🌹 Rose Giving A rose for friendship

Jasper Beese

Flaky friend | Gobstones forever!
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Acacia Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Jasper was over halfway through his deliveries and knew the next person was a Ravenclaw. He headed to the Ravenclaw table during lunch time to find them, "Oh hi, I'm looking for Lucy." He asked someone at the table, "Which Lucy? Oh er, Lucy Montague." He hesitated and checked his list, of course there’d be more than one Lucy. He was hoping one of these smart students would be able to point him in the right direction of the Lucy he was looking for.

@Lucy Montague
Lucy, who had taken a break from rose deliveries for a quick lunch to get her energy back up, looked up. "Oh, that's me! I'm Lucy Montague!" Another rose? Lucy struggled not to visibly thrum with excitement.
Jasper stopped when an older student said they were Lucy, "Well that's lucky." He said, "I have a yellow rose for you, the note is really nice on it too." Of course Jasper had read all the notes for the roses he was delivering.

Hey Lucy! Happy Valentine's! Make sure you do something just 'cause you wanna do it today! - Audrey
"Oh. You read it?" Lucy took the flower and note and read it for herself, smiling but feeling a bit strange. "I don't think you're meant to read them, by the way," Lucy said as a faint warning though she also didn't sound too sure of herself.
Jasper realised immediately after saying it, that the prefect hadn't appreciated him reading the note before delivering the rose. "Oh sorry. I thought we were allowed to." He replied a little shamefully. "Happy Valentine's day?" He offered as a softener.
Lucy quirked an eyebrow but decided to let it go. She was in too good a mood with all the flowers going around. "Happy valentine's day," she said in response, not sounding too put out.

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