A Few Specific (Romance?) Plots

Ok so somehow my HNZ muse has been more active than it has been in a while, so I figured it might be fun to RP a bit with a few of my graduated characters (mostly). I figured a few could use a romance plot, but I'm also happy to do anything else. I wanted to ask for a bit more specific things in this PD, but if you have other ideas please let me know as well!


Fleur van Houten - 30 - Dragonologist
Aesthetic -
Bio (outdated)
Fleur is one of my earlier students at HNZ, I think I made her in my third IC year here. She graduated from Hogwarts in 2051 and has been working at a dragonologist at the sanctuary ever since.

Fleur is a laid-back kind of girl, she was a Gryffindor at HNZ and tended to stay out of big conflicts. Fleur is pretty easy to get along with and tends to have a lot of friends. She's very driven about Care of Magical Creatures and can be very focused on it. She's adventurous and can be a bit of a daredevil.

Since her graduation I've neglected her a bit, so I figured I could see if anyone would like to plot with her.

She's open for romance, she hasn't had much of that yet. I imagine she's had a few flings but she has been too occupied with her work to really think of anything serious. She could use someone who also loves magical animals/dragons or someone who is as passionate as she is in some other field. Fleur is bisexual so could go for any gender.

Emilia Manning - 28 - Portkey Regulations at the Ministry
Aesthetic -
Bio (outdated)
Emilia was a student at HNZ in the year after Fleur, she graduated in 2052 and was in Hufflepuff. After graduating she got a job at the ministry, one she doesn't love but is good enough.

Emilia is a dreamer and a romantic. As a student she was very, very shy and nervous. In her later years at Hogwarts she decided to reinvent herself and pretended to be confident, fake it til you make it style. It cost her her relationship (and he started dating her cousin after, which she was upset about for a long time), but it did somehow work. Emilia now comes across as confident and capable, even though she's hiding a lot of insecurity under it. She loves music and romantic books. She liked to write as well, but hasn't done much of that lately. She plays piano.

Emilia could use a romance plot, she hasn't really dated since Hogwarts and would love to meet someone. Emilia is straight, so only interested in men. Maybe a cute office romance could be a plot for her, with someone else in the Ministry? Or just whatever we can think of. I'd also love other ministry plots with her even if it wasn't romance, anything would be fun to RP.

Emma van Houten - 24 - Party Planner
Aesthetic -
Bio (outdated)
Emma is the younger sister of Fleur. She was also in Gryffindor, a few years below her. She graduated in 2056 along with her twin sister.

Emma was a very loud and excited individual at school, not someone you could easily overlook. She loved parties and decided to make planning them for others her job, which she really enjoys. She likes music, dancing, singing, glitter and just having a lot of fun. She's very impulsive and can make stupid decisions that way.

For Emma I could also use romance plots if anyone has anyone fitting for her. Someone who is a bit like her would be fun, but so would a total opposite. She's someone who could easily butt heads with someone too, which could be fun. Unrelated to the romance idea: I also would just enjoy doing party planning stuff with her if anyone is looking for that or interested in it. For any potential romance, Emma is straight. I'd also be happy to do some sort of ill-fated fling with her, as I feel like her impulsive nature would make that very easy.

Lucas Fletcher- 23 - Woolongong Warriors Seeker
Aesthetic -
Bio (outdated)
Lucas is a sweetheart even if he can hold a grudge and be incredibly stubborn. He's currently 23 and a big Quidditch player, as he's been playing seeker for the Woolongong Warriors since graduation. He's gotten used to the fame, but he can still be a bit overwhelmed by it all. At Hogwarts Lucas was a Hufflepuff, a prefect as well as head boy. Lucas graduated in 2057 He's muggleborn with two older muggle sisters.

Lucas is a social person. He can be a bit sensitive and can hold a grudge, but he's overall pretty easy to get along with. He's an energetic, active person with a big imagination.

