Recent content by Professor Grace Holland

  1. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Tug of War

    Grace watched the drama unfold with raised eyebrows, unsure if she should step in or not. She watched as one of the boys switched sides, but it didn't seem to matter. The brotherhood pulled the rope over the marker and Grace blew her whistle. "Brotherhood wins! Take a break and we'll do a round...
  2. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Tug of War

    As the boys and girls gathered on each side of the rope, Grace got her whistle ready. "Set? Ready?" She called, looking at the club leaders. Then she whistled. "GO!" She watched as the boys started with a lead, which was perhaps unsurprising. They seemed to have more older students. Feel free...
  3. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Tug of War

    ID#123059 Grace didn't often get asked to assist in school events, so she was oddly honored when the Brotherhood and Heta Omega leaders approached her with an idea. She though it sounded fun. A tug of war event was a new one, and she wondered how the two clubs would fare against each other...
  4. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y47 | S1

    Grace headed to the professor's common room for the meeting after spending some time on the pitch, flying around. She missed playing Quidditch something fierce lately, though she knew her professional days were long behind her. It wasn't that she regretted the choice to switch over to teaching...
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  6. Professor Grace Holland

    Soaring Introductions

    Grace shook her head slightly. "Unfortunately, no books really prepare you for flying." She said with a small smile, this wasn't the first student who asked for book recommendations to help. "I'm sure you'll do just fine in class." She said, hoping she had reassured her.
  7. Professor Grace Holland

    Soaring Introductions

    Grace couldn’t really hide her surprise at the girl’s question. She knew a lot of the first years were really looking forward to flying (though she also knew plenty didn’t), but none had ever come to her before the lessons even started, asking for advice. The girl’s name sounded familiar, and...
  8. Professor Grace Holland

    Soaring Introductions

    Grace had struggled with the first few weeks of the semester ever since Adeline had been born. It wasn't easy for her to head back to work after spending full days with her girl over break. She couldn't believe she was three now, time was flying. Grace would still see her while working, but...
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  10. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y45 | S1

    Grace had now worked at Hogwarts for years and years, more than a decade. And she still didn't really have close friendships with any of her colleagues. She knew it was partly her own fault for not socializing a lot. It was a lot easier to stay on the pitch and away from the professor's common...
  11. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week Advice From a Book

    Grace felt a bit awkward and kind of wished she had kept this reading in her office. But who knew, maybe Gabrielle had some advice. Grace had no idea if she had kids. "It's actually surprisingly well timed." She told her with an awkward shrug. "Considering I don't teach a class in semester two."
  12. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week Advice From a Book

    Grace looked up when Gabrielle spoke to her, smiling slightly at the older woman. "Congratulations." She said, then glanced down at the book with a grimace. "I think. It is a bit overwhelming."
  13. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week Advice From a Book

    As far as timing went, Grace's pregnancy was oddly perfect. She had just discovered she was pregnant and knew the baby would be born by the time she would have to give flying classes again. But it was still terrifying. She had found some pregnancy books in the library and was leafing through one...
  14. Professor Grace Holland

    Open Hogwarts staff start of year party

    While Grace had been a professor for many years now, she still felt a little like an outsider when they were all together like this. It was mostly because of the subject she taught, as she always wondered if the other professors were looking down on her, teaching flying to first years wasn't...
  15. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week Like the Good Old Days

    Grace decided to take the apology at face value, even though she knew the girl hadn't really meant it. She didn't much feel like taking points. "Yes, there is. Usually, there are fourteen people trying to play a game on here." She said, gesturing to the huge pitch. "There's spare quaffles and a...