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Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (13)
It's me, I'm back and I've got some fresh motivation towards roleplaying and having my kids live their lives!
(I might've been way to set on doing lessons last IC year and lost the fun in rping for a second but I've switched things up now so we're all good)

There's some basic ideas of what they could use or some general plot ideas (because thinking about plots is difficult) but please feel free to throw absolutely anything my way (even if it involves a character being used for your own characters development in a specific direction).


Kiara Thompson
Ravenclaw 7th
Prefect + Wild Patch

Kiara is back for her seventh year and is willing to make the best of it. She has come out of her shell quite a bit and while she can still be unsure in certain social situations she has gotten better and better at faking her confidence. Who knows? Perhaps it has helped her actually grow more confident.

Looking for:
More interactions with friends she already has
- WPC related interactions?
- A date to a dance, romance is fully open

Plot ideas:
Any sort of situation where she's forced to speak up, step into a leadership role. Could for example be a student doing something that would need her to step up as a prefect, could also be someone messing with flowers or plants at the wild patch.
- Some sort of heartbreak or romantical let down would be interesting because it'd really mess with her confidence. Could for example be being stood up by a date or shot down by a potential crush.


Senna Overby
Gryffindor 6th
Unofficial Quidditch Club

Having a newborn baby sister means Sen has lost a lot of sleep during the break and is returning to Hogwarts in a state of tiredness. Just give her some time to gain her energy back though and she'll be perfectly fine. If there's one thing she has learned during the break it's the need to prioritize. So, Sen has left the quidditch team in order to focus on really getting her quidditch club going.

Looking for:
- More friends/More interactions with friends
(I'm very okay with saying she's friends with someone even though we haven't really rped them much before since she's in sixth year)
- Short term romance. Like a date or two, a fling or a short relationship. All to make her realize she likes someone else.
- Quidditch Club related plots outside of the activities I'll try to get going this year!

Plot ideas:
- Her having fallen asleep in a public place (like the student lounge) during one of her first days back and being either abrupty awoken, made fun of idk someone having doodled on her face or something.
- Someone coming to her with ideas for the quidditch club (or even bashing her for the whole idea of the club)

Chase Campbell
Hufflepuff 5th
Quidditch: Beater + Captain

Chase has spend his break trying to mend his relationship with his mom after his half-brother showed up at their doorstep last year and he finally learned about his dad and the things she had never told him. Now that he's back at school he has something else to focus on though: quidditch. Because how is he going to lead a team when he has only just started trying to understand the idea of teamspirit?

Looking for:
- Anything honestly, he's not the most fun to be around but could do with another friend or two
- Romance might be interesting as well because I don't know how he'd react if someone had a crush on him or he developed a crush on someone else
- Any quidditch related plots pls

Plot ideas:
- Him taking up his photography hobby again, someone somehow offering to model and him eventually developing a crush
- Perhaps Chase could force himself to go talk to one of the other quidditch captains to see how they're handling leading a team.


Summer Irvine
Slytherin 2nd

Not gonna lie I think Summer is one of the characters I've had the most fun roleplaying with in a while. She's grown completely used to Hogwarts during her first year and is ready for anything! Summer is keen on making more friends (even if she'll have to fake being nice so they like her) and increase her popularity. She doesn't care too much for classes but has played with the idea of trying magic outside of them just to get better.

Looking for:
- More people that could like her/consider her a friend!
- A few actual friends that she genuinely likes
- More interactions with anyone that's already part of either of those circles
- A crush or a date (boys), nothing too serious since she's young but she'll definitely feel cool if she were to get asked to a dance or if she'd have a boyfriend (term taken lightly) for a little while.
- Any sort of drama!

Plot ideas:
- Hosting a fun activity with a few girls like a clothes swap, diy jewellery (or bedazzling) afternoon or even something as simple as just chatting, reading magazines and painting nails
- Someone somehow ruining one of her outfits and her wanting to pop off but having to stay (sort of) friendly because there's other people around and she doesn't want a reputation of being mean.