Lucas had a few relationships in school but none of them ever panned out. I think after becoming a famous Quidditch player, he struggled to seriously date. He could use someone stable, though I also wouldn't be opposed to any sort of plot about anyone wanting to date him because he's well-known :r I'm open for any drama. Lucas is gay because it's illegal to use Troye Sivan as a PB and not make him gay.

Louis Alcott - 20 - QQS assistant
Aesthetic - Bio
Louis only graduated a few years ago in 2060. He planned to become a big Quidditch player but I felt like it was too repetitive but he failed at it. Right now, he's kind of lost and adrift. He has been working at QQS as an assistant for a while and has recently gotten his own place after some news about his family made him very angry with his dad.

At Hogwarts, Louis was in Gryffindor. He was a Quidditch player and (co)captain for a while. He was a pretty popular kid at school and knew a lot of people. Louis is easy to get along with. He tends to roll with what other people want and knows how to turn on the charm when needed.

Louis is a big flirt, he loves romance and loves trying to woo people. He's not very good at actual relationships, as he's only truly been in love once and it hasn't worked out for him (yet?). So for now, he's happy to have flings. I mostly put him here to offer him as a fling/short term thing for any young adult characters. I'd be happy to add to any existing relationship drama as well, it would feel IC for Louis :r . Louis goes for any gender.

Alicia Richelieu - 15 - Gryffindor Student
Aesthetic -

Alicia is still a student, but I had an idea for her so I figured I could just add her to this pile anyway. Alicia is currently a Gryffindor student at Hogwarts and in her fifth year, she transferred to Hogwarts at the start of the year.

Alicia is currently about to have a relationship and go to the yule ball with someone. But after some things happen things will be bad for a bit. I'm looking for a fling/short-term relationship for her in early s2. It would probably not end well for your character since Alicia will probably go back to the other relationship (though I'm open to see how things go!) so if you're up for drama for your character, this is your chance :p Alicia can date any gender.

Alicia is a chill and easygoing person. She loves Quidditch and being active in general, she can often be seen on the grounds doing some sort of physical activity. She'd probably climb the castle walls if she could.

Ok unrelated to this whole romance plot thing I also have an upcoming firstie I'd love to develop, so I'm dropping him in here too:

Logan Asworth
Aesthetic - Bio
Logan is Hazel's younger brother. He's kind of the opposite of her, where she prides herself on being quirky and unique Logan just wants to be as normal and popular as possible. He's Quidditch obsessed and wants to make his house team asap when he comes to Hogwarts. Logan is confident, arrogant and can be pretty charming. I'd love for him to meet some other young kids his age and form some connections before school. He'll be sorted next year.​

Note: with romance plots I don't love planning 'finals' from the beginning, I prefer to see where things go and if they have an interesting dynamic. So I'll probably want to RP a bit and see how people get along before committing to anything.
Hiii Daphne! My muse has somehow spiked as well bahaha!

I don't have any romance plots for you (sadly :( ) but i did wanna offer you a character for your upcoming firstie! I have a upcoming firstie named Theodore - We could maybe put them together and see what happens? Theo is into sports, but sport crazy like his younger brother. Theodore is a follower than a leader so there might be potential there maybe? But i'd defs like to put them together and see what happens?
Hiii Daphne! My muse has somehow spiked as well bahaha!

I don't have any romance plots for you (sadly :( ) but i did wanna offer you a character for your upcoming firstie! I have a upcoming firstie named Theodore - We could maybe put them together and see what happens? Theo is into sports, but sport crazy like his younger brother. Theodore is a follower than a leader so there might be potential there maybe? But i'd defs like to put them together and see what happens?
Ohh yes I love the idea of Theodore and Logan, especially if Theodore is a bit more of a follower, maybe Logan can lead him into mischief :r

I'd love for them to meet.
Ohh yes I love the idea of Theodore and Logan, especially if Theodore is a bit more of a follower, maybe Logan can lead him into mischief :r

I'd love for them to meet.
yay!! oh yeah, theodore would defs fall into that for sure xD did you want to start something or shall i?
For Logan and Theo! Hope its all goods! Lemme know if you'd like for me to change anything at all!
alright, I started one for Logan and Hēmi

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