Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S2/Y48

Ivy headed towards the goals. Her eyes locked onto the keeper staring them down as if daring them to save it. At the last minute she swerved to the side aiming for one of the other hoops. In a way her brother had shown her over the break. But she had messed up the timing and the shot didn’t make it.
Santiago saw another bludger and grinned. He was starting to think he was finally warmed up as he hit the bludger and it went sailing across the pitch. He decided to give Milo a break and go after the other seeker. @Aroha Blenheim
Milo was more than unimpressed with Santiago already throwing off his groove so early into practice. How was he supposed to try about any new moves or strategies if he kept hucking bludgers at him. Thankfully he seemed to move onto bothering Aroha for now so Milo could catch his breath and search for the snitch.
Santiago was on a roll now but his aim was off this time as it soared past its target to hit Teddy instead. @Teddy Pirrip
After nothing came at him for a while, two balls hit Teddy in quick succession. The first was the quaffle which he'd managed to save, just about. The second was Santiago's bludger which the force of pushed him back into the hoop which his head banged against the metal of. He threw the quaffle back out to play and rubbed his hurting head with one hand, while holding his side where the bludger hit with the other. Man he hoped no one saw that.
Rose saw the bludger hit Teddy, none of them were strangers to bludgers, but it was rarer to be hit by them as a Keeper than it was for a seeker or chaser even. Corey had probably been hit more in his career than she had in her entire training days with Kaachan - though Kaachan had a thing about making sure they knew how to take a hit. She gave the Captain a thumbs up, though the likelihood of him seeing it was probably low, since they were rarely quite far apart. It was there for him in spirit.​
Ivy saw teddy save the ball and was about to turn around to follow another chaser up the pitch when she saw teddy take a bludger which threw him through the hoop with the quaffle in hand along with a clang as something hit the hoop. she looked back to see teddy having been hit through the hoop with a bludger. "does that make it a point?" she teased before relaising that he had actually hit himself. "are you okay?" she asked. looking around to see if anyone else was around to take the quaffle and seeing no one caught it and started heading back down the pitch.

(if another chaser is around to post i am happy to pass the ball. but I don't want it to just die like before).
Teddy nodded to say he was okay then checked the points board which still said zero, "Sadly not, but I wish it had!" He replied to Ivy and giving Rose a thumbs up back, his eyesight allowed him to see that far after all.
Santiago stretched out his arm before looking for another bludger.
Ivy smiled at teddys comment. It would have been nice to get a point. But there was no time to lament as she continued to roses hoops.
Santiago swung but missed this time.
"The quaffle goes in the hoops guys," she reminded them.
Aroha rubbed her shoulder, annoyed at herself for having not dodged the bludger hit. She continued looking for the snitch, thinking she saw a hint of gold but it turned out to just be something reflecting off something.
Ivy was drawing closer to the hoops she could see rose guarding them. She wanted rose to do well. But she scolded her self while the girl might be a team mate usually right now she was an opponent. She squared up to the hoops and took a shot watching. And feeling disappointed that she didn’t get a score.
Randomly, out of seemingly nowhere, Aroha saw the snitch flit by. She went into a chase, reaching out and caught it. A little dumbfounded, she raised it up before letting it go again to try catch it again.
Santiago looked for more bludgers.
Blocking Ivy's attempt, Rose threw the Quaffle back out again. "Come on Ivy, you made the team didn't you, I know you can do better than that!"
Santiago looked for a bludger to hit.
“Ivy chuckled at roses comment. too right you are. But I think you great save helped stop it” she called back. As the ball was thrown in she looked around to see if any of the other chasers were near by and wanted to take the ball up.
Santiago seemed to be on the bludgers bad side again when it went off course missing everyone after he hit it.
Aroha went on the lookout for the snitch again, eyeing the skies.
Santiago saw a bludger and went to hit it. He didn't have high hopes but was surprised when it went exactly where he wanted it to. It soared across the pitch and hit the alternate seeker again. @Aroha Blenheim
Rule 2A

Ivy passed the quaffle and Veronica grabbed it and started to make her way towards the hoops.
"Well yes, I'm a very good keeper." She added, grinning at Ivy and then watching as Veronica got the Quaffle.​
((Ivy didn’t have the quaffe she was hanging back to see if another chaser was around to take ir))

Finally another chaser was there to get the pass in. She followed Veronica up the pitch there if she needed to pass.

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