🌹 Rose Giving Something to cheer you up! (Red)

Finley Mackintosh Baros

chronically late for everything
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Finley knew a little about Veronica because she was on the Quidditch team and he paid attention to that since he loved the game - even if he didn't make it this year. So when he noticed that he had a red rose to deliver to the chaser, he grinned and danced over to her. "Hi Veronica! I have a red rose for you! Someone must looooove you!" he said, holding the rose out to her with the expectation that she would be so happy to receive it.​

@Veronica Walden-Cade

A little something to cheer you up grumpy! Teddy
Veronica was mid bite when an excitable first year came up to her carrying a red rose and claiming it was for her. She'd seen him bouncing around the common room before and thought he was quite annoying. Veronica sighed and took the rose from him, along with the note and started reading it. "That little..." She read it twice just to make sure it was right, all while instinctively closing her fist around the red rose she had in her other hand, the thorns sticking into her palm causing her to bleed the same colour as the rose. "I'll kill him,"
Finley's eyes widened as he watched the girl tighten her fist around the rose, taking two (perhaps wisely) large steps back and away from her incase that temper turned to him. He wasn't sure what the note had said, but he felt like it was pretty clear that whatever it said was likely unwanted by the girl. "Ooohkay, I'm... just gonna..." Go, he thought, taking more steps back and out of her space.​

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