Unintentional Knock Ins

Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
It was still weird to be walking around these halls again. It hadn't been something that Samantha had thought about recently. She had recently graduated from her degree in teaching and she had hopes of finding a job in teaching, whether it was through magical or muggle schooling, but she had also enjoyed her time working at Ollivander's it was a bit hard for her to leave that place, but she knew she was ready. Though, through walking through these halls and seeing her old classmates working here too, it had given her flashbacks but also fond memories of this place.

It had been a free period for Samantha, so she hadn't needed to teach anyone during this period of the day, so she decided to make her way around the castle, trying to familiarise herself with where everything in the castle was again. As Samantha had walked down the third floor corridor, she had noticed a cat lingering around. Curious, she made her way up to the cat, looking down at the cat and petting it slowly. "Hey, are you lost there buddy?" Samantha asked curiously. It had purred under her touch. She looked around to see if any of the cats owners were near by until it had made its way back into the room with an opened door. Samantha looked up, the door slightly ajar, noticing the cat perching near the almost dozing off while doing something at her desk. The Arithmancy professor cleared her throat a little. "Hey professor, you doing okay there?" Samantha says with slight concern. While she didn't have professor Grayveson as a professor while she was at Hogwarts, she still found it a bit weird to call professors she had seen while she was at Hogwarts by their first name.
Mallory wasn't sure why she was feeling so tired these days. Now that Peter was a little older, he'd been spending more time with his father, splitting it pretty evenly between the two of them during the weekdays while she spents weekends at the Inn. Today Peter was with Atkin, and Mallory was trying to grade some charms work. She hadn't realized she was dozing off until she heard someone speak. She stirred, blinking a few times. She looked up, offering a sleepy, half dazed smile. "Oh, Hello Samantha," Mallory sat up. "I'm sorry, I must have drifted off there. May I help you?" She asked, waving her hand and getting the tea going.
Samantha shook her head. "You're okay," Sam says with a small smile, reassuring Mallory that she was okay. It still felt weird to be around here not as a student but as a professor instead. Sam knew she was going to have to start calling the other professors on a first-name basis. "Oh, well, nothing really I don't think? But I had seen your cats wandering out, hope you didn't mind me following them back" Sam says with a small smile, as she leaned against the door frame. It had been interesting to see the different professors' offices, each showing their different personalities. "You alright? You seemed like you were drifting off there" Sam says with a slight concern, chuckling a little.
Mallory blinked, looking to see the traitorous felines now sitting on the couch together. She chuckled, rubbing her eyes. "Well, I'm glad they came back. Thank you," She offered easily, standing and rubbing her hands over her sweater to straighten it. "I think I'm doing alright," She reassured the girl. "Thank you for your concern. Would you like to have some tea?" She waved towards the cozy couch set up. "It'd be lovely to get to know you, my dear."

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