🌹 Rose Giving And it was called yellow

Mania Athanasiou

Out here on my own, living life to the fullest 🌪️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A mystery (probably crushing on someone rn)
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/2052 (12)
Mania skipped down the Great Hall with a yellow rose singing a song she had heard her cousins play once, it was an old song from wayyy before she was even born but it fit the rose. "And all the roses you get, Yeah well this ones yellowwww" Well see it was supposed to be Yellow by Coldplunge or something, but she had changed the words a bit and it now sounded more like a completely new song but hey she did her best. "Sunshine in the form of a rosee for my lovely Ruth Thorne, who may that beee!?" Mania no less than yelled in a happy tone as she reached her destination at the Slytherin table's head.

@Ruth Thorne
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Ruth had sent a few roses out and had toyed with the idea of doing a little more for her dorm - but had decided that was an awful lot like work and might not even have the desired effect. So she simply smiled to herself and gave the appropriate reaction noises as others got roses at the table, grinning a little more sheepishly as her own name was called. "Thaaaaat's me," she called, waving her arm around and jangling some bracelets she'd accessorised with for the day. "You're...Nia right? From pep squad?"
Mania skipped towards the familiar looking girl, oh she knew this one and this one knew her! "Yepp! That's me I fear you are a bit better with names than me because I saw your name on my list and didn't realize I knew you.." She admitted with a shy smile before extending the rose she had for the girl. "Today I have a nice sunshine yellow rose for you mi lady!" Nia said as she smiled, oh Valentine's was definitely her new favourite holiday. Her eyes snapped to the bracelets the Slytherin was wearing, "You got pretty bracelets on today, I suck at wearing jewelry. I always forget to put them on in the morning, it's a shame because they do look really nice." Perhaps she'd try next year.

Happy Valentine's Day cousin!
Hope you have a great day and good luck with dueling tournament!
Love Leah
Ruth grinned, wiping her brow in a sort of affectation of relief. "Oh, that's lucky! I'm, like, soooo bad with names sometimes," she said. It perhaps wasn't entirely true, but nobody had to know that. She took the rose and read the note with a grin, pleased to get a rose from Leah. It was going to be sad when she wasn't around the school next year but they'd no doubt catch up outside of it. She was a little more motivated to do well in the duels...maybe.

"Oh, thank you! I know right, it's soooo hard to remember. Professor Moncrieffe is probably going to tell me off, but like, it's Valentine's Day, right? Totally a day for sunshine." She beamed. "That's sooo nice of you to deliver roses, I hope you get some too, you totally deserve it." She kind of wished she'd sent more, to the whole dorm and pep squad, but there was only so many she could send without making the prefects mad. Ruth couldn't afford to do that, not least when Leah was one and she fully expected Cyrus to be one too.
Mania gave a short snort at the possibility of being told off for bracelets, it seemed silly but she had no doubt some Professors might do it. "Well what's life without a little bit of fun anyways," if someone complained about jewelry they might want to get a new life because their current one was utterly miserable. Nia gave a quick shrug, having not really given any thought to roses beyond the delivering of them. "Honestly, I don't mind in my opinion it's just been so fun delivering them, you know I delivered one red rose oh and this pink one but the receiver was so utterly boring," Nia recalled the delivery to that grumpy older Ravenclaw. What a disappointment it had been, to not be given any reaction.

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