Recent content by Peregrine Piper

  1. Peregrine Piper

    Heta Omega

    Peregrine Piper Gryffindor First Year
  2. Peregrine Piper

    Hogwarts Monthly

    Peregrine Piper Gryffindor First Year Intern
  3. Peregrine Piper

    First Years

    Peregrine Piper Gryffindor
  4. Peregrine Piper

    Open Unfashionably Late

    Peregrine was a mess. She had struggled getting roses delivered, ending up looking like she was slack when it was more that she was only a first year trying to navigate the school around classes. She didn't have a nice dress to wear, because her mother had gently told her that buying any...
  5. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Plumage Of Petals

    Peregrine was a little relieved she didn't have to look too long for Eurydice. She didn't want to take up too much of anyone's time, what with how many roses there were to deliver and how her mother had always told her not to make a nuisance of herself. She just approached the girl who was now...
  6. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Nocturnal Hunting Ground

    Peregrine ducked her head a little. It was just her luck to have to deliver to prefects and look somewhat unreliable. Her mother would be so disappointed in her, as would her uncle. She could've given an excuse having been caught up with classwork and trying to work out who people were but...
  7. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Thrill Of The Chase

    Peregrine gave a half smile and quickly handed over the pink rose and the note that she had thankfully thought to have ready before she approached Fraser. That would've just been worse if she'd interrupted him and then wasted time picking out the rose and note. "Um, I hope its a nice one, and...
  8. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Head Of The Pack

    Peregrine blushed a little. "Thank you." Zerrin was really nice, and she was relieved that he was as there were no doubt plenty of students who wouldn't have time for a first year student. She nodded at the nickname comment. "Oh yeah, loads. Perry, Pez, Rin, Minnie, Birdie..." she rattled off...
  9. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving I hope you like yellow and roses

    Peregrine beamed, now she kind of better understood why people liked receiving roses. It felt nice to receive one of her own. She read over the note, and smiled fondly at it, before freezing for a moment. She suddenly remembered she'd sent Jasper a pink rose, and that was even more awkward now...
  10. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Plumage Of Petals

    yellow rose for @Eurydice Nightray Peregrine was honestly pretty proud of herself for managing to narrow down most of the people on her delivery list. She knew a couple well, and a few others were recognisable with prefect badges. One she had was a second year that she didn't really know...
  11. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Head Of The Pack

    Peregrine stepped back and put her hands to her face when she realised what she'd done, apparently her worst fears had come true and she had totally messed this up. She felt horribly ashamed. "Oh, Merlin, I'm so, so sorry," she said from between her hands, feeling like she had to fix this...
  12. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving I hope you like yellow and roses

    Peregrine almost regret signing up to deliver roses. It was fun, and she got to see lots of different people, so all in all it was a good thing. But she still had classes to go to, and she had to find out who half the people she was delivering to even were...and apparently could receive her own...
  13. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving after astronomy class

    Peregrine was pretty tired, it had been a long day and the roses had been pretty exhausting to deliver around classes, especially trying to find everyone. It had been fun, but also embarrassing and she was glad it was over. Well, almost over. One of the boys in her class apparently had also left...
  14. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Head Of The Pack

    Peregrine was a little nervous, somehow this was more intimidating than a hippogriff, even if Zerrin seemed perfectly nice. She had just somehow gotten the idea that she'd do something wrong in her head and it wouldn't leave, even if she had perfectly good rationale as to why that was silly...
  15. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Thrill Of The Chase

    pink rose for @Fraser Fergusson Peregrine had left a couple of her roses pretty late. She at least did know who Fraser was, as he was a Gryffindor prefect and one of the Quidditch captains. She had seen him around a bit even if she hadn't ever actually spoken to him before. She just had not...