Ambrose Webb
Ravenclaw 1st

Ambrose very much was a spur of the moment decision because I wasn't planning on sorting anyone this year so he's definitely under development but that's just part of the fun! He's a pretty friendly, down to earth kind of guy who doesn't get bothered very easily. Ambrose has a habit of adapting to a situation. If everyone around him is very exciteable and chatty he'll be more quiet, if he's with people who are shy and quiet themselves he'll chat away.

Looking for:
- Friends!
- Sports related plots, could be quidditch or rugby.
- Music related plots, he plays the saxophone and could definitely be found practicing in the arts room or even outside every now and then
- Any language related plots. Ambrose speaks four languages and is keen on learning more because he finds them really interesting (and has a knack for learning them)

Plot ideas:
- Meeting anyone who speaks another language and then fast forward to him trying to start a conversation in that language a couple of weeks later after he's tried to learn more about it
- Any type of situation in which he could blurt something out (either saying something he wasn't supposed to or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time) that'll end up with him having to seriously make up for it.

That's it for my students. I'm also keen on roleplaying my adults since those threads aren't as time sensitive so hit me up if you'd want to roleplay with any of them! Honorary mention: Professor Joseph Burleigh has one assistant postion available in case any students are interested in that.
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Hey :wub:

I am here with an idea for you!! This is a continuation of the idea of Miro and Summer being sort of frenemies and kind of including your mention of Summer's outfit being ruined =))

But Miro is now an alternate on the Gryffindor quidditch team and he will totally brag about it, and I'm assuming that being on the quidditch team means Miro is a jock which equals 'popular' (I am using this term lightly), and what if Miro and Summer run into each other on the great lawn or lakefront or something, and Miro is running around and trying to train and he somehow kicks up mud on her shoes and it's a whole mess.

Given it's the end of winter/start of spring knowing NZ there's probably a lot of rain and mud for this to happen so I think it could be funny, where Miro is clueless about fashion and he somehow gets mud on Summer and he's like 'but they're just shoes, who cares' because he's insensitive :glare:
Hey :wub:

I am here with an idea for you!! This is a continuation of the idea of Miro and Summer being sort of frenemies and kind of including your mention of Summer's outfit being ruined =))

But Miro is now an alternate on the Gryffindor quidditch team and he will totally brag about it, and I'm assuming that being on the quidditch team means Miro is a jock which equals 'popular' (I am using this term lightly), and what if Miro and Summer run into each other on the great lawn or lakefront or something, and Miro is running around and trying to train and he somehow kicks up mud on her shoes and it's a whole mess.

Given it's the end of winter/start of spring knowing NZ there's probably a lot of rain and mud for this to happen so I think it could be funny, where Miro is clueless about fashion and he somehow gets mud on Summer and he's like 'but they're just shoes, who cares' because he's insensitive :glare:

hiiiiii :wub:

Yesssss frenemies! Completely up for this yes. Summer might very quickly shut him down a little if he starts bragging about quidditch though because she made alternate during her first year so him getting it now wouldn't be as special :r
Noah and Summer! I think we could start slowly building up their drama like we discussed :teehee: also if Summer got on the quiddich team we could get them to practice together, or something? Or, just hang out, or study, or literally anything ahaha

Not sure if Chase would be up for it but maybe Noah could go up to him and ask him to mentor him or something since he's the alternate beater. Would be fun as I'd imagine Chase to be like 'er what' and not expect Noah to want to practice one on one xD

Potentially could make Noah and Ambrose friends as well! Noah's a very amiable guy.
hiiiiii :wub:

Yesssss frenemies! Completely up for this yes. Summer might very quickly shut him down a little if he starts bragging about quidditch though because she made alternate during her first year so him getting it now wouldn't be as special :r
That's perfect because he needs to be humbled :p Maybe when she shuts him down he throws mud at her for the drama, how does that sound?
Noah and Summer! I think we could start slowly building up their drama like we discussed :teehee: also if Summer got on the quiddich team we could get them to practice together, or something? Or, just hang out, or study, or literally anything ahaha

Not sure if Chase would be up for it but maybe Noah could go up to him and ask him to mentor him or something since he's the alternate beater. Would be fun as I'd imagine Chase to be like 'er what' and not expect Noah to want to practice one on one xD

Potentially could make Noah and Ambrose friends as well! Noah's a very amiable guy.

