Recent content by Miles Flynn

  1. Miles Flynn

    Open Totally Innocent. Completely Harmless. (Probably.)

    Miles had decided he was going to make the most of the nice enough weather and try and spend some time outside. Though, he couldn't fully be bothered to trek all around the grounds or anything. Instead, he'd just decided to hang around in the courtyard, finding a nice corner to sit in so he...
  2. Miles Flynn

    First Years, Lesson Three

    Miles had no problems with digging around in the dirt, but that didn't mean he actually enjoyed Herbology. Plants and all that kind of stuff was of little interest to him, so while he was tolerating the lesson, he didn't think it was going to become his favorite or anything anytime soon. Still...
  3. Miles Flynn

    Astronomy 1:3

    He supposed that stargazing in the last lesson had been somewhat interesting, but it still wasn't enough to change his opinion on Astronomy. Looking at stars just wasn't something he was all too interested in. His interests laid more in learning some cool spells and duelling. That kind of thing...
  4. Miles Flynn

    First Years, Lesson Three

    Miles wasn't looking forward to the next lesson, already huffing as he slumped into his usual seat in the classroom. And he failed to hold back the groan as the Professor told them to take out their notes and started going straight into a long lecture. The news of a field trip was interesting...
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  6. Miles Flynn

    First Years, Lesson Two

    The first lesson was pretty boring, all things considered, and Miles wasn't really holding out for much. As he settled down in his seat, his mood instantly soured as they were told to take out their writing supplies. So, a boring lesson it was going to be, he supposed. Huffing as he settled back...
  7. Miles Flynn

    Astronomy 1:2

    Miles wasn't really looking forward to Astronomy, though did lighten up once he heard they would actually be going outside to look at the stars themselves. While he supposed it wouldn't be all that interesting, it was still better than just having to sit there and listen to some boring lecture...
  8. Miles Flynn

    First Years, Lesson Two

    Miles was really hoping they would move onto something a little more interesting for the next Transfiguration lesson. Maybe they could learn some new spells or something. But, unfortunately, it just seemed as though they would be having another lecture. The Gryffindor sighed as he slouched back...
  9. Miles Flynn

    First Years, Lesson Two

    His first herbology lesson was pretty boring to sit through, so he didn't think that the second one was going to be much better. Already he was hesitant when he saw the pallets of dirt, even more so when the Professor told them to stand next to one. He already had a sense of where this...
  10. Miles Flynn

    First Years, Lesson One

    Miles really couldn't say that he was all too excited about Herbology. Plants and the like really wasn't much of an interest to him, and he really couldn't see how anything he was going to learn was going to be interesting. Maybe if they covered some dangerous plants, now that could be cool, but...
  11. Miles Flynn

    First Years, Lesson One

    Miles had a nice break away from school, but now he was back and ready to hopefully learn something fascinating. Unfortunately, he had History of Magic on his schedule that semester, and he couldn't say it was a subject he was the least bit interested in. Still, he made sure to arrive on time...
  12. Miles Flynn

    🌹 Rose Giving Tracking down a wolf

    Miles was half-way through his deliveries and was currently on the hunt for one of his recipients when, instead, someone found him. "That's me," he peered at the girl curiously for a moment before he glanced down at the roses she was delivering. It was already surprising enough that he gotten...
  13. Miles Flynn

    🌹 Rose Giving It will get better (Yellow)

    While he had been handing out roses himself to other students, he hadn't actually expected to be sent any himself. After all, he hadn't sent any to anyone, feeling more than a little awkward about it. So, he turned a shade of red as Christa came over and was suddenly handing him a yellow rose...
  14. Miles Flynn

    🌹 Rose Giving Dusty Pink

    Thankfully, he wasn't left running around forever trying to find the right person. Instead, he found the older Ravenclaw prefect quite easily as she waved him over. "Delivery for you!" He announced once he was closer, picking up one of the few remaining roses left in his delivery basket. A nice...
  15. Miles Flynn

    🌹 Rose Giving Matching Colors

    Thankfully, he seemed to have found the right boy. "Yes, I have a rose for you," he announced as he reached into the thinning bunch of roses in the basket he was carrying around. It only took him a moment to produce the correct one, offering the other boy a nice yellow rose, and the note...