Recent content by Henri Keto

  1. H

    I just had to see you

    It had been some time since Henri had been back in Obsidian harbour. He was on a mission at this particular time though, he had somewhere he needed to be and he wanted to make sure he got there as soon as possible. It had taken him some time, but things had sort of fallen into alignment for him...
  2. H

    The Original High

    How long had it been since Henri had a break from work, from life, from anything that worked to make him stressed. The life of a model was not exactly ideal and sometimes Henri found himself wondering if he should just give it all up and move back home. Of course his mother would be a little...
  3. H


    Henri had loved being at the beach, even back in Finland. Though the beaches from his home tended to basically just be stones and water, he couldn't deny the feeling of the water on his skin. Being at Miami beach however was something else entirely. He had to wonder if it hadn't been made by...
  4. H


    Henri shrugged at Jeremy and shook his head. Why eh would be so conscious of things like that was a mystery, though he supposed it did make some sense. Well, maybe not to Henri, who happened to always smell good, but perhaps generally people didn't like it. Henri nodded as he listened to Jeremy...
  5. H


    Henri had never really worried about talking to Jeremy. Usually he just said whatever was on his mind, it was okay to do so when the pair were together. Now, he was going to have to watch what he said. They were still friends though, right? Henri liked to think they were. He had up and just...
  6. H

    What are you listening to?

    California (There Is No End To Love) - U2
  7. H


    The slow movement of the waves reminded Henri of the life he was missing here. Travelling was not something you could do slowly. For seventeen years of his life, Henri had lived in the slow paced, snow covered fields of Kemi, Finland. It was a big deal when Kellin had asked him to run away. He...
  8. H

    a song for the user above

    "Daylight" - Matt and Kim It's such a feel good song!
  9. H


    It had been a few months since Henri had been back in New Zealand . After he had broken it off with Jeremy, though he wasn't exactly sure they had been dating in the first place, he went to travel around with his agency for a while. He hadn't worked exclusively for one agency since he was...
  10. H

    One Fine Day

    Henri watched Jeremy as he pulled his shirt back on and winked. "I'd say something really cute right now, but I'm too hungry." He shook his head. Hungry for what would have been a good question at this point, but he was determined to eat nutritious food, not... either way, he was going to make...
  11. H

    One Fine Day

    Henri liked watching Jeremy move. It wasn't a fluid movement like he was used to see from models, or the dainty moves he was used to seeing from his mother, but it was something that always made him feel like he was seeing a part of Jeremy that others didn't understand. Whether it was conscious...
  12. H

    One Fine Day

    Making Jeremy blush was something of an enjoyed activity of Henri's. For whatever reason, a blush from Jeremy tended to cheer Henri right up even if he was in a pretty foul mood, though that rarely ever happened and when it did he was usually too far away from Jeremy for there to be any help for...
  13. H

    Rate the Sig

    The font is a little hard to read and the eye colouring is a little weird, but other then that its great! 7/10
  14. H

    One Fine Day

    Life is a strange concept. One that Henri had never really thought about before. Living day by day was so usual for him, that thinking ahead, or even thinking back was something he did so rarely, it almost never happened. He tried to live his life with no regrets and so taking risks was...
  15. H

    Hot or Not

    Couch-Hopping/outoften I used to do that, though i called it "travelling". I've settled now, you should try it!