Closed Ball of our own

Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Lils)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)
Eoghan was a little surprised when Lilith told him she didn't want to go to the Yule Ball this year. He knew that things had been strange not just between them but between their classmates for a few weeks now but perhaps the second year had overlooked how much of an impacted it had had on his girlfriend. She did seem quieter than normal, although anyone who wasn't Eoghan may have put that down to the nerves of trying to complete another semester of exams, as well as working hard on the Quidditch pitch. The icing on the cake however was hearing that Lili didn't want to go to a social event that usually she would be the one pulling him to instead. That being said, Eoghan didn't want the entire evening to go to waste and even if the Ravenclaw didn't want to do their usual traditions, Eoghan still wanted to make sure it was a fun and memorable evening for her.

Having asked her to meet him in the common room, Eoghan had done his best to dress in a smart casual outfit. Dark jeans with a white collared shirt hopefully meant that whatever Lilith decided to dress in, she would also feel comfortable. Most of the girls would put a lot of work into their hair and dresses for the occasion, but since Lilith didn't know exactly what Eoghan had planned up his sleeve and he hadn't specified a dress code, he wasn't sure whether she'd turn up in a typical ball gown or her pajamas for all he knew. The blond was fiddling with his own fingers as he waited for Lilith to turn up and meet him before he could lead them toward the place he had in mind for them to spend some time together, where they could have a Yule Ball of their very own away from the crowds and a chance to recharge.
Lilith had been overjoyed when Tori had asked her to help with her hair for the ball. Albeit it was a bitter sweet feeling not going there on her own and she had reconsidered it but ultimately decided it be best she wouldn't attend it. She was far too unfocused as it was she could not handle a social gathering, which was why she was very happy when Eoghan had said to do something of their own. She very much wanted to spend time with him.

Lilith had made her way to her dorm to feed Kuu just in time before having to go back down to meet her boyfriend, she adjusted her braid and threw a cardigan on top of her top before going down to meet him. Even though there was nothing to be nervous about she felt small butterflies flying all over her stomach at just the thought of spending time with him, as if it wasn't something she did all the time. As her eyes fell on Eoghan a smile reached her face, he was dressed smartly but casual enough not to give away whatever it was he had planned, then again he could take her on a walk around the school and Lilith would be too focused on the moment with him to even care about anything else. That was what always happened, their talks kept her grounded and focused even if it was about the most mundane things. It was an anchor. "Hi," the Ravenclaw spoke as she stopped in front of him, her eyes wandering over his face. She had got him a gift that was now laid in the pocket of her cardigan safely, it wasn't much but it was something she wanted him to have.
Eoghan didn't really know why he was anxious to be spending a night like this with Lilith. He could only assume that it was because this wasn't about school or their friends, this was just about them and what was between them, something that most people in the castle still weren't even aware of. The events with Demi and Tori had made it clear to Eoghan that keeping their relationship a secret was both for the best and making things harder for the people around them they did care about, however at the forefront of it all, was how they felt about it. As long as it was what they wanted to do, Eoghan had no intention of changing how he treated their relationship.

He glanced up towards the stairs every time a student came down, and he almost didn't recognise Lilith, doing a short double take when his eyes landed on her in her dress. Just because it wasn't a ball gown didn't mean that she wasn't the prettiest girl in the school. "Hi," he replied, equal softness in his voice to mirror her own. His eyes were searching hers for a few seconds in return, feeling the gift he'd been making her over the last few months resting in the pocket of his jeans. "Are you still happy to go?" he asked, just in case she'd changed her mind and would rather spend the time in the common room instead.
Lilith smiled when Eoghan spoke up, her smile growing double in size at the very least. She gently pushed her hands against the material of her skirt to have something to do with them other than just hang around limp at her sides, but not wanting to do anything that'd give any funny ideas for any students lingering around. "Oh yes, please I have been moping around either in my bed or in the library I need to go somewhere else for a bit." She replied with a hint of laughter in her voice, though the words felt far too embarrassing and vulnerable. It was still difficult accepting that keeping a focus was an ongoing battle, as if in response her eyes started to wander around the room hoping that the shame did not reach her eyes.

