Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice S2 Y48

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

Lucy was pleased with how the team was going. There were some newbies, but they were pulling their weight which was always good to see. She stood infront of everyone on the pitch and called out to get everyone's attention. "Alright, let's get right into things, team! We've got a game coming up and it's important to have fun but it's also important to win, right?" Lucy gave a smile. "Let's go Ravenclaw!"
Lucy was bubbling with joy at the thought of Ravenclaw in the finals, in her first year as co-captain, no less. The cup was moments away, and she was ready to snatch another win and do her house proud. In a family with so many older siblings, it felt good having something that was hers, especially when that thing was going so well. She stood side by side with Lucy One as the team assembled, grinning broadly as her co-captain addressed the team. "Everyone give it your best, and we'll have that cup in no time!" She added brightly before the practice began, kicking off and beginning her hunt for a bludger.
Maggie was glad to be on a winning team, and she listened as the captains gave them some brief instructions regarding practice. She got back on her broom, a little shakily at first, before hovering to see where the bludgers went.
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Lilith had liked being on the team so far, way more than she thought she would if she was being honest. Arriving to the pitch for practice the second year gave a nod of hi and a smile to her captains and looked around as others arrived as well. As they started she shot up to the air in search of the golden ball with wings.
Maggie saw a bludger and flew after it, hoping that if she caught it early she could catch someone off guard.
As Lilith looked for the snitch and saw a glint of gold she sped towards it and closed her fist around it, very glad that it was just a ball not the actual bird they used to use. "Caught it!" She exclaimed victoriously, glad to have started off good before letting the thing go.
Theo had been enjoying quidditch so far. The boy listened carefully to what the captains had to say, and it wasn't long before practice began. Theo quickly got up in the air and managed to get a hold of the quaffle before making his way towards one of the goals.
Savannah shot up into the air and began searching for the snitch.
Lilith looked around for the snitch after it had disappeared again.
Magne flew up into the air and then caught the quaffle and headed towards the hoops.
Lilith didn't see the snitch anywhere.
Savannah didn't catch the snitch.
Magne tried to score and missed completely.
Lili didn't see or catch the snitch.
Maggie was glad to see her roommate catch the snitch and kept going after bludgers.
Lilith thought back to the little history lesson she got from Audrey after a practice, about how snitches were named after the golden snidget, glad it was now this not a living thing as she continued her search.
Maggie made contact with a bludger and tried to hit it towards one of the seekers but watched as it hit @Magne Kleos instead.

Bludger Hits
Magne Kleos - 1
Lilith smiled as her dormmate made a hit, but kept looking for the snitch.
Theo caught the quaffle after Magne attempted to score. Theo then did a lap around the pitch before heading back to the goals
Lilith saw the golden snitch in the distance and sped towards it, after she got close enough she reached for it and successfully caught it. There was a feeling of pride in her chest as she looked at the golden thing with a smile.
Lucy kept an eye on the quaffle, flying beside Theodore as he flew to the hoops.
When Theo was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the middle hoop, completely missing
Maggie was glad she hit a bludger, even if her aim was off. She took a moment to see where the other one was and went after it.
Violet was very ready for this practice. She took her position in front of the hoops, ready to block the next shot.
Letting the snitch go Lilith got back to searching for it.

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