Recent content by Ignacio Morales

  1. Ignacio Morales

    Closed A Cup of Tea

    At Mallory's invitation, Ignacio sat next to her on the sofa, nodding at her answer to his question. He sipped from his cup of coffee before answering her question in return. He was fairing well, but was admittedly a bit more overwhelmed that year than he had been in previous years knowing his...
  2. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Catching up

    Ignacio, at a loss of how else to support Killian simply began to sip from his cup of coffee while listening, nodding gently at Killian's mention his siblings could babysit which had always been something Ignacio was appreciative of with his own family. He had always felt that he wouldn't be...
  3. Ignacio Morales

    tools of the trade

    The month of October meant spring was well underway, frosty mornings warming up to create shiny, dew laden plants that had begun to bloom with the welcomed sun. It meant more work for Ignacio in the school gardens than in winter, needing to preen and guide each flowering shrub early to prevent...
  4. Ignacio Morales

    Closed A Cup of Tea

    It had never been more obvious to Ignacio than it had been that year, that he wasn't as social with his colleagues as he should have been. If not only because having more friends than just Killian would make his day to day life a little brighter, and give him more people so speak to surrounding...
  5. Ignacio Morales

    Professors & Staff

    Ignacio Morales Groundskeeper
  6. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Catching up

    Ignacio's usual reaction when someone mentioned their siblings was one of gratefulness by proxy, happiness knowing his friend had family nearby, from an ignorance at first in assuming everyone was as close with their families as he was with his own. However from understanding the few and far...
  7. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Catching up

    There were only two sets of circumstances that lead Ignacio to head towards the professor's common room. The first was for each staff meeting, where he tended to keep to himself, trying to remain polite but undeniably caring more for his day to day work. It wasn't that he disliked socializing...
  8. Ignacio Morales

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y47 | S1

    Ignacio had been a groundskeeper for many years, but this still didn't keep him from feeling a bit out of place in the Hogwarts Staff meetings. He knew he should have been used to them by now and in many ways he did consider them a normal part of his job - and he of course also understood the...
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  10. Ignacio Morales

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Ignacio hadn't intended to be late for the staff meeting, but in tending to the gardens and disposing of any weeds that had sprouted from the dirt throughout spring he had somehow allowed time to get away from him. When he realized he was supposed to head to the castle he was already behind...
  11. Ignacio Morales

    Open It Moves Too Fast

    Ignacio didn't know Kahurangi well, at least not enough for him to consider her as more of a friend than a colleague, especially given his interactions with her were limited to seeing her occasionally around the castle and in staff meetings, but he nevertheless had accepted the invitation to her...
  12. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    Ignacio quickly retrieved his water bottle and sipped from it, breathing heavily and soon moving to wipe some of the sweat from his own forehead as he tried to regain himself from his jogging. He was glad for another chance to stop and catch his breath and tried his best to begin stretching in...
  13. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    Ignacio kept his eyes on the path in front of him, evening his breathing as best he could while jogging and occasionally nodding his head to show Killian he was listening. The more Killian shared about his upbringing and relationships with his siblings, the more Ignacio was realizing their lives...
  14. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    As much as Ignacio understood the subject of upbringing and childhood could be a difficult subject to both recall and discuss with others, he hadn't expected for Killian to stop in his tracks. Stepping forward before realizing and turning around, Ignacio mirrored the part giant's action and...
  15. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    The renewed pace of Ignacio's run had him predictably out of breath and sweating but much less so than before, in a way that he hoped he could power through as the focused on placing one foot in front of the other so he could hopefully keep up with Killian's power walking. Thankful for their...