Sixth Years: Lesson 1

Professor Killian Borisyuk had to change the desk and chair to accommodate since his other colleague was average sized. Everything had to be at least twice the size. He sat down in the chair as he looked over who might be attending the class from the yearbook. Killian was also a bit happier now that he was teaching something else. After all, this material was much different compared to what he had done the first year he taught. This one, he was more familiar with considering how widespread it was. It was an interesting subject, and one that he was sure that the sixth years would enjoy. After all, it was introducing them to the dark parts of history. He noticed the sixth years filing in. He glanced down at his watch to see that it was about time to start the lesson.

Killian clasped his hands together on his stomach as he waited until the it was right on time to start the lesson. "Good afternoon, sixth years" the Russian spoke as he stood up. The style he had was a bit more casual, as he was rather laid back. Even his robes were barely hanging off his shoulders. "If you have transferred in, my name is Professor Killian Borisyuk. If my name proves to be difficult, then Professor Killian will do." He slid his tattooed hands into the pockets of his jeans as he cleared his throat. "Anyway, on to the subject at hand since you are all old enough to know the basic rules. I will be teaching you all thoroughly about the history of Lord Voldemort. I know you all touched base on him in Defence Against the Dark Arts but we will be focusing on who he is, the wars he caused, and the effects that he had overall since his reign of terror lasted for decades. There are several theories on how he survived for so long, and what all he used. One of the many theories would be the use of horcruxes. If you come across anything about those objects, feel free to come to me during my office hours and I'll explain what they are."

The Russian remembered that he shouldn't stand up for too long because of the sixth years' necks. So, he walked back over to his desk and sat down. He folded his arms across his chest and stared over the teenagers with his green orbs. "That is enough of a teaser, so I'll let you all go early. No homework yet." Killian gestured his wand toward the door to open it for the sixth years as he watched them all leave. He tapped his finger against his arm until they were all gone so that he could head back to his office.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
Elio couldn't say he was a historian, in fact learning out of textbooks wasn't really his forte, but he could do it, and he had spent a lot of time doing it when he was homeschooled, though he had always preferred the more practical lessons. Of the lessons that had to be taught from a textbook, History of Magic seemed like the one that would be the most interesting over all, or at least he hoped so. He shuffled into the classroom, his eyes widening as he took in the oversized desk and chair at the front of the room. He had heard rumours about this professor, but seeing the adjustments made to accommodate Professor Borisyuk's impressive size was something else entirely. Elio, always curious and attentive, found a seat near the front, eager to get a good view of the lesson.

Soon the other sixth years had filed in and settled down and the Professor began the lesson. Elio immediately started taking notes, not wanting to miss a thing. The man was somehow so casual, and honestly Elio was surprised he managed to fit anywhere. Maybe this was old hat to the others in the room, most of who were probably fifth years last year, so they probably knew about this, they had a year to process. It wasn't even that the man was clearly a part giant, he didn't care, but Jesus, how could someone that tall exist in this space? He knew there were probably no accomodations for him, less so even for goblins. Elio knew a couple of part goblins. The tattoos were what really caught his eyes, and he was fascinated by the intricate designs, he had a striking tattoo himself, though often kept it under his robes since they spiralled up his right arm. Maybe he should take a page out of the professor's book?

Professor Borisyuk began, his Russian accent adding an unexpected but intriguing layer to his presence. Elio listened intently as the professor introduced himself and outlined the day's lesson. The mention of Lord Voldemort piqued Elio's interest even further; he had always been captivated by the dark history of the wizarding world. His mind raced with questions as the professor mentioned horcruxes. He had read about them in passing but had never had the opportunity to delve deeper into their dark magic. The professor's offer to explain more during office hours was one Elio knew he would take up.

When the professor walked back to his desk and sat down, Elio appreciated the consideration for their necks. The casual dismissal of the class with no homework was a pleasant surprise, and Elio couldn't help but feel a growing respect for this professor in particular. As the door swung open, Elio gathered his things, already planning his visit to the professor's office to learn more about horcruxes.
Savannah had been very pleased with her OWL results, they hadn’t been perfect, but they had been good enough. She had been very very happy with it. She knew that getting Os would be better, but she was content with EEs and knowing that this was still better than most. Savannah was getting herself together for the day ahead, she had spent time on the pitch and was looking forward to what this semester would bring for quidditch - she hoped for another victory for sure. The ravenclaw prefect grabbed the last few things that she wanted for the day ahead and then headed out of the room.

Savannah walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got started, re-introducing himself rather unnecessarily and then telling them what they’d be covering in the semester that was coming up. She had to admit that it was a pretty interesting set of subjects that they would be covering, and she was eager to get started on it, but the professor then didn’t teach them anything of substance in the class itself. They were then dismissed. She packed up her things and left the room.
Gregory was not best pleased to be back at school. The break had been rough, he’d managed to avoid his parents finding out about the further loss of his hearing by just being short with them, by always having headphones in and mostly hiding away in his room. They knew something was up, but what exactly it was, they didn’t know. His OWLs had ended terribly when he’d stumbled his way through practical exams when he couldn’t hear the instructions. He knew there was likely a buzz of noise in the dorm, but he couldn’t make out any of it, unless they were shouting and they rarely did. He grabbed his books and then headed out of the room, trying to not be loud as he did so but not knowing if he was managing it or not.

Gregory walked into the history of magic classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced towards the professor as the man got started. He could almost make out more of what this man was saying, comparatively with most of the other professors he had, but it was still hard, and rather than trying, just leaned his head against his arms and let the silence wash over him. Not concentrating or doing much. Only moving again as the professor then clearly wrapped up the lesson and those around him were packing up there things to head out of the room.

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