Closed Developing Film

Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; accio! editor; sixth year
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (16)
Fraser's feelings for June felt more complicated than he was sure they actually were, largely he was just never sure if she liked him back in the same way he liked her. He had tried to move on, tried to move his attention and focus to another student or person and it just never lasted, he always came back to her. Fraser was developing the picture he had taken of her during the halloween feast, it was turning out nice, and he was sure it would be almost ready by the time that June came for it. His hands were smudged with ink with a wizarding radio softly playing music in the background and he was humming to it.
After Halloween June was invited by Fraser to come and see and get her photo, he had made of her in her costume. She had never had interest in how that all came to live, but she would want to get her photo and she could spend time with Fraser again. Which she didn't at all mind lately, enjoyed even perhaps. But June had no idea how Fraser thought of that, he was kind but he was so to everyone. She made her way into the accio room and noticed Fraser. '' Hi, I'm here.'' the blonde said with an smile and looked around, trying not to touch anything. And definitely not Frasers hands who seemed to be covered with whatever that must be. '' So this.. is where the magic happens?'' June asked. Aiming at the photo's developing.
Fraser glanced around when he heard the door open and then smiled widely at June. "Hey," he greeted warmly, he bit back the comment about how she looked nice today, not wanting to be too forward with her. "It is indeed," he said. He motioned slightly for her to get close to where he was developing the picture he had taken of her. "It's actually a process really similar to how muggles used to do it," he told her, though he wasn't sure she cared much about the development of the pictures. "It's a really good picture of you,"
June came closer to see what was all happening as Fraser gestured she could. And she saw the picture of herself or what he was working on at least. A process similar to muggles, he told her. But June had no clue how muggles did it, and she wondered how he knew. Because of muggle studies perhaps, but that specific part she couldn't remember. '' How do you know that?'' June asked him curiously. And smiled as he complimented her again. And June didn't mind at all and thuck away a piece of her hair behind her ear. '' I don't disagree with you.'' She said as she grinned and looked an bit closer to what was in front of them. Standing next to Fraser.
Fraser gave a little smile, "The girl who brought me on to the yearbook told me so," he said with a little smile. He had never been very good at Muggle studies or all that interested, apart from when it came to pictures, and this whole process. He felt his cheeks almost blush a little as she came to stand right next to him. "Erm...Listen...I know I'll probably be working a bit, but," he rambled a little. "I was just wondering, if maybe you'd want to maybe go to the ball with me? Like the yuleball, as my date..,"
She had no idea where Fraser was talking about, not sure who he ment or runned the yearbook. She never had bothered before. As she watched her photo and loved looking at it, Fraser suddenly started to speak an bit different than before and she looked at him. And she had no clue firstly where he was talking about. So perhaps she looked an bit confused at first what he tried to say. But as he asked her to the yule ball, her heart made an quick jump. Did he had this strange feelings as well perhaps in his stomach? He had been giving her a lot of compliments lately, more than usual. And he already gave enough. June in a way felt less confident than usual, this was new for her but she smiled and though. '' Oh uh - Yes, sure.'' the blonde said and gave him a smile. '' So as an date, you say?'' She made sure to get it right. June didn't felt too comfertable in all this, unsure what to do. But Fraser was good company, and he made her smile at least. '' Than we can let someone make an picture of uh- us together.'' She continued. And perhaps her blush on her cheeks was turning an little bit redish than the orginial colour.

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