Noah & Summer: yessss, we can start of with a simple thread of them hanging out on the pitch and then discuss the potential drama a bit more? 👀

Noah & Chase: I think this would be a very interesting experience for Chase so def up for it

Noah & Ambrose: feels like something we could for sure try out, maybe save it for a little later in the year?

That's perfect because he needs to be humbled :p Maybe when she shuts him down he throws mud at her for the drama, how does that sound?

Sounds perfect! Would you want to start it?
Noah & Summer: yessss, we can start of with a simple thread of them hanging out on the pitch and then discuss the potential drama a bit more? 👀

Noah & Chase: I think this would be a very interesting experience for Chase so def up for it

Noah & Ambrose: feels like something we could for sure try out, maybe save it for a little later in the year?
Sounds great! Should we make the Summer & Noah plot first and then do Chase and Noah? And also should we make the first one open? xD
Sounds great! Should we make the Summer & Noah plot first and then do Chase and Noah? And also should we make the first one open? xD

Doing the Summer & Noah one first and making it open sounds like a plan!
Posted this for Summer and Miro :D

Hi Hi Hi!!!

Hope I'm not too late hehe! I know we've discussed a bit of our characters and plots on Discord, and still up and keen for everything we discussed!! I just wanted to add a pairing or two on here as well hehe!

I would love for a Kiara and Abby thread! I know we haven't really done many threads between them, but knowing it's their last year at Hogwarts, I thought it would be fitting to do a thread between them!!

For your firstie, I'm happy to offer my firstie, Thomas! I know they don't have similar interests, but I'm happy to put them into some sort of thread and see what happens?

Happy to discuss further on Discord as well if you wanted, especially with the other character plots we had in mind as well hehe!
Hi Hi Hi!!!

Hope I'm not too late hehe! I know we've discussed a bit of our characters and plots on Discord, and still up and keen for everything we discussed!! I just wanted to add a pairing or two on here as well hehe!

I would love for a Kiara and Abby thread! I know we haven't really done many threads between them, but knowing it's their last year at Hogwarts, I thought it would be fitting to do a thread between them!!

For your firstie, I'm happy to offer my firstie, Thomas! I know they don't have similar interests, but I'm happy to put them into some sort of thread and see what happens?

Happy to discuss further on Discord as well if you wanted, especially with the other character plots we had in mind as well hehe!


It's never too late for plots :r

We should def have Abby and Kiara hang out, yes! Maybe they could spend some time at the wild patch? Abby could draw/paint while Kiara does some weeding or something and they chat? Just a low level friendly hang out.

Always up for putting firsties together as well!

Maybe we could do those two and then discuss the rest a bit more? I could start something for Kiara/Abby if you want.
Hellooooo! I’m going to probably throw a lot at you but please feel free to pick and choose whatever seems most exciting to you!

For Kiara I have my fristie Naveen who could fill a couple requests. He’s very into plants and while he’s very shy and anxious I could see Wild Patch/gardening being a place he could get ahead of himself. Maybe he tries to take over a section of the club’s garden for his personal use and she has to tell him no that’s now how it works haha.

Then for Senna I have Ethan who also has a brand new baby sister so thats definitely something they could bond/vent about. They’ve interacted a few times so I’m down to say they’re friends at this point. Ethan does kind of do his own thing a lot so I imagine he floats in and out of her orbit haha. I could also offer Leah as someone who could maybe help with the quidditch club. I’ve established she’s not a very good player but she’d be great at managing lol. Both could also serve as short flings if you’re interested in that at all too.

Now for Chase of course I have Leah. We never really concluded where they ended up last year. We also talked a little about them having a fight at some point. I think it might be fun to say they had their fight “off screen” and make up this year, or do their fight now because they’ve been so distant. Let me know what you think and we can discuss this more if you want!

For Summer I have a couple ideas. I have Oskar, a third year, who just transferred in who might make an ok crush. It might be kind of funny if she sees him as cool and mysterious instead of just quiet at a little weird haha. Then I have Elise, and they’ve interacted a bit, but I’m not sure if I would call them friends. Again, it might be kind of funny if Summer assumes they are they way she probably does to other people and Elise is a bit clueless because she always in a world of her own anyways haha.

