Recent content by Felix Layton-King

  1. Felix Layton-King

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Felix was watching the chaos unfold with a grin on his face when someone decided to use him as a seat, “Hello there,” he glanced down to Eurydice, deciding there and then that they were clearly even on whatever weirdness had been lingering between them before. The Hufflepuff darted away just as...
  2. Felix Layton-King

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Felix was so on edge as he walked carefully around the chairs that by the time the music stopped he practically threw himself into the closest one. For a moment he was convinced the chair was going to fall over backwards, but he steadied himself before it was too late.
  3. Felix Layton-King

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Felix waved to his cousins little friend when she deemed the first person out of the game, and before they knew it the music started again. Felix hopped up and started making his way around the chairs, making a mental note of which one he was going to leap for so he was prepared at all times.
  4. Felix Layton-King

    Dueling Match #36

    Ooc: Oops missed the cut off 🥲 Felix watched as Ruth blocked his spell, thinking about little Ten had told him when Ruth spoke about her brother. Ten and Ned hadn’t told him a thing, and it was true he’d had to work things out for himself but that didn’t mean it was easy for everyone. “Yeah..”...
  5. Felix Layton-King

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    The moment the music stopped Felix sat in the nearest chair, grinning at those around him.
  6. Felix Layton-King

    Dueling Match #36

    Current Points: 130 Felix hadn't really considered that blood type might have come into it too, and there were probably even more students that needed help than he realized. "I'm not," he said truthfully, blocking her trip jinx in time. He wasn't sure if he knew Ruth well enough to tell her the...
  7. Felix Layton-King

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Felix was doing his darndest to avoid Professor Cade. Last time he'd spoken to him he'd given him a speaking to after finding out he was involved with his daughter. He ducked out the way of his Head of House and headed straight over toward Jonah's dad, someone he was becoming more acquainted...
  8. Felix Layton-King

    Second Years Lesson Two

    Felix was enjoying his Charms classes quite a lot, and maybe that was to do with the fact that he felt like it was something he was actually good at for a change, but either way he was happy for another one. He sat in his usual seat and listened as the professor asked them some questions. "An S...
  9. Felix Layton-King

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Felix Layton-King

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Felix was feeling pretty confident as he began to saunter his way around the chairs as the music started. He wondered who’d be the first to be eliminated, and who’d be the first to sit on someone else’s lap.
  11. Felix Layton-King

    Dueling Match #36

    Current Points: 140 Ruth didn't seem to be particularly receptive to his humor, so he dropped it. The Gryffindor blocked her spell, now it was easier to talk now that he wasn't laughing uncontrollable. "Is it?" he asked in return, sending another stunning spell her way. "It doesn't feel like a...
  12. Felix Layton-King

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Felix was very excited to be playing a game with the boys, and not because he knew the girls were about to be crushed. Regardless of whether or not any of them were his friends, Felix's competitive streak was going to get the better of him and he wasn't about to be a gentleman and offer his...
  13. Felix Layton-King

    Dueling Match #36

    Current Points: 130 "Yeah, you won the last one," Felix agreed, "but there's plenty more available to lose between now and I don't know, sixth year? Whenever you get the cool spells," he tried to explain himself. Felix was also just here for a laugh, although of all the clubs, he wasn't sure the...
  14. Felix Layton-King

    Dueling Match #36

    Current Points: 140 Felix was starting to get the impression Ruth was taking the p*ss out of him. There was no way his spell was strong, given it was just a basic stun. Was she trying to massage his ego so he'd slip up? He blocked her spell once more, pacing left and right on the platform while...
  15. Felix Layton-King

    Closed Strongest couple in all the school

    As the strongest couple in the school moved to the music, Felix was looking down at Esme who seemed glad to be with him here, as he was her. "Me?" Felix smiled with a small scoff; he wasn't so sure about that but at least she thought so. He wasn't exactly one for being romantic and the only...