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  1. Ignacio Morales

    Professors and Staff

    Ignacio Morales Groundskeeper
  2. ignacio.png


  3. Ignacio Morales

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Ignacio hadn't intended to be late for the staff meeting, but in tending to the gardens and disposing of any weeds that had sprouted from the dirt throughout spring he had somehow allowed time to get away from him. When he realized he was supposed to head to the castle he was already behind...
  4. Ignacio Morales

    Open It Moves Too Fast

    Ignacio didn't know Kahurangi well, at least not enough for him to consider her as more of a friend than a colleague, especially given his interactions with her were limited to seeing her occasionally around the castle and in staff meetings, but he nevertheless had accepted the invitation to her...
  5. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    Ignacio quickly retrieved his water bottle and sipped from it, breathing heavily and soon moving to wipe some of the sweat from his own forehead as he tried to regain himself from his jogging. He was glad for another chance to stop and catch his breath and tried his best to begin stretching in...
  6. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    Ignacio kept his eyes on the path in front of him, evening his breathing as best he could while jogging and occasionally nodding his head to show Killian he was listening. The more Killian shared about his upbringing and relationships with his siblings, the more Ignacio was realizing their lives...
  7. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    As much as Ignacio understood the subject of upbringing and childhood could be a difficult subject to both recall and discuss with others, he hadn't expected for Killian to stop in his tracks. Stepping forward before realizing and turning around, Ignacio mirrored the part giant's action and...
  8. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    The renewed pace of Ignacio's run had him predictably out of breath and sweating but much less so than before, in a way that he hoped he could power through as the focused on placing one foot in front of the other so he could hopefully keep up with Killian's power walking. Thankful for their...
  9. Ignacio Morales

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y45 | S1

    Ignacio was no stranger to staff meetings nor keeping to himself during said meetings, but in tune with his decision to go out of the comfort zone he had willingly created for himself over the last few years, he had decided to try and be more social with his colleagues, and be more present in...
  10. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    As Killian began to power walk, Ignacio continued his pace as a jog in an attempt to keep up with him. It was similarly a new level of difficulty to keep up for Ignacio although he had to admit this altered pace to keep up with Killian's power walking was much more bearable, one where Ignacio...
  11. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    Killian's suggestion of a compromise in the form of him power walking while Ignacio jogged was admittedly smart and a solution to their problem of Ignacio faltering behind, however was also a solution he found to be a bit demeaning, never mind whether it was intentional or not. To have someone's...
  12. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    As exhausted and overwhelmed as Ignacio was with their run, he was similarly motivated to keep going. The point of it all in the end was to find a new challenge and Ignacio had certainly found it and met far more than his match with Killian. Even if it was difficult and he needed to stop...
  13. Ignacio Morales

    How many plots do I want? ...Yes.

    Heyyy here's the link for the rp with Killian and Ignacio!
  14. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Going for a Run

    Ignacio's work outs had always been his 'me time', once an escape from the stresses with his fathers disappearance and taking care of his siblings all those years ago, and a quiet reprieve from all that had weighed him down, which had since had developed into a necessity in his life and routine...
  15. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Dusk Workout

    Mulberry clouds shadowed by the sun setting barely below the horizon pieced together a landscape that wasn't quite darkness as Ignacio completed his last cycle of the castle grounds. He squinted in the low light, indecisive over whether he should cast Lumos to aid him in his routine or whether...
  16. Ignacio Morales

    Ignacio Edelmiro Morales

    IGNACIO EDELMIRO MORALES BASIC INFO; I dig my toes into the sand, the ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket, I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless IGNACIO Spanish form of Ignatius. From the Roman family name Egnatius, meaning unknown, of Etruscan...
  17. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Starlight And Star-Crossed

    It had taken a while for Ignacio and Ruby to finally get married. Despite their short courtship, followed by adopting a cat together and a relatively and quick engagement, the engagement itself was long, their wedding plans delayed by Ruby’s unexpected but welcomed pregnancy, and the also...
  18. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Steal My Sunshine

    The height of the summer warmth began to settle as January ticked into February, and even further as valentine’s day passed and February began to fade into March, but it was still warm enough for a family barbecue as far as Ignacio was concerned. A sunny day in late February was as good a day as...
  19. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Two Slow Dancers

    “This is perfect.” Ignacio agreed, moving his hand over to where Ruby’s was on his cheek. He placed a kiss on the center of her wrist, hoping this was enough to show how he felt with his words no longer being enough. When they decided to adopt a cat, Ignacio never thought it would lead to an...
  20. Ignacio Morales

    Closed Two Slow Dancers

    Worry began to form in the pit of Ignacio’s stomach when Ruby’s eyes widened at his question, though it dissolved as quickly as it appeared when she laughed and said felt good about marrying him. In the same way they always seemed to be on the same page, the same wavelength and level in their...