Closed into the thick of it

Victoria de Lacey

⚡ lightning mcqueen ⚡ zoom zoom 💨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
*For setting and Context, this is the night of sorting.

It had been surprisingly simple to convince her roommates to go to the Forbidden Forest with her, Esme and Kiera seemed to be just as interested in finding out what the big idea of it all was as much as she did and she didn't see why they couldn't just look, right? So just after curfew, but just before the Prefects got into their new roles, Tori had snuck herself and her friends out of the common room and down to the edge line of the forest, and since she sort of had a way of sneaking, she'd figured that doing it this early in the beginning of the semester would be more likely to let them go unnoticed because it was likely that the new prefects would be getting used to their schedules, and the older ones would be getting used to their new partners, not to mention the professors on their way way back to the school were getting read for classes and the new professors were getting used to the school. Professor Cade, by comparison, was probably busy dealing with whatever a head of house did their first night, and so she'd thought today would make the most sense out of all of the times to go to the Forbidden Forest. "You ladies got your wands handy?" Was this just an attempt to wrap her head around everything over the holidays? Asking for attention? Maybe, but she was still going to do it.

@Esme Styx-Cade @Kiera Potter-Cade
It hadn’t taken much for Tori to convince Esme to go with her and Kiera to the forbidden forest. Convincing would have been a strong word, Tori had just asked nicely and Esme was in, consequences be damned, besides things with Tori seemed to work out pretty well, as long they weren’t caught by Esme’s dad who seemed to have a habit of catching her. She didn’t think about any of that too much. The three of them snuck out of the common room and made their way to the edge of the forest. Esme was nervous, but she had her wand clutched in her hand and her best friends at her side. What could go wrong?
Kiera had her wand firmly in her hand as they tiptoed into the edges of the forbidden forest with her roommates who had become her best friends during the past year. Tori had been the one to suggest this adventure, and really, it was long overdue. Kiera had been curious about the forest since she found out it was forbidden. "Yep. We're ready. We can handle it together." Kiera said confidently. Hopefully, Uncle James and more importantly, her mother would be too busy with the feast to realize they were missing.
Tori grinned at the both of them, it was nice that they could be together like this because she didn't get to spend as much time with Kiera as she would have liked. "Well let's just hope we don't run into anything too scary, okay? I'm not sure how good I'll be at remembering protego if I need to run for my life," she said, shaking her head. Maybe this was a bad idea, but she was so curious, and honestly what could be in a forest surrounding an educational facility that would be so bad. Centaurs? What was wrong with Centaurs, she was sure they were reasonable people. She held her arms out to the both of them. "Shall we go?"
Esme would have been lying if she’d said she wasn’t scared. But she was with Tori and Kiera, nothing bad would happen to her when she was with her best friends, even if Tori was doubting her ability to remember spells under pressure outload, she believed in her friend and that was all that mattered, Esme however would likely forget which end of her wand was the right one if something big and hairy jumped out in front of her. “Yes lets go,” Esme grabbed onto one of Tori’s arm and waited for Kiera to do them same, “We got this,”

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