🌹 Rose Giving The last and it's pink

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy decided, since it was about lunchtime, it would be sensible to try and catch the next student in the great hall. She walked over to the hufflepuff table, asking a few questions about who exactly Naveen was (she was unfamiliar with him). Hufflepuffs proved helpful and pointed her in the correct direction. "Sorry to interrupt, but I've got a rose for you," Lucy said, a very obvious single rose in her basket that was very obviously pink.

@Naveen Khatri
Naveen and the rest of the Wild Patch had been hard at work getting all the roses ready for today. But now that the day was here all he wanted to do was sit back and relax, which was easier said than done with the great hall, and rest of the school, turned on it's head. But he couldn't complain too much since he had sent a few roses of his own. Naveen looked up when he saw that someone had a rose for him. He figured he might receive one or two from his family, but seeing the pink rose in the older girl's basket made him pause. "Are you sure that one is for me?" he asked warily.
"Hm? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Has your name on it. Here," she passed over the rose and note, wondering why he seemed so confused. Maybe he hadn't been expecting it. That kind of made it more exciting. She waited patiently to see his response.

Dear Naveen.

I've relly enjoyed getting to know you better this last few months. you are really nice. and sweet and fun. I had a really fun time with you at the ball.

Maybe we should do it again some time? maybe like a date.

More questions and concerns tried to bubble up on Naveen's tongue but before he could get them out the girl handed him the rose. "My name?" he asked incredulously but his voice was soft. He hesitated before opening the note. He read the note quickly before closing it quickly as his face grew red and hot. He blinked and looked over his shoulder as if someone else could have been reading it too. "Um, thanks." he stammered when he remembered he in fact wasn't alone. He didn't exactly need a witness to this as he started to panic over the yellow rose he sent to Ivy. What would she make of that? Did he want to know? Did he have to go into hiding for the rest of the year?
Lucy watched his expression change, intrigued. "Everything okay?" she asked, secretly pleased to witness what she thought was an unexpected note and nothing else.
Rose deliveries were.... a chaotic event, to say the least, and though she did feel a little guilty, Dhivya was fairly secure in her decision not to participate. She didn't really have anyone but her family to send them to, and delivering seemed.... exhausting. She'd been content to sit back and let the chaos unfold around her, otherwise going about her day as normal. She wasn't paying the deliveries much attention until someone approached her brother at lunch, her amusement turning to shock as she realised the colour of the rose. Dhivya knew that Naveen was more popular than she was at Hogwarts, but she definitely didn't know anyone was interested in him like that. She had gotten an inkling about Ivy, but Naveen had insisted their date was just as friends. But that rose was very much pink, and her heart stuttered. Naveen was absolutely hiding something from her. "Let me see!" She reached out and tried to pluck the note from her twin's hand.
Naveen had wanted to spiral into despair in peace but the older girl seemed to be concerned about him. "I'm fine!" he squeaked out and tried to smile. He had hoped to seem content but he was pretty sure his smile came off more like a grimace. But before he was forced to make more reassurances his sister appeared and tried to grab the note from his had. With a speed he usually didn't posses he pulled it away just in time. "No!" he said quickly and held it tightly to his chest. "It's my note! And none of your business." he tried to say with some authority but it felt hollow. Being twins they had never really had separate 'business' but after how much time he had spent convincing Dhivya going to the ball with Ivy hadn't been a date she was sure to spend the rest of lunch grilling him for details. Details he didn't have because he was a little lost himself. He tried to turn away and stick the note in his back but he missed and it fell to the floor. He lunged after it but he knew he would be too slow.

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