felt like she was doing all the work this training and didn't want to be labelled a ball hog but as no one else came for it she flew to get it before turning to head back to rose's hoops. she was about a third of the way up the pitch when she heard the telltale whistle of a bludger incoming she braced herself against the ball and broom just in time as she felt it colide with her right side. she let out a hiss as the force of it knocked her off course but st least she was still on the broom and had the ball. but that was going to leave a nice bruise come the morning.
Teddy had kind of lost track of what was happening and his head still hurting from banging it on the hoops. He remained in position, hovering in front of the middle hoop.
Ivy hurried down the pitch quaffed in hand she was going g to score this time. She willed it. As she drew close to rose she aimed and threw not trying anything complex this time most a simple shot. Unfortunately he arm was still sore from the bludger hit and she once again didn’t get any points.
She wasn’t sure what was more embarrassing for her. The fact that she was carrying the entire teams worth of chasers, no matter how much she tried to let the others take the ball or pass to them or that she has still not managed to get them a single point.
Ivy waited to see if anyone else would get the quaffed after rose threw it back in but none of the other chasers was around. So she flew forward to take it with a thanks rose. Before making her way up the pitch. This time she lent forward seeing how fast she could make it wanting to challenge herself a little. As she focused on dodging players and not to become a human bludger.
Ivy made it to the other end of the pitch I. Record time. Hoping the speed would be to her advantage. She aimed up the shot and tried again. Disappointed that it still hadn’t scored any points.
seeing no other chasers around and wondering if they were on strike as a way to get back at her or the captains for the line up she flew forward to get the quaffle before heading towards rose and her hoops.
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