Recent content by Savannah Walters

  1. Savannah Walters

    Seventh Years: Lesson 3

    Savannah walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. SHe glanced towards the professor as the man got started. She was curious as to what they’d do for the tie back to the unforgivables, but it does make sense the more the professor speaks. She takes her quill...
  2. Savannah Walters

    Seventh Years: Lesson Three

    Savannah walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced towards the professor as the man got started and looked towards the plant that the professor was motioning to. Her eyebrow raised slightly, given that she knew how dangerous these plants were but that...
  3. Savannah Walters

    Duelling Tournament Y48

    Dueling Tournament Y48: Round 3 - Yrs 3-7 Match Number Year Participants Link Proctor Winner Dueling Match #39 Third Sunny Day x Ivy Cullen X Professor Killian Borisyuk Dueling Match #40 Fifth Teddy Pirrip x Dante Styx X Professor Misha Haden Dueling Match #41 Sixth Horror...
  4. Savannah Walters

    Seventh Years, Lesson Three

    Savannah walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She looked at the professor as the man got started. She took a few notes about what the professor was saying about the duplication spell. She wanted to make sure that she had the information down. Then the professor...
  5. Savannah Walters

    Seventh Years: Lesson Three

    Savannah walked into the astronomy classroom and took her spot in the room. She took out her books and notes and began writing down what the professor was saying about the GRBs. Making sure that she didn’t miss anything that th eprofessor was telling them about it. She was curious to see it, so...
  6. Savannah Walters

    Seventh Years: Lesson 2

    Savannah walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got started, while taking her quill and beginning to take notes. It was funny to her that history had only really gotten interesting in the last couple of years, and...
  7. Savannah Walters

    Seventh Years: Lesson Two

    Savannah walked into the herbology classroom and took her spot in the room. She looked up at the professor and then raised an eyebrow at the offer. She wasn’t sure she’d ever trust the herbology professor when instructed or offered to touch something. Right enough as someone did touch it, it was...
  8. Savannah Walters

    Y48 Dueling Match #32

    Current Points: 130 Savannah was very glad when her spell landed. She was easily able to block his and watched him just for a moment as he seemed to opt to not undo her hex. But when the moment past, she said, "Incarcerous," Action(s) Taken: Cast spell twice, spell successful Point Changes: -10...
  9. Savannah Walters

    Y48 Dueling Match #32

    Current Points: 140 Savannah blocked the spell that came towards her, and was glad he stayed silent. She then non-verbally cast the stinging hex back. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 130
  10. Savannah Walters

    Y48 Dueling Match #32

    Current Points: 150 Savannah had been disappointed that she wouldn't get to duel against Anisha, but she'd take Elio. She glanced at him and nodded, bowing as she was supposed to. She blocked his spell, and then non-verbally sent back a stupefy. Action(s) Taken: Cast spell twice Point Changes...
  11. Savannah Walters

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

    Savannah felt like she was the most surprised by the move. This was her last game. But sure, sure, they could just go with the other seeker. She rolled her eyes at the captains and just sat down on the bench. Cruelly she hoped they lost.
  12. Savannah Walters

    Duelling Tournament Y48

    Dueling Tournament Y48: Round 2 - Yrs 3-Profs Match Number Year Participants Link Proctor Winner Dueling Match #28 Third Sofi Ayre x Ivy Cullen X Professor Kahurangi Josephs Ivy Cullen Dueling Match #29 Fifth Ten Layton-King x Teddy Pirrip X Professor Killian Borisyuk Teddy Pirrip...
  13. Savannah Walters

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

    There was quite a bit riding on this, and Savannah knew she had to do her best, had to be the best. She stood on the pitch looking towards the young captains waiting for them to speak but mostly just eager to get into the air.
  14. Savannah Walters

    Closed A Date For Once

    Savannah looked at Zerrin as he approached and to the outfit he was wearing. She'd always known his family was Scottish, but she didn't think he would wear it. He looked good though. "Thank you," she accepted the compliment. "So do you, it suits you," she told him with a shrug, her voice very...
  15. Savannah Walters

    Closed A Date For Once

    Savannah could at long last say she had a date to the dance. She knew though that this was not a date date, but as friends. Truly she didn't really mind, being able to spend time at a dance without just standing around awkwardly with no one to dance with was not that fun the 7th time in a row...