Open Better In Private

Sunday Weeks

~Girly~ Boss~ Dramatic~ Sunny~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
13 (8/29/2050)
As per the Professors instruction, Sunday chose instead to go to his office for a private boggart lesson. She wasn't sure what she would face, but she did know she didn't want to find out with the rest of her class watching her. Sunday, after all, had a reputation she wanted to maintain. She needed to at least save some face. Making sure her uniform was perfectly in place, Sunday knocked on the Professors door and waited for permission to enter.
Professor Noel Waldgrave knew that this was always an intense week for his third year students. They were to face the boggart and that was always a lot of tension and emotions in the classroom. So he always offered the chance to make an appointment for students who wanted an private lesson in this. And he wanted to let them feel safe in any way he could. So if things really went out of hand, he would interupt, but he wanted to give the students at least a try to believe in themselves he did at least. As one knocked on the door he opened it with an wave of his hand, and saw one of his third year students standing there. She was right on time, and he made an gesture for her to come in. He had put the cabinet with the boggart inside in his office and made some room to practice. '' Hello Sunday. Come in.'' Noel said with an friendly voice. He had his wand in his pocket, so that they could start quickly. But let the girl prepare herself a moment for they would be ready.
Sunday took a steadying breath as she entered the classroom, doing her best to keep her composure. "Hello, Professor," She greeted. "It is Riddikulus, correct?" She asked. She knew she was correct, but that was hardly the point. She let out a soft breath, pulling her wand out of her robes. "It may take me a few times, but I'm certain I can accomplish the spell. My wand is just... stubborn, at times, and I must convince it to listen. I trust this won't be a problem?" She asked, even as she worried it would very much be a problem. But she hoped it didn't show on her face just how worried she actually was.
Noel nodded and gave Sunday an friendly smile as she tried to make sure which spell to use. '' Yes that's right.'' He reassured her. Sunday told she had an stubborn wand, and that was sometimes difficult to master, but he believed she could. The wand hadn't chosen her for nothing. Noel went standing next to the girl and smiled. '' The wand has not picked you for nothing Miss Weeks, so I'm certain you will.'' He answered back. And took out his wand. '' So remember, to think of something that you find truly amusing and use that when you say the incantation out loud.'' Noel than explained to her. '' If your ready, we begin.'' He told her and pointed his wand to the cabinet, waiting for her to give the sign and make herself ready. And when she was he opened the cabinet for her to face the boggart.
Sunday nodded along to the Professors words, considering what he was saying. Something truly amusing...? She was kicking around a few ideas, but she knew she'd need to first see what she was dealing with. Bracing herself and steeling her spine, Sunday raised her wand. She nodded. As the cabinet opened, her breath caught. For several moments nothing happened. But then her elder brother stepped from the closet. "Monday...?" She breathed, taken aback at first. She hadn't been expecting that to happen.

The look he gave her- cold, cutting, quite literally leering down his nose at her, lips curled back in disgust. "Sunday," He scoffed. "Silly little girl. Do you really think anything you can do will ever amount to my work? That I'll ever notice you?"

Sunday took a breath. She straightened again. "Riddikulus!" She spoke, voice firm, and almost to her surprise the spell shot out. Monday transformed- a black corset lacing over his chest and waist, heeled boots with black bows, glitter over his cheeks, sharp winged eyeliner and smokey eyes, black painted nails and a slight gloss to his lips, sparkling black studs in his ears. She was silent for a moment before she burst out laughing. "Gods, I need a picture," She managed through the laughter. "Monday would be so embarrassed to be seen like that."

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