Surely she had overreacted to everything that had happened, but it had hurt her. Someone she cared for and considered one of her close friends had used her trust to essentially stir a pot of her own and perhaps even hurt Eoghan. It had taken a lot for Lilith to return to her dorm after all that and honestly she was glad the exams had been just around the corner so she had had something else to focus on. "Show me the way, Captain." She finally returned her green eyes to his and waited for him to show her where they would spend the evening.
It didn't escape Eoghan's notice that just because Lilith laughed, it didn't reach her eyes. The second year had been around her enough to know that she was still off even if she was doing her best to pretend otherwise, perhaps for his own sake. "I know the feeling," he mused, having spent most of his own time at the library or student lounge over the last few weeks, trying to avoid being in the common room for as much as possible while studying for his exams.

The blond nodded, his hand sliding into Lilith's, fingers wrapping through her own regardless of whether or not anyone would see. At the end of the day, it wouldn't be hard to tell people they were just friends, and this was the night of the Yule Ball anyway, everyone would be much too concerned with their own relationships to give too much thought to what they were doing. As Eoghan began to lead them out of the common room, he instantly felt more relief once they were away from the other students. It wasn't even that he disliked them but he could understand if Lili was feeling apprehensive around their classmates because he could feel it too. Tonight wasn't about school though, or even what other rumours could possibly be spreading about. "Have you spoken to your mum recently?" he asked, curious to know whether they'd discussed anything about their upcoming Christmas plans this year as he led them through the now more or less abandoned towers. Last year he'd met her parents and siblings for the first time, and while Eoghan had no expectation that he'd be invited over again he was still interested to know whether she'd be spending her vacation at Hogwarts or in Finland. The chatter of students was getting increasingly dulled the further they walked, making their way down the carpeted corridor.
Lilith felt more at ease when the words came out that he understood her, even though it was an unspoken thing between them and she knew he understood her it was different getting a confirmation of the fact. As he slid his hand into her she instantly grabbed his back and wished her hair was free so she could let it cover her face because she was sure she was blushing at the very moment.

As they walked further, it felt as though an invisible weight was slowly sliding further off of her back and she felt more free to move about without the fear of running to her former friend. "Yeah, they are still planning to come over to Brightstone for a few days though my grandparents did pull out of the plan apparently grandpa got sick but I doubt that's actually it. They did send me a gift though, probably a new broom." She had never liked asking for anything because there rarely were things she wanted, only did she ever realize having wanted something once she got it, but this time she had known she wanted a better broom and her grandparents were about the only people she could ask such gift from anymore. "Are you staying here or going back to Helsinki?" Lilith asked in return, secretly hoping he'd stay here because she didn't want to spend a whole holiday away from him, perhaps he could spend time with her family again.
Eoghan had already known her parents would be visiting Brightstone but that didn't mean she wouldn't be going back with her parents on their return. He glanced down at Lilith when she mentioned her grandfather getting sick, although, from her facial features, she was telling the truth about not believing the story entirely. "Oh, that is considerate," he wasn't sure he'd ever received a present from his own grandmother, although he didn't say that out loud because that would have seemed ungrateful. She'd taken him and his sister in when they needed it and that was good enough for them to count for every gift they could possibly be given for the rest of their lives. "I don't want to go back, but I don't know how Imogen will take that," he replied honestly. He hadn't spoken to his family since the summer but in truth, he didn't really want to. He knew his sister would do her best to convince him to come home so that she wasn't alone, but the idea of spending another few weeks unnecessarily in the flats he had to call home was something he was trying to avoid. Things would have been so much easier if she wasn't a muggle.

