Recent content by Wisteria Lacewing

  1. Wisteria Lacewing

    Open Not Thinking About It

    Wish was a bit thrown to have someone speaking to her, which she felt silly about because this was a social event and that's what people did at these things. Years of lurking in the corners or skipping out entirely had given her an odd set of norms of what to expect. She recognised the girl from...
  2. Wisteria Lacewing

    Open Not Thinking About It

    Disappearing into her head for weeks on end wasn't healthy, but Wish was feeling the pressure of her final year at Hogwarts. It was an aching void of what-ifs and could-have-beens that culminated in a mostly one-sided feud with her brother. It was petty, yes, and entirely built upon her feelings...
  3. Wisteria Lacewing

    Closed A Portrait of Death

    Wish watched as some of the thestrals began taking notice of the food Ethan had brought for them. His question made her blink and her hand froze on the page. Wish hadn't exactly been surrounded by the creatures in daily life, and especially not before her frequent jaunts into the forest, but...
  4. Wisteria Lacewing

    Apparition 2

    Wish dragged herself to the apparition lesson. She felt a bit like a stubborn toddler by not wanting to participate, which made her feel worse about it. She was nearly of age and knew she needed to learn this for her future. Being childish wasn't going to help anything. Frustrated with herself...
  5. Wisteria Lacewing

    Apparition 1

    The ball of bubbling nerves inside Wish's stomach could have been mistaken for excitement, but Wish knew that actually she was feeling very nervous and half-wanted to lock herself in a toilet stall for the whole lesson so nobody could make her go. She was extremely relieved to find that it was...
  6. Wisteria Lacewing

    Closed A Portrait of Death

    Wish felt a spike of anxiety as she heard someone approaching, but relaxed when she realised who it was. "Oh, um, hi, Ethan," Wish looked up briefly to greet him before returning to her drawing. He was the only person she wasn't remotely surprised to run into in the forest, and she found his...
  7. Wisteria Lacewing

    Closed A Portrait of Death

    The forbidden forest had become Wish's second home during her years at Hogwarts. The castle, being her first, of course. She didn't like to think of her actual house as home anymore. She didn't like who she was there, and how long it took to shake the mask of silence and obedience to avoid being...
  8. Wisteria Lacewing

    🌹 Rose Giving I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet 'Cause I haven't moved in years

    Wish was reading a book on mermaids and had gone to the lakeside in the hopes that the matching environment would help her concentrate. It wasn't working exactly, as she wanted to go meet the mermaids first-hand. But that would get her in more trouble than going into the forest, likely. She...
  9. Wisteria Lacewing

    Open Can't Beat a Classic

    Wished blinked at Ethan, and then bobbed her head in a hesitant yes. She did not want to go into the spooky tent because then her friends would for sure think she was a coward, but having to make an awkward excuse to leave would be even worse. Her face burned red as Marnie complimented her...
  10. Wisteria Lacewing

    Open Can't Beat a Classic

    It always took a few months for Wish to shake off the mask she wore at home over the holidays, and then a few more to start feeling like herself again. Halloween was usually around that halfway point and Wish had always suspected the costumes helped. She was normally more into blending into her...
  11. Wisteria Lacewing

    Y46 Costume Contest

    Wisteria Lacewing as Rainbow Brite
  12. Wisteria Lacewing

    Putting on my lurker hat

    I just graduated high school and decided stick my whole life in a suitcase and move to Austria for an indeterminate length of time! Amongst all this chaos, I thought, "Hm, my schedule is definitely not packed enough right now, what about going back to RPing?". My kids have been forgettable...
  13. Wisteria Lacewing

    Open Curious Discoveries

    The annual first year investigation of the forest seemed to be almost a tradition, according to Wish's observations. There always seemed to be a few of them every year who ignored the 'forbidden' part of the forest and wandered right in. Wish couldn't judge them without being a complete...
  14. Wisteria Lacewing

    Closed Getting Creative

    Wish had a mission now and she wasn't going to fail it and look completely helpless in front of the older student. She knew what a pompom looked like. She knew how to navigate a cupboard. The entirely self-imposed timer of needing to find the pompoms before the other girl came back made her...
  15. Wisteria Lacewing

    Closed Getting Creative

    Wish wasn't really a people person. She was barely a person person, when she really considered it. And yet there was a person approaching her, which shouldn't be surprising because many other people lived in the castle and sometimes even interacted with each other - and yet she couldn't help a...