And lastly for Ambrose I have my fristie Naveen. He is insanely shy and nervous but he does play the piano and could maybe be persuaded to join a jam/jazz band or something if pressured long enough haha.

And honorable mention, maybe we could do something with Ethan and Professor Burleigh since he’s been his assistant for a year now and he might have some serious questions about working with animals in the future and all that.

It's never too late for plots :r

We should def have Abby and Kiara hang out, yes! Maybe they could spend some time at the wild patch? Abby could draw/paint while Kiara does some weeding or something and they chat? Just a low level friendly hang out.

Always up for putting firsties together as well!

Maybe we could do those two and then discuss the rest a bit more? I could start something for Kiara/Abby if you want.
Yessss all of that sounds good! happy to discuss the rest a bit more!! Sounds perfect!! I could try and start something for the firsties?
Hellooooo! I’m going to probably throw a lot at you but please feel free to pick and choose whatever seems most exciting to you!
Oooooooh exciting!! Also dangerous because I probably like everything.

Kiara + Naveen: that would be the perfect moment for her to have to step it up when it comes to leadership. At the same time I reckon might see how comfortable he'd feel at the patch so that would make the idea of having to tell him he can't do something even worse for her (which is fun)

Senna + Ethan: love the idea of her being able to talk to someone who's in a similar situation! I reckon Sen would for sure consider him a friend even if they only hang out occasionally.

Senna + Leah: honestly she'd be happy to have someone else help out with the club since she's planning on really getting it going this year. I'd also be cool with either Ethan or Leah as a fling, Senna honestly just needs to date someone for a short while so she can realize she's in love with someone else :r

Chase + Leah: this is difficult!! Would love for them to actually have a fight but I think having it off screen and them could even be more fun. With Chase now being captain I reckon he'd really feel the need to talk to Leah about it but that would mean their relationship would need fixing first so he'd kind of be forced to do something about it (whereas he otherwise might've just waited with the hope she'd come and talk to him again eventually because he's clearly not great with friendships). In that case we'd just have to discuss how their fight went.

Summer + Oskar: ooh that could for sure work (and would be funny if they're both on the team because then she'd just get distracted during quidditch practices)

Summer + Eloise: Summer would easily consider Eloise someone who would want to be her friend (because who wouldn't?) so she'd definitely just head up talk to her like they're the best of friends (although if Eloise brings out her bird it might be very hard for her to try and stay nice about it because she'd probably be a little weirded out which would also be interesting)

Ambrose x Naveen: yesss. I feel like Ambrose is someone who could easily be friends with all sorts of people so this could be fun. He'd also definitely keep talking about playing music together and not even realise that all of his talk would make Naveen feel pressured to eventually say yes

I most certainly did not forget about Ethan being Joseph's assistant and would without a doubt be up for anything that has to do with that fact :p

Yessss all of that sounds good! happy to discuss the rest a bit more!! Sounds perfect!! I could try and start something for the firsties?

That would be great!
Hi! Thought I'd toss in a couple, even though I should be trying not to do too many since I'm a bit busier this year, RPs are just too much fun xD

Kiara x Demetrius - Demetrius has just been through a breakup last IC year and is emotionally unavailable but it could be interesting if the two get closer only for Demetrius to retreat back into his shell at the last minute. He thinks he might be ready for romance again but ends up hurting Kiara unwittingly or something like that. Just if you think Kiara might be interested in Demetrius, otherwise we could do a friendship thread or something.

Kyousuke x Summer - I've enjoyed their interactions with each other and to be honest Kyousuke really needs some friends (my poor academic-focused boy). She could tease him some more about him not knowing about magic society; he needs to get used to the fact he can't know everything.
Hi! Thought I'd toss in a couple, even though I should be trying not to do too many since I'm a bit busier this year, RPs are just too much fun xD

Kiara x Demetrius - Demetrius has just been through a breakup last IC year and is emotionally unavailable but it could be interesting if the two get closer only for Demetrius to retreat back into his shell at the last minute. He thinks he might be ready for romance again but ends up hurting Kiara unwittingly or something like that. Just if you think Kiara might be interested in Demetrius, otherwise we could do a friendship thread or something.

