🌹 Rose Giving should be easy, she said

Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • finding my footing • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
It was going to be a busy day, and Hina was a little grateful that she knew - or at least knew of - four people on her list. One of her first stops of the day was Eli's friend - a girl named Lilith. Luckily, the girl was also a Ravenclaw in the same year as her brother so it was relatively easy to think of where she could catch said girl. When she got there, it seemed that Jonah had the same idea since he was also delivering a rose to one of his classmates. "Lilith? Lilith Ilves?" she asked softly as she approached one of the Ravenclaw girls that she was sure she'd seen hanging out with Eli before.
Lilith was excited, not only was it rose delivery day but she had also just had a Transfiguration lesson. It was without a doubt her favourite subject so she wore a big smile as she walked out. Hearing a soft voice call out her name the Ravenclaw turned around looking for who it might be calling it. Spotting an older Hufflepuff girl who she recognized to be Eli's sister she stepped towards her. "Yes, that's me. Do you have a rose for me?" Lilith couldn't help but ask, maybe it was one from Eoghan since the pink one hadn't been his.
Once Hina was sure that she got the right girl, she grabbed a red rose from her basket along with a note that came with it and handed them both to the girl. "I think that's all I got for you," she said with a small smile. She said as she spotted Eli and gave him a small wave while the girl read her note.

I want to tell you something but it is probably best to say it in person. Meet me at our spot?
Eli wasn't expecting to see his older sister hanging about but he waved back at her when she waved at him, before noticing she must have delivered Lili a rose. He knew it wasn't from him, because his had nothing attached, so this was from someone else, probably Eoghan betting on the colour. That was a little awkward. He walked up to Hina and gave her a hug, grinning. "Hina-nee, you're doing so well," he said, knowing this was probably a lot for her.​
Lilith smiled to the older girl who gave her a red rose. RED! With a note. Her whole face turned almost the shade of the rose as she took the flower and note. "Thank you," Lili said her voice a pitch higher than intended. Opening the note slowly her brows furrowed, he had something to tell her? It had to be from Eoghan so the spot was by the lake then. Lilith half noticed her classmate join them to greet his sister before raising her eyes again with a smile. "Thank you for the delivery, are yours going well so far?" She asked politely, giving Eli a smile as well as he hugged his sister. Now she had to wait until she got some free time to get to the lake.
Hina couldn't help but smile at Eli as he came up to her and hugged her. Merlin he was getting to be so tall, just a couple more inches and he'll be taller than her already. Still, she thought it couldn't hurt to wrap an arm around him in reciprocation but only after running fingers through his hair briefly. "This is my first delivery," she whispered to him conspiratorially before she smiled back at her brother's friend. "I hope they'll go well. I still have a lot," she said as she gestured to her still-almost-full basket. "You both have fun in class, love you," she said, though turned to Eli when she spoke in Japanese. She had a quite a number of deliveries to make so she left after giving Jonah a playful pinch on the cheek to hopefully lighten him up.

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