As the pair continued walking, Eoghan began to slow as they approached an open area in the North Tower. The large open windows let in a warm breeze from the December air, but they were most definitely far enough away from any of the other students who would never bother coming up this far. There was already a blanket laid out in the center of the tower, along with a bag stuffed to the brim with snacks he'd managed to find earlier that day in the kitchens. It had taken a little preparation but he was confident. Lastly, there was a small gramophone resting on the back of an empty trunk, quietly playing music that wouldn't have been a surprise to hear had they actually attended the Yule Ball downstairs too. Eoghan wasn't entirely sure if and when Lilith had begun to hear it, although during their walk he'd been dropping her small glances to gauge whether or not she'd realized.
As they continued their walk and Eoghan reacted to what she told she suddenly felt a bit bad. Not wanting to seem like she was bragging, she just thought to let him know since h had been the one to suggest she needed a new broom, rightfully so. Lilith nodded considering the words, not sure how to respond entirely. "That is a difficult situation, I mean if you truly do not want to go she should understand, no? But at the same time I do understand why it worries you how she might feel. You could always write her a letter that you'll come again during summer since the trip is quite long it should be a valid enough of a reason." As the Ravenclaw spoke she heard faint music, but wasn't sure whether or not it was from all the way down from the ball, but soon it became clear that it was from somewhere else entirely.

As she stepped into the space her eyes ran over everything, loving the view of the castle surroundings and the evening sky. A smile pulled all the way to her eyes at the set up and she turned around to look at Eoghan. "You did all this? For me?" Not in her wildest dreams had she thought it'd be something like this, she had thought that maybe they'd just hang out by the lake or Merlin knows just sit in the owlery, but the effort that had clearly gone into this made her feel seen. A feeling she so rarely felt nowadays and it was all she could do not to cry at the overwhelming amount of feelings. "I love it, you know with the exam haze I haven't even had time to visit the observatory." Lilith admitted, still amazed at everything he had put together. Throwing herself at him there was no fear to be seen she latched her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on both cheeks before settling her head against his shoulder. "It's perfect," she spoke almost too quiet to hear it herself, she had needed an escape and this was it she could just relax for the evening without worrying about anything.
What Imogen should understand and what she understood were two entirely different things, Eoghan had come to realise. "I don't think she'll see it that way," Imogen would only see what she wanted to see and that would be that Eoghan was choosing Hogwarts, and potentially Lilith, over her, not that Eoghan would tell Lilith that. "Besides, I wouldn't want to upset my grandmother. She's hard enough to be around at the best of times, not to mention when you're on her bad side." Not only would it be unfair to leave his sister in that situation by herself, but Eoghan would have to face his grandmother over the summer again so it only meant he would be delaying the inevitable. "I'll likely go home, even if it's only for a few days," he concluded somewhat sadly.

Eoghan said nothing as Lilith began to take in the sight in front of them, not even when she turned and asked if this was all for her. It seemed silly, of course it was. There wasn't anyone else he would have done something like this for. As Lilith threw her arms around his neck, his own arms wrapped tightly around her waist, lifting her up slightly in a tight embrace. He hadn't realised how heavily his heart was hammering in his chest from nerves that this would be something she enjoyed, and hearing that it was perfect was exhilarating. "You're perfect," he replied in barely more than a whisper as her head was against his shoulder. He meant it too. She was perfect, just in the way that she was. "Miss Ilves," he said after a moment, pulling his head back a little so he could look down to her face,
"Would you like to dance?"
Lilith was sad to hear he'd be going back to Finland but she could understand why. "I'll miss you then," she said honestly, because she would. It terrified her that she would miss him but at the same time it brought her comfort knowing there was someone she would always look forward to seeing again.

