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Theodore Nightray

daredevil • just can't resist • cocky
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Manticore Venom Core
OOCOut of Character:
Open after @Ezra Ito

It was nearing the holidays and it was around this time that there was just always something up in the air. Now, usually, one Theodore Nightray had no problems getting himself a date, but for some bizarre reason, there must be something in the food of Hogwarts New Zealand because he did have some difficulty securing a date. Or, well, at least a sure one. It was such a shame really. Well, their loss, not his. Theo could be an awesome date if he wanted to be. Since the population of Hogwarts had decided that they didn't want to accompany them to the dance, well, all except one cutie named Ezra, he would just have to shower his only date, most of his attention for the night. All would be such a stretch because he still intended to wreak havoc on his cousin's nerves at some point in the night. And so, he'd gone all out bringing a bouquet of sunflowers and a box of chocolates for his date while he waited for him outside of the Hufflepuff Common Room so he could escort him down to the Great Hall.
After an awkward date with Savannah, Ezra had been avoiding her a bit. It had been a relief when someone else asked him to the ball, and Ezra had gladly accepted. It helped that Theodore was very charming and confident, though that also made Ezra a bit jealous at times. He wished he could be more like that. Ezra had dressed up in a simple suit and left the common room feeling a little nervous. His eyes widened when he saw his date with flowers and chocolates. Was that real, or was this all some sort of joke? Ezra smiled hesitantly as he approached Theodore. "Hi" He said. "I didn't bring anything." He said apologetically.
Theodore was a puppy. An adorable puppy. He was sure that there would be quite the mix of agreements and disagreements to what he was like as soon as his date stepped out of the Common Room. Still, an excited puppy was probably most apt, all he was missing really was a wagging tail. But alas, such transfiguration was still lost from his brilliance. "Ah-ah," he said wagging a finger as his date tried to apologize. "I asked you out tonight, ergo, I get to spoil you and not the other way around. Although I wouldn't be opposed to a kiss on the cheek," he said with a wink. He was only maybe ninety percent joking. He really wouldn't mind a small peck on the cheek. In all honesty, he would have given Ezra a kiss on the cheek if he didn't think it'd scare his date off so early night. "Honeyduke's finest, and sunflowers because they remind me of you," he presented them to his date. "Now you can go and take this back to your room and I'll wait for you out here, or I can shrink them and hold on to them until the end of the night. What say you?" Theo said with a grin as he offered an arm to Ezra and waited to see what he would decide on.
Ezra wasn't sure if what Theodore said was right. Was that how it worked? He would probably know, though. He smiled hesitantly. "Oh, thanks." He said. He smiled awkwardly as the boy said he wouldn't mind a kiss on the cheek, feeling too nervous to actually do that. He was glad when Theodore talked about his presents. "I'll just quickly put them in the common room." He said after a moment. "One sec." Ezra rushed back in, putting the gifts on a table before heading back out. He was fairly certain no one in the Hufflepuff common room would steal his stuff. "Let's go." he said a little breathlessly as he came out of the room again.
Ahhhh, his date was too adorable really. Theo thought that it had been an age since someone actually felt shy around him while being his date. His shenanigans were fairly known in Hogwarts Scotland, and most of the people that he would take to Hogsmeade or to any school thing knew what he was like and knew how to roll with it. It was tempting to tease Ezra really, if only he didn't want his date to actually run off when they hadn't even made it to the Great Hall. It was tempting to give a little smack when the boy had rushed off into the Common Room, gifts in tow, but Theo kept his hands squarely in his pockets. It certainly didn't help when Ezra came out breathless, and it was tempting to take just one little kiss. Maybe later, before the night ended. Probably. Most definitely. "Off we go then," he said as he took Ezra's hand, fingers lacing with his, and pulled him to the direction of the Great Hall. "Did I tell you about my twin yet?" he asked but didn't really wait for an answer, he hadn't really talked about Thea to most of the people here. "She's awesome and scary at the same time. So she didn't actually know I was coming here and I had to run away in the middle of the night. Like a spy really. Well, no one in the family really knew I'd be on the exchange program so I'm still trying to decide on whether to go home for the holidays or just see them all at the end of the year," he made sure to babble all about his twin and how angry she was at him for just up and leaving and then how angry Mikael was at him for showing up here. "Anyway, now Elio and Mikael are gonna be in there and maybe I'll nag on him a little because a stick that far up his @ss cannot be good for him, don't you agree?" Somehow, he'd only managed to stop babbling when they were almost at the Great Hall, and hopefully, all that babbling had at least calmed his nervous date.
Ezra wasn't sure what to talk about once they started heading to the Great Hall, but thankfully Theodore seemed happy to talk plenty. He talked about his twin, and Ezra shook his head at the question. He hadn't even known Theodore had a twin. He listened as Theodore explained he ran away in the middle of the night to go to this school. It was a wild story, and not something Ezra would ever dare to do. The subject changed to Elio and Mikael, who Ezra knew of. He hesitated a bit at the question. "Well, I don't now them all that well." He said after a moment. He had only spoken to Elio and had thought he was pretty cool, but what did he know.
"It's fine. Mikael's not really the type to make friends, but Elio swears up and down that he does, which is weird," Theodore said without missing a beat. His cousin wasn't exactly the most sociable or good at sharing. Even with Theo, whom Elio has known for years, Mikael could get touchy with, so it wasn't surprising that Elio had been completely monopolized by his cousin dearest. "But enough about that grumpy pants, tonight is all about you," he said, bringing Ezra's hand up to his lips to just lightly brush against the skin there. "So what would you like to whoa," he said as his words were cut off with an appreciative whistle at the explosion of Christmas and Winter within the Great Hall. "Your school sure knows what's what. Looks like you got skating, dancing, trees, and food. What should we do first?"
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