Kyousuke x Summer - I've enjoyed their interactions with each other and to be honest Kyousuke really needs some friends (my poor academic-focused boy). She could tease him some more about him not knowing about magic society; he needs to get used to the fact he can't know everything.


Kiara x Demetrius: sooo Kiara is kind of starting to crush on someone else at the moment but we could definitely have them do more friend stuff. I reckon she knew he was dating Veronique and has now noticed she isn't at school so could ask about it? I think she'd be inclined to be like hey we're friends you can talk to me if you want but wouldn't really know what to do should he shoot that down and it might get a little awkard?

Kyousuke x Summer: yess I love them! I think he might even be someone she could genuinely consider a friend. She'd happily tell him more/tease him about the magical things he doesn't know about.
Oooooooh exciting!! Also dangerous because I probably like everything.

Kiara + Naveen: that would be the perfect moment for her to have to step it up when it comes to leadership. At the same time I reckon might see how comfortable he'd feel at the patch so that would make the idea of having to tell him he can't do something even worse for her (which is fun)

Senna + Ethan: love the idea of her being able to talk to someone who's in a similar situation! I reckon Sen would for sure consider him a friend even if they only hang out occasionally.

Senna + Leah: honestly she'd be happy to have someone else help out with the club since she's planning on really getting it going this year. I'd also be cool with either Ethan or Leah as a fling, Senna honestly just needs to date someone for a short while so she can realize she's in love with someone else :r

Chase + Leah: this is difficult!! Would love for them to actually have a fight but I think having it off screen and them could even be more fun. With Chase now being captain I reckon he'd really feel the need to talk to Leah about it but that would mean their relationship would need fixing first so he'd kind of be forced to do something about it (whereas he otherwise might've just waited with the hope she'd come and talk to him again eventually because he's clearly not great with friendships). In that case we'd just have to discuss how their fight went.

Summer + Oskar: ooh that could for sure work (and would be funny if they're both on the team because then she'd just get distracted during quidditch practices)

Summer + Eloise: Summer would easily consider Eloise someone who would want to be her friend (because who wouldn't?) so she'd definitely just head up talk to her like they're the best of friends (although if Eloise brings out her bird it might be very hard for her to try and stay nice about it because she'd probably be a little weirded out which would also be interesting)

Ambrose x Naveen: yesss. I feel like Ambrose is someone who could easily be friends with all sorts of people so this could be fun. He'd also definitely keep talking about playing music together and not even realise that all of his talk would make Naveen feel pressured to eventually say yes

I most certainly did not forget about Ethan being Joseph's assistant and would without a doubt be up for anything that has to do with that fact :p
haha so i took note of all the threads mentioned but are their ones you might want to start with now?

I think the threads with Senna, Chase and Leah, Summer and Oskar, and Naveen and Ambrose might be good?

I saw you had an open thread with Senna in the quidditch stands and I was going to maybe start one there with Leah, so if no one has jumped into that I can just to make things easy on us haha.

As for Chase and Leah drama I'm good to say it happened off screen and now he's trying to win her back. Because I think she probably got tired of having to chase [ha] him down to hang out and they got into a fight about it.

But let me know what you think! I think we're on the same page on most of these anyways.
haha so i took note of all the threads mentioned but are their ones you might want to start with now?

I think the threads with Senna, Chase and Leah, Summer and Oskar, and Naveen and Ambrose might be good?

I saw you had an open thread with Senna in the quidditch stands and I was going to maybe start one there with Leah, so if no one has jumped into that I can just to make things easy on us haha.

As for Chase and Leah drama I'm good to say it happened off screen and now he's trying to win her back. Because I think she probably got tired of having to chase [ha] him down to hang out and they got into a fight about it.

But let me know what you think! I think we're on the same page on most of these anyways.

Those sound perfect! I don't think anyone had jumped into that thread with Senna yet so was going to offer the same.

Chase would've definitely put very little effort into their friendship last year because he was even more inclined than usual to avoid people due to the whole family situation, so yeah that feels like it would be a solid base for their fight. I could see if I can get something started for them unless you'd want to discuss the fight in more detail?

Would be happy to start any of the others as well.
I'm here!

Valerius x Kiara: This was unexpected but I'm running with it.