Lilith felt a small smile between all the emotions as he called her perfect, that was a bit excessive as she was far from perfect, but she appreciated the compliment. Raising her head again she looked at him questioningly, had he just asked her to dance? "You want to dance with me?" She asked to make sure she hadn't heard wrong. Eoghan never struck her as someone who'd like to dance. "Yes, yes I would like to dance very much," She had liked to dance with her grandmother, last time she danced was at the valentine's ball and she had been awkward at best with so many people around. Now it was just the two of them, so perhaps she could just let go of the anxiety and just live in the moment. "I'm sorry I have been distant and silent, I wasn't trying to shut anyone out and least of all you but I haven't really even been there myself if that makes sense." She wanted to apologize, mainly because she did not want to neglect others' needs around her but she was just fighting to stay present on a good day. The break was long overdue and a chat with her mum too.
Eoghan would miss Lilith while away too, but he had to remember that sometimes distance was good for both of them too. He nodded when Lilith asked for confirmation of what he'd said. Sliding his hands from around her waist to take her hand, he began to sway slightly in time to the music. Did he know what he was doing? No more than any other twelve-year-old boy who didn't take lessons. It was the thought that counted. "I wouldn't think you would have tried to shut me out on purpose," he'd felt a gap between them recently but that wasn't all down to Lilith either. He hadn't exactly reached out to others during this time. Eoghan didn't know how to fix things, or what to say to make everything better after Demi had tried to interfere, nor what he could do so that they didn't feel guilty about not telling Tori sooner. These things were already said and done so what else was there to do? “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Eoghan quoted from a book he'd read a few weeks ago. "You do not have to apologise for feeling distant, you only have to remember to keep moving forward." Eoghan knew that was easier said than done and sometimes that would take time, but in truth he didn't know what else he could say to make her feel better.
Lilith swayed with Eoghan, enjoying the moment as it was. "Good, because I never would." She was glad he knew that too, but had needed to say it herself. Blinking a bit at him she realized he was quoting a book she had read before too and smiled softly at it, perhaps so. "I will keep that in mind then, though now I want to sit down and give you something, seeing as we'll be continents apart for Christmas." She spoke after a bit more of, what some might call swaying like a branch in the wind, dancing and pulling him toward the blanket to sit. She pulled out the small pouch from her pocket offering it to him eagerly. "Remember when you asked me about crystals, so I lied I had gotten far more than a few and I wanted to give you a few as an introduction," She spoke waiting for him to open and see them. "There's a few with each traits of something I want you to have. Citrine for protection, success, stability. Tiger Eye for clearing negative energy. Amethyst for balancing and calming and energy protection. Black Tourmaline for protection, confidence and strength." She listed off each trait for each individual little crystal she had bought as an idea to give him to boost energy protection and what not. She liked to think they'd work, surely since magic was real.
As Lilith pulled Eoghan down toward the blanket, he did little to resist and took a seat beside her. Surprise was on his face when she pulled out a small pouch from her pocket and he wondered whether the crystals she'd spoken about before had something to do with a reading until she gave them to him. "You're giving me a gift?" he asked, not having received something of his own before, let alone something that someone picked out for him because they thought it would suit them. There were tears welling up behind his eyes as he felt the significance of what she'd done for him, turning the stones over in the palm of his hand and looking at each one with intrigue. His eyes remained fixed on the crystals for a few moments longer as he tried to stop the tears from being quite so obvious before glancing back up to Lilith, "This is so thoughtful," there wasn't anywhere he'd be going without carrying these around with him, and the fact there was a pouch for them too would also make it easier for him to keep them safe. He was making a mental note of what each crystal was for, determined to remember them and use them in a way that would bring out each of their successes. "Thank you Lils," he said quietly, still a little taken aback that she'd gotten him something too.

With one hand, he took out a small flat object from his own pocket, parchment paper wrapping up the object enough to keep it safe from being damaged. "I.. made you this," Eoghan said, now feeling as though it was a silly idea compared to something as personal as crystals. The Ravenclaw wasn't an artist by any means, but he'd been relatively proud of how it had turned out. The slice of wood that he'd cut down to size in the conglomerated arts room was now completely painted on one side. The small scene showed a wide lake, the moon high up in the sky in the night sky above it, and the moonline shining down on the lake casting a glow across the water, cutting it in two. For those who looked very closely, they may have even seen a small wolf howling at the moon.
Lilith smiled widely and she felt warmth all over her body at seeing the appreciation for the gift she gave him. She wanted him to have protection of some sort, and that bundle had those traits so it was the best idea in her mind. "Yes I gave you a gift, because you deserve to be given a gift and yes it is thoughtful because you deserve to be considered and be treated with thoughtful gestures." She explained, wanting him to know he was worthy of being seen. She smiled at the thank you and then her eyes focused on what he was pulling out of his pocket it was something small and delicate looking wrapped in a parchment.

As Lili unwrapped the piece her eyes fell on a tarot card, not just any card but their card. Not only that but it held so many meanings she did broke into a silent sob.
"It's our card and the lake we first crossed paths just the two of us and the moon and I love wolves." It was more of a ramble than a coherent explanation, but she was overtaken by the thought that had gone into this gift too. "I love it thank you, it's my new favourite object." She said raising her teary eyes to meet his face. Somehow both had seen the other and given something so meaningful. Lilith clutched the card closer to her chest before leaning in and giving a kiss this time to his lips, a soft and gentle one in another form of thanks.
Eoghan wasn't sure how to feel after being given a gift of his own. He'd grown up only being given the basic necessities as and when they were required, rather than anything that someone had gone out of their way to acquire for him. Even his own sister hadn't really had the thought to present him with anything on a special occasion, not like this. He remained silent if not only because he didn't know what to say, and watched instead as Lilith opened her own gift from him. He knew she'd understand the layers of meaning behind it, and while anyone else may have just seen it as a pretty painting (although pretty was a stretch given his own artistic talents) but there were many other meanings hidden underneath the oil, something that warmed his heart when he knew Lilith felt them too.

As Lilith leaned forward and kissed him softly, it took a moment before Eoghan began to kiss her back. Up here, away from everyone else, it felt safe. Safe to be themselves away from the crowds and knowing that the person they were with had always accepted them for who they were. The second year slid his arms around Lilith, gently holding her without breaking contact as he continued to kiss her back as though right now nothing else mattered between them. When Eoghan pulled away, his eyes reopened as it was as though the words he wanted to say were on the tip of his tongue, dancing between his brain and his lips, and perhaps, just maybe, Lilith could read them in his eyes if he looked at her long enough.
The gift meant to him more than the boy would and perhaps could ever admit, but Lilith saw it all in his eyes. She had grown accustomed to the emotions that shone through his eyes and she could read them almost as well as she could read words on paper. Her own gift too was one of the most special things she'd ever received. It had so many layers to the meaning, not only what one could see but the thought that had gone into it and Eoghan had done it himself. Taken time out of his day to make it just for her and that made a strange feeling beat in her chest at the exact same time her heart did.

Growing up Lilith had seen her parents kiss many times, of course like any child she had thought it to be weird and had sworn up and down to never do such things. However now that she had a boyfriend of her own she found it was a lot nicer than she could have imagined. There was really nowhere she felt safer these days than with Eoghan and with them so far away from everyone else, him holding her, she was completely at ease. For the first time in weeks the Ravenclaw felt fully present in the moment, as the kiss ended they just stared at each other. There were words said with eyes that neither dared nor could yet voice. Lilith's own eyes softened a bit as she understood what was going through his head, or at least thought she did.

Leaning back she positioned herself on her back, laying her head in his lap and stared up at him. "Can you run your hands gently through my hair, my grandma used to do it for me and I miss the feeling." Lilith opened her braid letting her hair fall out to make it easier for him to run through. This was a simple thing Meeri had done many times and one of the most comforting feelings the second year knew. Her mum liked to braid her hair but that was that, she never just ran her hands through the strands gently, which was something Lili missed.

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