We should poke @Stefan Archer and see if there could be a chase/zerrin/fraser thread, that seems like it could be interesting- zerrin is an eternal third wheel and fraser is quidditch and photography together, could be fun? Zerrin would be the mom friend of the dorm and could try and see if Fraser and Chase could be friends, I think.

Summer and Penelope aren't getting on super well, but what about Summer and my firstie sunday? Sunday is much more of a fashionista and they could bond over being girly? Look over some fashion magazines and people watch for cute boys?

Ambrose: Valerius has already taken Magne in under his wing, and speaks several languages himself. Could be interesting if Ambrose sought him out, as well? Valerius is into music this year as well, so could be several points of interest?
I'm here!

Valerius x Kiara: This was unexpected but I'm running with it.

We should poke @Stefan Archer and see if there could be a chase/zerrin/fraser thread, that seems like it could be interesting- zerrin is an eternal third wheel and fraser is quidditch and photography together, could be fun? Zerrin would be the mom friend of the dorm and could try and see if Fraser and Chase could be friends, I think.

Summer and Penelope aren't getting on super well, but what about Summer and my firstie sunday? Sunday is much more of a fashionista and they could bond over being girly? Look over some fashion magazines and people watch for cute boys?

Ambrose: Valerius has already taken Magne in under his wing, and speaks several languages himself. Could be interesting if Ambrose sought him out, as well? Valerius is into music this year as well, so could be several points of interest?

Valerius x Kiara: hehe

Zerrin x Chase: it would be v funny if Zerrin decided Chase needs more friends and would be interfering in that department when Chase is absolutely terrible at friendships :r

Sunday x Summer: oh this would be fun! I'm also loving those names together lol

Valerius x Ambrose: hmmm I'm not sure if Ambrose would do this because if anything he's glad to be able to do his own thing so someone watching over him might not be what he needs at the moment

Kiara x Demetrius: sooo Kiara is kind of starting to crush on someone else at the moment but we could definitely have them do more friend stuff. I reckon she knew he was dating Veronique and has now noticed she isn't at school so could ask about it? I think she'd be inclined to be like hey we're friends you can talk to me if you want but wouldn't really know what to do should he shoot that down and it might get a little awkard?

Kyousuke x Summer: yess I love them! I think he might even be someone she could genuinely consider a friend. She'd happily tell him more/tease him about the magical things he doesn't know about.
Kiara x Demetrius: All good! Yeah, that sounds like an interesting idea to explore. I think Demetrius would maybe snap a little bit and then feel guilty, so maybe two threads? One where Kiara tries to engage in conversation that leads to Demetrius being a bit rude when Veronique is maybe brought up, and then one later one where Demetrius apologises (and maybe they could talk about Kiara's crush or something, if that's what Kiara's comfortable with). Just some ideas.

Kyousuke x Summer: Sounds good! They could talk in the common room or something like that. Do you have a preference to start that one or shall I?
Valerius x Kiara: hehe

Zerrin x Chase: it would be v funny if Zerrin decided Chase needs more friends and would be interfering in that department when Chase is absolutely terrible at friendships :r

Sunday x Summer: oh this would be fun! I'm also loving those names together lol

Valerius x Ambrose: hmmm I'm not sure if Ambrose would do this because if anything he's glad to be able to do his own thing so someone watching over him might not be what he needs at the moment

Zerrin x Chase: I feel like as roomies he absolutely notices and decides Chase and Fraser should be besties. Awkward third wheel activate!

Sunday x Summer: That does sound like a great duo name, doesn't it? Lol

With all of the Kiara x Val binging going on, maybe just zerrin/chase and sunday/summer should be enough for now??
Those sound perfect! I don't think anyone had jumped into that thread with Senna yet so was going to offer the same.

Chase would've definitely put very little effort into their friendship last year because he was even more inclined than usual to avoid people due to the whole family situation, so yeah that feels like it would be a solid base for their fight. I could see if I can get something started for them unless you'd want to discuss the fight in more detail?

Would be happy to start any of the others as well.
I think if you got something started for Chase and Leah I think that would be great! I think at this point he'd have to be the one to reach out. And we can always talking it out if any questions about the fight come up.

As for the rest, I can start something for Ambrose and Naveen, and Senna and Ethan, if you want to take Summer and Oskar??

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